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In active Visual-SLAM (V-SLAM), a robot relies on the information retrieved by its cameras to control its own movements for autonomous mapping of the environment. Cameras are usually statically linked to the robots body, limiting the extra degrees of freedom for visual information acquisition. In this work, we overcome the aforementioned problem by introducing and leveraging an independently rotating camera on the robot base. This enables us to continuously control the heading of the camera, obtaining the desired optimal orientation for active V-SLAM, without rotating the robot itself. However, this additional degree of freedom introduces additional estimation uncertainties, which need to be accounted for. We do this by extending our robots state estimate to include the camera state and jointly estimate the uncertainties. We develop our method based on a state-of-the-art active V-SLAM approach for omnidirectional robots and evaluate it through rigorous simulation and real robot experiments. We obtain more accurate maps, with lower energy consumption, while maintaining the benefits of the active approach with respect to the baseline. We also demonstrate how our method easily generalizes to other non-omnidirectional robotic platforms, which was a limitation of the previous approach. Code and implementation details are provided as open-source.
Substantial progress has been made on modeling rigid 3D objects using deep implicit representations. Yet, extending these methods to learn neural models of human shape is still in its infancy. Human bodies are complex and the key challenge is to lear n a representation that generalizes such that it can express body shape deformations for unseen subjects in unseen, highly-articulated, poses. To address this challenge, we introduce LEAP (LEarning Articulated occupancy of People), a novel neural occupancy representation of the human body. Given a set of bone transformations (i.e. joint locations and rotations) and a query point in space, LEAP first maps the query point to a canonical space via learned linear blend skinning (LBS) functions and then efficiently queries the occupancy value via an occupancy network that models accurate identity- and pose-dependent deformations in the canonical space. Experiments show that our canonicalized occupancy estimation with the learned LBS functions greatly improves the generalization capability of the learned occupancy representation across various human shapes and poses, outperforming existing solutions in all settings.
Neural implicit surface representations have emerged as a promising paradigm to capture 3D shapes in a continuous and resolution-independent manner. However, adapting them to articulated shapes is non-trivial. Existing approaches learn a backward war p field that maps deformed to canonical points. However, this is problematic since the backward warp field is pose dependent and thus requires large amounts of data to learn. To address this, we introduce SNARF, which combines the advantages of linear blend skinning (LBS) for polygonal meshes with those of neural implicit surfaces by learning a forward deformation field without direct supervision. This deformation field is defined in canonical, pose-independent space, allowing for generalization to unseen poses. Learning the deformation field from posed meshes alone is challenging since the correspondences of deformed points are defined implicitly and may not be unique under changes of topology. We propose a forward skinning model that finds all canonical correspondences of any deformed point using iterative root finding. We derive analytical gradients via implicit differentiation, enabling end-to-end training from 3D meshes with bone transformations. Compared to state-of-the-art neural implicit representations, our approach generalizes better to unseen poses while preserving accuracy. We demonstrate our method in challenging scenarios on (clothed) 3D humans in diverse and unseen poses.
Abstract. Fixed wing and multirotor UAVs are common in the field of robotics. Solutions for simulation and control of these vehicles are ubiquitous. This is not the case for airships, a simulation of which needs to address unique properties, i) dynam ic deformation in response to aerodynamic and control forces, ii) high susceptibility to wind and turbulence at low airspeed, iii) high variability in airship designs regarding placement, direction and vectoring of thrusters and control surfaces. We present a flexible framework for modeling, simulation and control of airships, based on the Robot operating system (ROS), simulation environment (Gazebo) and commercial off the shelf (COTS) electronics, both of which are open source. Based on simulated wind and deformation, we predict substantial effects on controllability, verified in real world flight experiments. All our code is shared as open source, for the benefit of the community and to facilitate lighter-than-air vehicle (LTAV) research. https://github.com/robot-perception-group/airship_simulation
A key step towards understanding human behavior is the prediction of 3D human motion. Successful solutions have many applications in human tracking, HCI, and graphics. Most previous work focuses on predicting a time series of future 3D joint location s given a sequence 3D joints from the past. This Euclidean formulation generally works better than predicting pose in terms of joint rotations. Body joint locations, however, do not fully constrain 3D human pose, leaving degrees of freedom undefined, making it hard to animate a realistic human from only the joints. Note that the 3D joints can be viewed as a sparse point cloud. Thus the problem of human motion prediction can be seen as point cloud prediction. With this observation, we instead predict a sparse set of locations on the body surface that correspond to motion capture markers. Given such markers, we fit a parametric body model to recover the 3D shape and pose of the person. These sparse surface markers also carry detailed information about human movement that is not present in the joints, increasing the naturalness of the predicted motions. Using the AMASS dataset, we train MOJO, which is a novel variational autoencoder that generates motions from latent frequencies. MOJO preserves the full temporal resolution of the input motion, and sampling from the latent frequencies explicitly introduces high-frequency components into the generated motion. We note that motion prediction methods accumulate errors over time, resulting in joints or markers that diverge from true human bodies. To address this, we fit SMPL-X to the predictions at each time step, projecting the solution back onto the space of valid bodies. These valid markers are then propagated in time. Experiments show that our method produces state-of-the-art results and realistic 3D body animations. The code for research purposes is at https://yz-cnsdqz.github.io/MOJO/MOJO.html
The optical flow of natural scenes is a combination of the motion of the observer and the independent motion of objects. Existing algorithms typically focus on either recovering motion and structure under the assumption of a purely static world or op tical flow for general unconstrained scenes. We combine these approaches in an optical flow algorithm that estimates an explicit segmentation of moving objects from appearance and physical constraints. In static regions we take advantage of strong constraints to jointly estimate the camera motion and the 3D structure of the scene over multiple frames. This allows us to also regularize the structure instead of the motion. Our formulation uses a Plane+Parallax framework, which works even under small baselines, and reduces the motion estimation to a one-dimensional search problem, resulting in more accurate estimation. In moving regions the flow is treated as unconstrained, and computed with an existing optical flow method. The resulting Mostly-Rigid Flow (MR-Flow) method achieves state-of-the-art results on both the MPI-Sintel and KITTI-2015 benchmarks.

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