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We explain how (perturbed) boundary conformal field theory allows us to understand the tunneling of edge quasiparticles in non-Abelian topological states. The coupling between a bulk non-Abelian quasiparticle and the edge is due to resonant tunneling to a zero mode on the quasiparticle, which causes the zero mode to hybridize with the edge. This can be reformulated as the flow from one conformally-invariant boundary condition to another in an associated critical statistical mechanical model. Tunneling from one edge to another at a point contact can split the system in two, either partially or completely. This can be reformulated in the critical statistical mechanical model as the flow from one type of defect line to another. We illustrate these two phenomena in detail in the context of the nu=5/2 quantum Hall state and the critical Ising model. We briefly discuss the case of Fibonacci anyons and conclude by explaining the general formulation and its physical interpretation.
We analyze charge-$e/4$ quasiparticle tunneling between the edges of a point contact in a non-Abelian model of the $ u=5/2$ quantum Hall state. We map this problem to resonant tunneling between attractive Luttinger liquids and use the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to compute the current through the point contact in the presence of a {it finite voltage difference} between the two edges. We confirm that, as the voltage is decreases, the system is broken into two pieces coupled by electron hopping. In the limits of small and large voltage, we recover the results expected from perturbation theory about the infrared and ultraviolet fixed points. We test our methods by finding the analogous non-equilibrium current through a point contact in a $ u=1/3$ quantum Hall state, confirming the Bethe ansatz solution of the problem.
We study the entropy of chiral 2+1-dimensional topological phases, where there are both gapped bulk excitations and gapless edge modes. We show how the entanglement entropy of both types of excitations can be encoded in a single partition function. T his partition function is holographic because it can be expressed entirely in terms of the conformal field theory describing the edge modes. We give a general expression for the holographic partition function, and discuss several examples in depth, including abelian and non-abelian fractional quantum Hall states, and p+ip superconductors. We extend these results to include a point contact allowing tunneling between two points on the edge, which causes thermodynamic entropy associated with the point contact to be lost with decreasing temperature. Such a perturbation effectively breaks the system in two, and we can identify the thermodynamic entropy loss with the loss of the edge entanglement entropy. From these results, we obtain a simple interpretation of the non-integer `ground state degeneracy which is obtained in 1+1-dimensional quantum impurity problems: its logarithm is a 2+1-dimensional topological entanglement entropy.
We study quasiparticle tunneling between the edges of a non-Abelian topological state. The simplest examples are a p+ip superconductor and the Moore-Read Pfaffian non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall state; the latter state may have been observed at L andau-level filling fraction nu=5/2. Formulating the problem is conceptually and technically non-trivial: edge quasiparticle correlation functions are elements of a vector space, and transform into each other as the quasiparticle coordinates are braided. We show in general how to resolve this difficulty and uniquely define the quasiparticle tunneling Hamiltonian. The tunneling operators in the simplest examples can then be rewritten in terms of a free boson. One key consequence of this bosonization is an emergent spin-1/2 degree of freedom. We show that vortex tunneling across a p+ip superconductor is equivalent to the single-channel Kondo problem, while quasiparticle tunneling across the Moore-Read state is analogous to the two-channel Kondo effect. Temperature and voltage dependences of the tunneling conductivity are given in the low- and high-temperature limits.
We analyze tunneling of non-Abelian quasiparticles between the edges of a quantum Hall droplet at Landau level filling fraction nu=5/2, assuming that the electrons in the first excited Landau level organize themselves in the non-Abelian Moore-Read Pf affian state. We formulate a bosonized theory of the modes at the two edges of a Hall bar; an effective spin-1/2 degree of freedom emerges in the description of a point contact. We show how the crossover from the high-temperature regime of weak quasiparticle tunneling between the edges of the droplet, with 4-terminal R_{xx} scaling as T^{-3/2}, to the low-temperature limit, with R_{xx} - h/(10 e^2) scaling as -T^4, is closely related to the two-channel Kondo effect. We give a physical interpretation for the entropy of ln(2sqrt{2}) which is lost in the flow from the ultraviolet to the infrared.
We present a pedagogical overview of recent theoretical work on unconventional quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in condensed matter systems. Strong correlations between electrons can lead to a breakdown of two traditional paradigms of sol id state physics: Landaus theories of Fermi liquids and phase transitions. We discuss two resulting exotic states of matter: topological and critical spin liquids. These two quantum phases do not display any long-range order even at zero temperature. In each case, we show how a gauge theory description is useful to describe the new concepts of topological order, fractionalization and deconfinement of excitations which can be present in such spin liquids. We make brief connections, when possible, to experiments in which the corresponding physics can be probed. Finally, we review recent work on deconfined quantum critical points. The tone of these lecture notes is expository: focus is on gaining a physical picture and understanding, with technical details kept to a minimum.
A number of examples have demonstrated the failure of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson(LGW) paradigm in describing the competing phases and phase transitions of two dimensional quantum magnets. In this paper we argue that such magnets possess field theoret ic descriptions in terms of their slow fluctuating orders provided certain topological terms are included in the action. These topological terms may thus be viewed as what goes wrong within the conventional LGW thinking. The field theoretic descriptions we develop are possible alternates to the popular gauge theories of such non-LGW behavior. Examples that are studied include weakly coupled quasi-one dimensional spin chains, deconfined critical points in fully two dimensional magnets, and two component massless $QED_3$. A prominent role is played by an anisotropic O(4) non-linear sigma model in three space-time dimensions with a topological theta term. Some properties of this model are discussed. We suggest that similar sigma model descriptions might exist for fermionic algebraic spin liquid phases.
42 - A.H. MacDonald 2000
Recent transport experiments have established that two-dimensional electron systems with high-index partial Landau level filling, $ u^{*} = u - lbrack u rbrack$, have ground states with broken orientational symmetry. In a mean-field theory, the brok en symmetry state consists of electron stripes with local filling factor $lbrack u rbrack + 1 $, separated by hole stripes with filling factor $lbrack u rbrack$. We have recently developed a theory of these states in which the electron stripes are treated as one-dimensional electron systems coupled by interactions and described by using a Luttinger liquid model. Among other things, this theory predicts non-linearities of opposite sign in easy and hard direction resistivities. In this article we briefly review our theory, focusing on its predictions for the dependence of non-linear transport exponents on the separation $d$ between the two-dimensional electron system and a co-planar screening layer.
In this paper we review recent theoretical results for transport in a one-dimensional (1d) Luttinger liquid. For simplicity, we ignore electron spin, and focus exclusively on the case of a single-mode. Moreover, we consider only the effects of a sing le (or perhaps several) spatially localized impurities. Even with these restrictions, the predicted behavior is very rich, and strikingly different than for a 1d non-interacting electron gas. The method of bosonization is reviewed, with an emphasis on physical motivation, rather than mathematical rigor. Transport through a single impurity is reviewed from several different perspectives, as a pinned strongly interacting ``Wigner crystal and in the limit of weak interactions. The existence of fractionally charged quasiparticles is also revealed. Inter-edge tunnelling in the quantum Hall effect, and charge fluctuations in a quantum dot under the conditions of Coulomb blockade are considered as examples of the developed techniques.

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