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Sky surveys produce enormous quantities of data on extensive regions of the sky. The easiest way to access this information is through catalogues of standardised data products. {em XMM-Newton} has been surveying the sky in the X-ray, ultra-violet, an d optical bands for 20 years. The {em XMM-Newton} Survey Science Centre has been producing standardised data products and catalogues to facilitate access to the serendipitous X-ray sky. Using improved calibration and enhanced software, we re-reduced all of the 14041 {em XMM-Newton} X-ray observations, of which 11204 observations contained data with at least one detection and with these we created a new, high quality version of the {em XMM-Newton} serendipitous source catalogue, 4XMM-DR9. 4XMM-DR9 contains 810795 detections down to a detection significance of 3 $sigma$, of which 550124 are unique sources, which cover 1152 degrees$^{2}$ (2.85%) of the sky. Filtering 4XMM-DR9 to retain only the cleanest sources with at least a 5 $sigma$ detection significance leaves 433612 detections. Of these detections, 99.6% have no pileup. Furthermore, 336 columns of information on each detection are provided, along with images. The quality of the source detection is shown to have improved significantly with respect to previo
103 - N. A. Webb , D. Leahy , S. Guillot 2019
Pulsating thermal X-ray emission from millisecond pulsars can be used to obtain constraints on the neutron star equation of state, but to date only five such sources have been identified. Of these five millisecond pulsars, only two have well constrai ned neutron star masses, which improve the determination of the radius via modelling of the X-ray waveform. We aim to find other millisecond pulsars that already have well constrained mass and distance measurements that show pulsed thermal X-ray emission in order to obtain tight constraints on the neutron star equation of state. The millisecond pulsar PSR~J1909--3744 has an accurately determined mass, M = 1.54$pm$0.03 M$_odot$ (1 $sigma$ error) and distance, D = 1.07$pm$0.04 kpc. We analysed {em XMM-Newton} data of this 2.95 ms pulsar to identify the nature of the X-ray emission. We show that the X-ray emission from PSR~J1909--3744 appears to be dominated by thermal emission from the polar cap. Only a single component model is required to fit the data. The black-body temperature of this emission is kT=0.26ud{0.03}{0.02} keV and we find a 0.2--10 keV un-absorbed flux of 1.1 $times$ 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ or an un-absorbed luminosity of 1.5 $times$ 10$^{30}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Thanks to the previously determined mass and distance constraints of the neutron star PSR~J1909--3744, and its predominantly thermal emission, deep observations of this object with future X-ray facilities should provide useful constraints on the neutron star equation of state.
Aims. ESO 243-49 HLX-1, otherwise known as HLX-1, is an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) candidate located 8 (3.7 Kpc) from the centre of the edge-on S0 galaxy ESO 243-49. How the black hole came to be associated with this galaxy, and the nature o f the environment in which it resides, are still unclear. Using multi-wavelength observations we investigate the nature of the medium surrounding HLX-1, search for evidence of past mergers with ESO 243-49 and constrain parameters of the galaxy. Methods. We reduce and analyse integral field unit observations of ESO 243-49 that were taken with the MUSE instrument on the VLT. Using complementary multi-wavelength data, including X-Shooter, HST, Swift, Chandra and ATCA data, we further examine the vicinity of HLX-1. We additionally examine the nature of the host galaxy and estimate the mass of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) in ESO 243-49. Results. No evidence for a recent minor-merger that could result in the presence of the IMBH is discerned, but the data are compatible with a scenario in which minor mergers may have occurred in the history of ESO 243-49. The MUSE data reveal a rapidly rotating disc in the centre of the galaxy, around the SMBH. The mass of the SMBH at the centre of ESO 243-49 is estimated to be 0.5-23 $times$ 10$^7$ M$_odot$. Studying the spectra of HLX-1, that were taken in the low/hard state, we determine H$_alpha$ flux variability to be at least a factor 6, compared to observations taken during the high/soft state. This H$_alpha$ flux variability over one year indicates that the line originates close to the IMBH, excluding the possibility that the line emanates from a surrounding nebula or a star cluster. The large variability associated with the X-ray states of HLX-1 confirms that the H$_alpha$ line is associated with the object and therefore validates the distance to HLX-1.
