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The effects of line-tying on resistive tearing instability in slab geometry is studied within the framework of reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD).citep{KadomtsevP1974,Strauss1976} It is found that line-tying has a stabilizing effect. The tearing mod e is stabilized when the system length $L$ is shorter than a critical length $L_{c}$, which is independent of the resistivity $eta$. When $L$ is not too much longer than $L_{c}$, the growthrate $gamma$ is proportional to $eta$ . When $L$ is sufficiently long, the tearing mode scaling $gammasimeta^{3/5}$ is recovered. The transition from $gammasimeta$ to $gammasimeta^{3/5}$ occurs at a transition length $L_{t}simeta^{-2/5}$.
Following the recent proposal to create quadrupolar gases [S.G. Bhongale et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 155301 (2013)], we investigate what quantum phases can be created in these systems in one dimension. We consider a geometry of two coupled one-dime nsional systems, and derive the quantum phase diagram of ultra-cold fermionic atoms interacting via quadrupole-quadrupole interaction within a Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid framework. We map out the phase diagram as a function of the distance between the two tubes and the angle between the direction of the tubes and the quadrupolar moments. The latter can be controlled by an external field. We show that there are two magic angles $theta^{c}_{B,1}$ and $theta^{c}_{B,2}$ between $0$ to $pi/2$, where the intratube quadrupolar interactions vanish and change signs. Adopting a pseudo-spin language with regards to the two 1D systems, the system undergoes a spin-gap transition and displays a zig-zag density pattern, above $theta^{c}_{B,2}$ and below $theta^{c}_{B,1}$. Between the two magic angles, we show that polarized triplet superfluidity and a planar spin-density wave order compete with each other. The latter corresponds to a bond order solid in higher dimensions. We demonstrate that this order can be further stabilized by applying a commensurate periodic potential along the tubes.
We study density wave instabilities in a doubly-degenerate Fermi-Fermi mixture with $SU(2)times SU(2)$ symmetry on a square lattice. For sufficiently large on-site inter-species repulsion, when the two species of fermions are both at half-filling, tw o conventional ($s$-wave) number density waves are formed with a $pi$-phase difference between them to minimize the inter-species repulsion. Upon moving one species away from half-filling, an unconventional density wave with $d_{xy}$-wave symmetry emerges. When both species are away from the vicinity of half-filling, superconducting instabilities dominate. We present results of a functional renormalization-group calculation that maps out the phase diagram at weak couplings. Also, we provide a simple explanation for the emergence of the $d_{xy}$-density wave phase based on a four-patch model. We find a robust and general mechanism for $d_{xy}$-density-wave formation that is related to the shape and size of the Fermi surfaces. The density imbalance between the two species of fermions in the vicinity of half-filling leads to phase-space discrepancy for different inter-species Umklapp couplings. Using a phase space argument for leading corrections in the one-loop renormalization group approach to fermions, we show that the phase-space discrepancy in our system causes opposite flows for the two leading intra-species Umklapp couplings and that this triggers the $d_{xy}$-density-wave instability.
We study the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice, including on-site (U) and nearest-neighbor (V) interactions, at weak couplings. We show that the charge-density-wave phase that is known to occur at half-fi lling when 4V > U gives way to a d_{xy} -wave superconducting instability away from half-filling, when the Fermi surface is not perfectly nested, and for sufficiently large repulsive and a range of on-site repulsive interaction. In addition, when nesting is further suppressed and in presence of a nearest-neighbor attraction, a triplet time-reversal breaking (p_x + ip_y)-wave pairing instability emerges, competing with the d_{x2+y2} pairing state that is known to dominate at fillings just slightly away from half. At even smaller fillings, where the Fermi surface no longer presents any nesting, the (p_x +ip_y)-wave superconducting phase dominates in the whole regime of on-site repulsions and nearest-neighbor attractions, while d_{xy}-pairing occurs in the presence of on-site attraction. Our results suggest that zero-energy Majorana fermions can be realized on a square lattice in the presence of a magnetic field. For a system of cold fermionic atoms on a two-dimensional square optical lattice, both an on-site repulsion and a nearest-neighbor attraction would be required, in addition to rotation of the system to create vortices. We discuss possible ways of experimentally engineering the required interaction terms in a cold atom system.
The role of electron-phonon interactions in iron-based superconductor is currently under debate with conflicting experimental reports on the isotope effect. To address this important issue, we employ the renormalization-group method to investigate th e competition between electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in these materials. The renormalization-group analysis shows that the ground state is a phonon-dressed unconventional superconductor: the dominant electronic interactions account for pairing mechanism while electron-phonon interactions are subdominant. Because of the phonon dressing, the isotope effect of the critical temperature can be normal or reversed, depending on whether the retarded intra- or inter-band interactions are altered upon isotope substitutions. The connection between the anomalous isotope effect and the unconventional pairing symmetry is discussed at the end.
In previous studies, we proposed a scaling ansatz for electron-electron interactions under renormalization group transformation. With the inclusion of phonon-mediated interactions, we show that the scaling ansatz, characterized by the divergent logar ithmic length $l_d$ and a set of renormalization-group exponents, also works rather well. The superconducting phases in a doped two-leg ladder are studied and classified by these renormalization-group exponents as demonstration. Finally, non-trivial constraints among the exponents are derived and explained.
We investigate pairing mechanism in multiband superconductors. To put our feet on firm ground, unbiased renormalization group analysis is carried out for iron-based superconductors. It is quite remarkable that, after integrating out quantum fluctuati ons, the renormalization-group flows agree exceedingly well with a mean-field Hamiltonian where interband pair hopping plays an essential role. Through interband pair hopping, electrons can overcome the repulsive interaction between them and form resonating Cooper pairs between different bands. Unlike the conventional superconductors, the pairing mechanism in multiband superconductors is resonating pair hopping between different bands, just like the resonating chemical bonds in benzene. The effective mean-field Hamiltonian spots a small parameter dictating the critical temperature and also explains how interband pair hopping always enahnces spin fluctuations at the nesting momentum connecting the Fermi surfaces. In short, no attractive glue is needed and resonating interband pair hopping is the key to Cooper pair formation in unconventional superconductors. Implications to cuprates and related issues are also discussed at the end.
In our previous study, a single-branch of ferromagnetic magnon with linear dispersion is shown to exist near the (uncompensated) zigzag edge for Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice. Here we develop a field-theory description for the edge magnon and find its dynamics is captured by the one-dimensional relativistic Klein-Gordon equation. It is intriguing that the boundary field theory for the edge magnon is tied up with its bulk counterpart, described by the two-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation. Furthermore, we also reveal how the parity symmetry relates evanescent modes on opposite edges in a honeycomb nanoribbon. By employing alternative methods, including Schwinger bosons and density-matrix renormalization group, we also demonstrate that the relativistic edge magnon is robust even when the Neel order in the bulk is destroyed by quantum fluctuations. The edge magnon is a direct consequence of uncompensated edge and may be verified in realistic materials by experimental probes.
It is generally believed that a point defect in graphene gives rise to an impurity state at zero energy and causes a sharp peak in the local density of states near the defect site. We revisit the defect problem in graphene and find the general consen sus incorrect. By both analytic and numeric methods, we show that the contribution to the local density of states from the impurity state vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. Instead, the pronounced peak of the zero-bias anomaly is a power-law singularity $1/|E|$ from infinite resonant peaks in the low-energy regime induced by the defect. Our finding shows that the peak shall be viewed as a collective phenomenon rather than a single impurity state in previous studies.

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