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87 - Michael Lugo 2009
In this article we consider the cycle structure of compositions of pairs of involutions in the symmetric group S_n chosen uniformly at random. These can be modeled as modified 2-regular graphs, giving rise to exponential generating functions. A compo sition of two random involutions in S_n typically has about n^(1/2) cycles, and the cycles are characteristically of length n^(1/2). Compositions of two random fixed-point-free involutions, on the other hand, typically have about log n cycles and are closely related to permutations with all cycle lengths even. The number of factorizations of a random permutation into two involutions appears to be asymptotically lognormally distributed, which we prove for a closely related probabilistic model. This study is motivated by the observation that the number of involutions in [n] is (n!)^(1/2) times a subexponential factor; more generally the number of permutations with all cycle lengths in a finite set S is n!^(1-1/m) times a subexponential factor, and the typical number of k-cycles is nearly n^(k/m)/k. Connections to pattern avoidance in involutions are also considered.
74 - Michael Lugo 2009
We compute the limiting distribution, as n approaches infinity, of the number of cycles of length between gamma n and delta n in a permutation of [n] chosen uniformly at random, for constants gamma, delta such that 1/(k+1) <= gamma < delta <= 1/k for some integer k. This distribution is supported on {0, 1, ... k} and has 0th, 1st, ..., kth moments equal to those of a Poisson distribution with parameter log (delta/gamma). For more general choices of gamma, delta we show that such a limiting distribution exists, which can be given explicitly in terms of certain integrals over intersections of hypercubes with half-spaces; these integrals are analytically intractable but a recurrence specifying them can be given. The results herein provide a basis of comparison for similar statistics on restricted classes of permutations.
176 - Michael Lugo 2009
This paper develops an analogy between the cycle structure of, on the one hand, random permutations with cycle lengths restricted to lie in an infinite set $S$ with asymptotic density $sigma$ and, on the other hand, permutations selected according to the Ewens distribution with parameter $sigma$. In particular we show that the asymptotic expected number of cycles of random permutations of $[n]$ with all cycles even, with all cycles odd, and chosen from the Ewens distribution with parameter 1/2 are all ${1 over 2} log n + O(1)$, and the variance is of the same order. Furthermore, we show that in permutations of $[n]$ chosen from the Ewens distribution with parameter $sigma$, the probability of a random element being in a cycle longer than $gamma n$ approaches $(1-gamma)^sigma$ for large $n$. The same limit law holds for permutations with cycles carrying multiplicative weights with average $sigma$. We draw parallels between the Ewens distribution and the asymptotic-density case and explain why these parallels should exist using permutations drawn from weighted Boltzmann distributions.

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