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Here, we report both ac and dc magnetization, thermodynamic and electric properties of hexagonal Ba$_3$NiIr$_2$O$_9$. The Ni$^{2+}$ (spin-1) forms layered triangular-lattice and interacts antiferromagnetically while Ir$^{5+}$ is believed to act as ma gnetic link between the layers. This complex magnetic interaction results in magnetic frustration leading to a spin-glass transition at $T_f$ $sim$ 8.5 K. The observed magnetic relaxation and aging effect also confirms the nonequilibrium ground state. The system further shows large exchange bias which is tunable with cooling field. Below the Curie-Weiss temperature $theta_{CW}$ ($sim$ -29 K), the magnetic specific heat $C_m$ displays a broad hump and at low temperature follows $C_m = gamma T^alpha$ dependence where both $gamma$ and $alpha$ show dependence on temperature and magnetic field. A sign change in magnetoresistace is observed which is due to an interplay among magnetic moment, field and spin-orbit coupling.
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) is an exotic phase of magnetic materials where the spins continue to fluctuate without any symmetry breaking down to zero temperature. Among the handful reports of QSL with spin $Sge$1, examples with magnetic ions on a t hree-dimensional magnetic lattice are extremely rare since both larger spin and higher dimension tend to suppress quantum fluctuations. In this work, we offer a new strategy to achieve 3-D QSL with high spin by utilizing two types of transition metal ions, both are magnetically active but located at crystallographically inequivalent positions. We design a 3-D magnetic system Ba$_3$NiIr$_2$O$_9$ consisting of interconnected corner shared NiO$_6$ octahedra and face shared Ir$_2$O$_9$ dimer, both having triangular arrangements in textit{a-b} plane. X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements confirm the presence of Ni$^{2+}$ ($S$=1). Our detailed thermodynamic and magnetic measurements reveal that this compound is a realization of gapless QSL state down to at least 100 mK. Ab-initio calculations find a strong magnetic exchange between Ir and Ni sublattices and in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling between the dimers, resulting in dynamically fluctuating magnetic moments on both the Ir and Ni sublattice.
The discovery of skyrmions has sparked tremendous interests about topologically nontrivial spin textures in recent times. The signature of noncoplanar nature of magnetic moments can be observed as topological Hall effect (THE) in electrical measureme nt. Realization of such nontrivial spin textures in new materials and through new routes is an ongoing endeavour due to their huge potential for future ultra-dense low-power memory applications. In this work, we report oxygen vacancy (OV) induced THE and anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in a 5$d^0$ system KTaO$_3$. The observation of weak antilocalization behavior and THE in the same temperature range strongly implies the crucial role of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) behind the origin of THE. Ab initio calculations reveal the formation of the magnetic moment on Ta atoms around the OV and Rashba-type spin texturing of conduction electrons. In the presence of Rashba SOC, the local moments around vacancy can form bound magnetic polarons (BMP) with noncollinear spin texture, resulting THE. Scaling analysis between transverse and longitudinal resistance establishes skew scattering driven AHE in present case. Our study opens a route to realize topological phenomena through defect engineering.

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