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A plethora of scholarly knowledge is being published on distributed scholarly infrastructures. Querying a single infrastructure is no longer sufficient for researchers to satisfy information needs. We present a GraphQL-based federated query service f or executing distributed queries on numerous, heterogeneous scholarly infrastructures (currently, ORKG, DataCite and GeoNames), thus enabling the integrated retrieval of scholarly content from these infrastructures. Furthermore, we present the methods that enable cross-walks between artefact metadata and artefact content across scholarly infrastructures, specifically DOI-based persistent identification of ORKG artefacts (e.g., ORKG comparisons) and linking ORKG content to third-party semantic resources (e.g., taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies). This type of linking increases interoperability, facilitates the reuse of scholarly knowledge, and enables finding machine actionable scholarly knowledge published by ORKG in global scholarly infrastructures. In summary, we suggest applying the established linked data principles to scholarly knowledge to improve its findability, interoperability, and ultimately reusability, i.e., improve scholarly knowledge FAIR-ness.
Human learning benefits from multi-modal inputs that often appear as rich semantics (e.g., description of an objects attributes while learning about it). This enables us to learn generalizable concepts from very limited visual examples. However, curr ent few-shot learning (FSL) methods use numerical class labels to denote object classes which do not provide rich semantic meanings about the learned concepts. In this work, we show that by using class-level language descriptions, that can be acquired with minimal annotation cost, we can improve the FSL performance. Given a support set and queries, our main idea is to create a bottleneck visual feature (hybrid prototype) which is then used to generate language descriptions of the classes as an auxiliary task during training. We develop a Transformer based forward and backward encoding mechanism to relate visual and semantic tokens that can encode intricate relationships between the two modalities. Forcing the prototypes to retain semantic information about class description acts as a regularizer on the visual features, improving their generalization to novel classes at inference. Furthermore, this strategy imposes a human prior on the learned representations, ensuring that the model is faithfully relating visual and semantic concepts, thereby improving model interpretability. Our experiments on four datasets and ablation studies show the benefit of effectively modeling rich semantics for FSL.
Images captured under low-light conditions manifest poor visibility, lack contrast and color vividness. Compared to conventional approaches, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) perform well in enhancing images. However, being solely reliant on confined fixed primitives to model dependencies, existing data-driven deep models do not exploit the contexts at various spatial scales to address low-light image enhancement. These contexts can be crucial towards inferring several image enhancement tasks, e.g., local and global contrast, brightness and color corrections; which requires cues from both local and global spatial extent. To this end, we introduce a context-aware deep network for low-light image enhancement. First, it features a global context module that models spatial correlations to find complementary cues over full spatial domain. Second, it introduces a dense residual block that captures local context with a relatively large receptive field. We evaluate the proposed approach using three challenging datasets: MIT-Adobe FiveK, LoL, and SID. On all these datasets, our method performs favorably against the state-of-the-arts in terms of standard image fidelity metrics. In particular, compared to the best performing method on the MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset, our algorithm improves PSNR from 23.04 dB to 24.45 dB.
This paper proposes an explicit way to optimize the super-resolution network for generating visually pleasing images. The previous approaches use several loss functions which is hard to interpret and has the implicit relationships to improve the perc eptual score. We show how to exploit the machine learning based model which is directly trained to provide the perceptual score on generated images. It is believed that these models can be used to optimizes the super-resolution network which is easier to interpret. We further analyze the characteristic of the existing loss and our proposed explicit perceptual loss for better interpretation. The experimental results show the explicit approach has a higher perceptual score than other approaches. Finally, we demonstrate the relation of explicit perceptual loss and visually pleasing images using subjective evaluation.
We consider the problem of space-time super-resolution (ST-SR): increasing spatial resolution of video frames and simultaneously interpolating frames to increase the frame rate. Modern approaches handle these axes one at a time. In contrast, our prop osed model called STARnet super-resolves jointly in space and time. This allows us to leverage mutually informative relationships between time and space: higher resolution can provide more detailed information about motion, and higher frame-rate can provide better pixel alignment. The components of our model that generate latent low- and high-resolution representations during ST-SR can be used to finetune a specialized mechanism for just spatial or just temporal super-resolution. Experimental results demonstrate that STARnet improves the performances of space-time, spatial, and temporal video super-resolution by substantial margins on publicly available datasets.
