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Projecting high-dimensional environment observations into lower-dimensional structured representations can considerably improve data-efficiency for reinforcement learning in domains with limited data such as robotics. Can a single generally useful re presentation be found? In order to answer this question, it is important to understand how the representation will be used by the agent and what properties such a good representation should have. In this paper we systematically evaluate a number of common learnt and hand-engineered representations in the context of three robotics tasks: lifting, stacking and pushing of 3D blocks. The representations are evaluated in two use-cases: as input to the agent, or as a source of auxiliary tasks. Furthermore, the value of each representation is evaluated in terms of three properties: dimensionality, observability and disentanglement. We can significantly improve performance in both use-cases and demonstrate that some representations can perform commensurate to simulator states as agent inputs. Finally, our results challenge common intuitions by demonstrating that: 1) dimensionality strongly matters for task generation, but is negligible for inputs, 2) observability of task-relevant aspects mostly affects the input representation use-case, and 3) disentanglement leads to better auxiliary tasks, but has only limited benefits for input representations. This work serves as a step towards a more systematic understanding of what makes a good representation for control in robotics, enabling practitioners to make more informed choices for developing new learned or hand-engineered representations.
Robot manipulation requires a complex set of skills that need to be carefully combined and coordinated to solve a task. Yet, most ReinforcementLearning (RL) approaches in robotics study tasks which actually consist only of a single manipulation skill , such as grasping an object or inserting a pre-grasped object. As a result the skill (how to solve the task) but not the actual goal of a complete manipulation (what to solve) is specified. In contrast, we study a complex manipulation goal that requires an agent to learn and combine diverse manipulation skills. We propose a challenging, highly under-actuated peg-in-hole task with a free, rotational asymmetrical peg, requiring a broad range of manipulation skills. While correct peg (re-)orientation is a requirement for successful insertion, there is no reward associated with it. Hence an agent needs to understand this pre-condition and learn the skill to fulfil it. The final insertion reward is sparse, allowing freedom in the solution and leading to complex emerging behaviour not envisioned during the task design. We tackle the problem in a multi-task RL framework using Scheduled Auxiliary Control (SAC-X) combined with Regularized Hierarchical Policy Optimization (RHPO) which successfully solves the task in simulation and from scratch on a single robot where data is severely limited.
We introduce Hindsight Off-policy Options (HO2), a data-efficient option learning algorithm. Given any trajectory, HO2 infers likely option choices and backpropagates through the dynamic programming inference procedure to robustly train all policy co mponents off-policy and end-to-end. The approach outperforms existing option learning methods on common benchmarks. To better understand the option framework and disentangle benefits from both temporal and action abstraction, we evaluate ablations with flat policies and mixture policies with comparable optimization. The results highlight the importance of both types of abstraction as well as off-policy training and trust-region constraints, particularly in challenging, simulated 3D robot manipulation tasks from raw pixel inputs. Finally, we intuitively adapt the inference step to investigate the effect of increased temporal abstraction on training with pre-trained options and from scratch.
Many real-world control problems involve both discrete decision variables - such as the choice of control modes, gear switching or digital outputs - as well as continuous decision variables - such as velocity setpoints, control gains or analogue outp uts. However, when defining the corresponding optimal control or reinforcement learning problem, it is commonly approximated with fully continuous or fully discrete action spaces. These simplifications aim at tailoring the problem to a particular algorithm or solver which may only support one type of action space. Alternatively, expert heuristics are used to remove discrete actions from an otherwise continuous space. In contrast, we propose to treat hybrid problems in their native form by solving them with hybrid reinforcement learning, which optimizes for discrete and continuous actions simultaneously. In our experiments, we first demonstrate that the proposed approach efficiently solves such natively hybrid reinforcement learning problems. We then show, both in simulation and on robotic hardware, the benefits of removing possibly imperfect expert-designed heuristics. Lastly, hybrid reinforcement learning encourages us to rethink problem definitions. We propose reformulating control problems, e.g. by adding meta actions, to improve exploration or reduce mechanical wear and tear.
The successful application of general reinforcement learning algorithms to real-world robotics applications is often limited by their high data requirements. We introduce Regularized Hierarchical Policy Optimization (RHPO) to improve data-efficiency for domains with multiple dominant tasks and ultimately reduce required platform time. To this end, we employ compositional inductive biases on multiple levels and corresponding mechanisms for sharing off-policy transition data across low-level controllers and tasks as well as scheduling of tasks. The presented algorithm enables stable and fast learning for complex, real-world domains in the parallel multitask and sequential transfer case. We show that the investigated types of hierarchy enable positive transfer while partially mitigating negative interference and evaluate the benefits of additional incentives for efficient, compositional task solutions in single task domains. Finally, we demonstrate substantial data-efficiency and final performance gains over competitive baselines in a week-long, physical robot stacking experiment.

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