Thanks to the large collecting area (3 x ~1500 cm$^2$ at 1.5 keV) and wide field of view (30 across in full field mode) of the X-ray cameras on board the European Space Agency X-ray observatory XMM-Newton, each individual pointing can result in the d etection of hundreds of X-ray sources, most of which are newly discovered. Recently, many improvements in the XMM-Newton data reduction algorithms have been made. These include enhanced source characterisation and reduced spurious source detections, refined astrometric precision, greater net sensitivity and the extraction of spectra and time series for fainter sources, with better signal-to-noise. Further, almost 50% more observations are in the public domain compared to 2XMMi-DR3, allowing the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (XMM-SSC) to produce a much larger and better quality X-ray source catalogue. The XMM-SSC has developed a pipeline to reduce the XMM-Newton data automatically and using improved calibration a new catalogue version has been produced from XMM-Newton data made public by 2013 Dec. 31 (13 years of data). Manual screening ensures the highest data quality. This catalogue is known as 3XMM. In the latest release, 3XMM-DR5, there are 565962 X-ray detections comprising 396910 unique X-ray sources. For the 133000 brightest sources, spectra and lightcurves are provided. For all detections, the positions on the sky, a measure of the quality of the detection, and an evaluation of the X-ray variability is provided, along with the fluxes and count rates in 7 X-ray energy bands, the total 0.2-12 keV band counts, and four hardness ratios. To identify the detections, a cross correlation with 228 catalogues is also provided for each X-ray detection. 3XMM-DR5 is the largest X-ray source catalogue ever produced. Thanks to the large array of data products, it is an excellent resource in which to find new and extreme objects.
82 - D. Cseh , N. A. Webb , O. Godet 2014
We present follow-up radio observations of ESO 243-49 HLX-1 from 2012 using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). We report the detection of radio emission at the location of HLX-1 during its hard X-ray state using the ATCA. Assuming that the `Fundamental Plane of accreting black holes is applicable, we provide an independent estimate of the black hole mass of $M_{rm{BH}}leq2.8^{+7.5}_{-2.1} times 10^{6}$ M$_{odot}$ at 90% confidence. However, we argue that the detected radio emission is likely to be Doppler-boosted and our mass estimate is an upper limit. We discuss other possible origins of the radio emission such as being due to a radio nebula, star formation, or later interaction of the flares with the large-scale environment. None of these were found adequate. The VLA observations were carried out during the X-ray outburst. However, no new radio flare was detected, possibly due to a sparse time sampling. The deepest, combined VLA data suggests a variable radio source and we briefly discuss the properties of the previously detected flares and compare them with microquasars and active galactic nuclei.
We present dedicated quasi-simultaneous X-ray (Swift) and optical (Very Large Telescope (VLT), V- and R-band) observations of the intermediate mass black hole candidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1 before and during the 2012 outburst. We show that the V-band mag nitudes vary with time, thus proving that a portion of the observed emission originates in the accretion disk. Using the first quiescent optical observations of HLX-1, we show that the stellar population surrounding HLX-1 is fainter than V~25.1 and R~24.2. We show that the optical emission may increase before the X-ray emission consistent with the scenario proposed by Lasota et al. (2011) in which the regular outbursts could be related to the passage at periastron of a star circling the intermediate mass black hole in an eccentric orbit, which triggers mass transfer into a quasi-permanent accretion disk around the black hole. Further, if there is indeed a delay in the X-ray emission we estimate the mass-transfer delivery radius to be ~1e11 cm.
Using new Chandra X-ray observations and existing XMM-Newton X-ray and Hubble far ultraviolet observations, we aim to detect and identify the faint X-ray sources belonging to the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808 in order to understand their role in the evolution of globular clusters. We present a Chandra X-ray observation of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808. We classify the X-ray sources associated with the cluster by analysing their colours and variability. Previous observations with XMM-Newton and far ultraviolet observations with the Hubble Space Telescope are re-investigated to help identify the Chandra sources associated with the cluster. We compare our results to population synthesis models and observations of other Galactic globular clusters. We detect 113 sources, of which 16 fall inside the half-mass radius of NGC 2808 and are concentrated towards the cluster core. From statistical analysis, these 16 sources are very likely to be linked to the cluster. We detect short-term (1 day) variability in X-rays for 7 sources, of which 2 fall inside the half-mass radius, and long-term (28 months) variability for 10 further sources, of which 2 fall inside the half-mass radius. Ultraviolet counterparts are found for 8 Chandra sources in the core, of which 2 have good matching probabilities and have ultraviolet properties expected for cataclysmic variables. We find one likely neutron star-quiescent low-mass X-ray binary and 7 cataclysmic variable candidates in the core of NGC 2808. The other 8 sources are cataclysmic variable candidates, but some could possibly be active binaries or millisecond pulsars. We find a possible deficit of X-ray sources compared to 47 Tuc which could be related to the metallicity content and the complexity of the evolution of NGC 2808.

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