Human-object interaction detection is an important and relatively new class of visual relationship detection tasks, essential for deeper scene understanding. Most existing approaches decompose the problem into object localization and interaction reco gnition. Despite showing progress, these approaches only rely on the appearances of humans and objects and overlook the available context information, crucial for capturing subtle interactions between them. We propose a contextual attention framework for human-object interaction detection. Our approach leverages context by learning contextually-aware appearance features for human and object instances. The proposed attention module then adaptively selects relevant instance-centric context information to highlight image regions likely to contain human-object interactions. Experiments are performed on three benchmarks: V-COCO, HICO-DET and HCVRD. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on all datasets. On the V-COCO dataset, our method achieves a relative gain of 4.4% in terms of role mean average precision ($mAP_{role}$), compared to the existing best approach.
Pedestrian detection relying on deep convolution neural networks has made significant progress. Though promising results have been achieved on standard pedestrians, the performance on heavily occluded pedestrians remains far from satisfactory. The ma in culprits are intra-class occlusions involving other pedestrians and inter-class occlusions caused by other objects, such as cars and bicycles. These result in a multitude of occlusion patterns. We propose an approach for occluded pedestrian detection with the following contributions. First, we introduce a novel mask-guided attention network that fits naturally into popular pedestrian detection pipelines. Our attention network emphasizes on visible pedestrian regions while suppressing the occluded ones by modulating full body features. Second, we empirically demonstrate that coarse-level segmentation annotations provide reasonable approximation to their dense pixel-wise counterparts. Experiments are performed on CityPersons and Caltech datasets. Our approach sets a new state-of-the-art on both datasets. Our approach obtains an absolute gain of 9.5% in log-average miss rate, compared to the best reported results on the heavily occluded (HO) pedestrian set of CityPersons test set. Further, on the HO pedestrian set of Caltech dataset, our method achieves an absolute gain of 5.0% in log-average miss rate, compared to the best reported results. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/Leotju/MGAN.
Being heavily reliant on animals, it is our ethical obligation to improve their well-being by understanding their needs. Several studies show that animal needs are often expressed through their faces. Though remarkable progress has been made towards the automatic understanding of human faces, this has regrettably not been the case with animal faces. There exists significant room and appropriate need to develop automatic systems capable of interpreting animal faces. Among many transformative impacts, such a technology will foster better and cheaper animal healthcare, and further advance animal psychology understanding. We believe the underlying research progress is mainly obstructed by the lack of an adequately annotated dataset of animal faces, covering a wide spectrum of animal species. To this end, we introduce a large-scale, hierarchical annotated dataset of animal faces, featuring 21.9K faces from 334 diverse species and 21 animal orders across biological taxonomy. These faces are captured `in-the-wild conditions and are consistently annotated with 9 landmarks on key facial features. The proposed dataset is structured and scalable by design; its development underwent four systematic stages involving rigorous, manual annotation effort of over 6K man-hours. We benchmark it for face alignment using the existing art under novel problem settings. Results showcase its challenging nature, unique attributes and present definite prospects for novel, adaptive, and generalized face-oriented CV algorithms. We further benchmark the dataset for face detection and fine-grained recognition tasks, to demonstrate multi-task applications and room for improvement. Experiments indicate that this dataset will push the algorithmic advancements across many related CV tasks and encourage the development of novel systems for animal facial behaviour monitoring. We will make the dataset publicly available.
Previous feed-forward architectures of recently proposed deep super-resolution networks learn the features of low-resolution inputs and the non-linear mapping from those to a high-resolution output. However, this approach does not fully address the m utual dependencies of low- and high-resolution images. We propose Deep Back-Projection Networks (DBPN), the winner of two image super-resolution challenges (NTIRE2018 and PIRM2018), that exploit iterative up- and down-sampling layers. These layers are formed as a unit providing an error feedback mechanism for projection errors. We construct mutually-connected up- and down-sampling units each of which represents different types of low- and high-resolution components. We also show that extending this idea to demonstrate a new insight towards more efficient network design substantially, such as parameter sharing on the projection module and transition layer on projection step. The experimental results yield superior results and in particular establishing new state-of-the-art results across multiple data sets, especially for large scaling factors such as 8x.
We proposed a novel architecture for the problem of video super-resolution. We integrate spatial and temporal contexts from continuous video frames using a recurrent encoder-decoder module, that fuses multi-frame information with the more traditional , single frame super-resolution path for the target frame. In contrast to most prior work where frames are pooled together by stacking or warping, our model, the Recurrent Back-Projection Network (RBPN) treats each context frame as a separate source of information. These sources are combined in an iterative refinement framework inspired by the idea of back-projection in multiple-image super-resolution. This is aided by explicitly representing estimated inter-frame motion with respect to the target, rather than explicitly aligning frames. We propose a new video super-resolution benchmark, allowing evaluation at a larger scale and considering videos in different motion regimes. Experimental results demonstrate that our RBPN is superior to existing methods on several datasets.

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