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We show that in a two-dimensional electron gas with an annular Fermi surface, long-range Coulomb interactions can lead to unconventional superconductivity by the Kohn-Luttinger mechanism. Superconductivity is strongly enhanced when the inner and oute r Fermi surfaces are close to each other. The most prevalent state has chiral p-wave symmetry, but d-wave and extended s-wave pairing are also possible. We discuss these results in the context of rhombohedral trilayer graphene, where superconductivity was recently discovered in parameter regimes where the normal state has an annular Fermi surface. Using realistic parameters, our mechanism can account for the order of magnitude of $T_c$ in that system, as well as its trends as a function of electron density and perpendicular displacement field. Moreover, it naturally explains some of the outstanding puzzles in this material, that include the weak temperature dependence of the resistivity above $T_c$, and the proximity of spin singlet superconductivity to the ferromagnetic region in the phase diagram.
The search for novel entangled phases of matter has lead to the recent discovery of a new class of ``entanglement transitions, exemplified by random tensor networks and monitored quantum circuits. Most known examples can be understood as some classic al ordering transitions in an underlying statistical mechanics model, where entanglement maps onto the free energy cost of inserting a domain wall. In this paper, we study the possibility of entanglement transitions driven by physics beyond such statistical mechanics mappings. Motivated by recent applications of neural network-inspired variational Ansatze, we investigate under what conditions on the variational parameters these Ansatze can capture an entanglement transition. We study the entanglement scaling of short-range restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) quantum states with random phases. For uncorrelated random phases, we analytically demonstrate the absence of an entanglement transition and reveal subtle finite size effects in finite size numerical simulations. Introducing phases with correlations decaying as $1/r^alpha$ in real space, we observe three regions with a different scaling of entanglement entropy depending on the exponent $alpha$. We study the nature of the transition between these regions, finding numerical evidence for critical behavior. Our work establishes the presence of long-range correlated phases in RBM-based wave functions as a required ingredient for entanglement transitions.
Classical models with complex energy landscapes represent a perspective avenue for the near-term application of quantum simulators. Until now, many theoretical works studied the performance of quantum algorithms for models with a unique ground state. However, when the classical problem is in a so-called clustering phase, the ground state manifold is highly degenerate. As an example, we consider a 3-XORSAT model defined on simple hypergraphs. The degeneracy of classical ground state manifold translates into the emergence of an extensive number of $Z_2$ symmetries, which remain intact even in the presence of a quantum transverse magnetic field. We establish a general duality approach that restricts the quantum problem to a given sector of conserved $Z_2$ charges and use it to study how the outcome of the quantum adiabatic algorithm depends on the hypergraph geometry. We show that the tree hypergraph which corresponds to a classically solvable instance of the 3-XORSAT problem features a constant gap, whereas the closed hypergraph encounters a second-order phase transition with a gap vanishing as a power-law in the problem size. The duality developed in this work provides a practical tool for studies of quantum models with classically degenerate energy manifold and reveals potential connections between glasses and gauge theories.
Eigenstate thermalization in quantum many-body systems implies that eigenstates at high energy are similar to random vectors. Identifying systems where at least some eigenstates are non-thermal is an outstanding question. In this work we show that in teracting quantum models that have a nullspace -- a degenerate subspace of eigenstates at zero energy (zero modes), which corresponds to infinite temperature, provide a route to non-thermal eigenstates. We analytically show the existence of a zero mode which can be represented as a matrix product state for a certain class of local Hamiltonians. In the more general case we use a subspace disentangling algorithm to generate an orthogonal basis of zero modes characterized by increasing entanglement entropy. We show evidence for an area-law entanglement scaling of the least entangled zero mode in the broad parameter regime, leading to a conjecture that all local Hamiltonians with the nullspace feature zero modes with area-law entanglement scaling, and as such, break the strong thermalization hypothesis. Finally, we find zero-modes in constrained models and propose setup for observing their experimental signatures.
The notion of Thouless energy plays a central role in the theory of Anderson localization. We investigate the scaling of Thouless energy across the many-body localization (MBL) transition in a Floquet model. We use a combination of methods that are r eliable on the ergodic side of the transition (e.g., spectral form factor) and methods that work on the MBL side (e.g. typical matrix elements of local operators) to obtain a complete picture of the Thouless energy behavior across the transition. On the ergodic side, the Thouless energy tends to a value independent of system size, while at the transition it becomes comparable to the level spacing. Different probes yield consistent estimates of the Thouless energy in their overlapping regime of applicability, giving the location of the transition point nearly free of finite-size drift. This work establishes a connection between different definitions of Thouless energy in a many-body setting, and yields new insights into the MBL transition in Floquet systems.
Recent discovery of persistent revivals in quantum simulators based on Rydberg atoms have pointed to the existence of a new type of dynamical behavior that challenged the conventional paradigms of integrability and thermalization. This novel collecti ve effect has been named quantum many-body scars by analogy with weak ergodicity breaking of a single particle inside a stadium billiard. In this overview, we provide a pedagogical introduction to quantum many-body scars and highlight the newly emerged connections with the semiclassical quantization of many-body systems. We discuss the relation between scars and more general routes towards weak violations of ergodicity due to embedded algebras and non-thermal eigenstates, and highlight possible applications of scars in quantum technology.
Chains of superconducting circuit devices provide a natural platform for studies of synthetic bosonic quantum matter. Motivated by the recent experimental progress in realizing disordered and interacting chains of superconducting transmon devices, we study the bosonic many-body localization phase transition using the methods of exact diagonalization as well as matrix product state dynamics. We estimate the location of transition separating the ergodic and the many-body localized phases as a function of the disorder strength and the many-body on-site interaction strength. The main difference between the bosonic model realized by superconducting circuits and similar fermionic model is that the effect of the on-site interaction is stronger due to the possibility of multiple excitations occupying the same site. The phase transition is found to be robust upon including longer-range hopping and interaction terms present in the experiments. Furthermore, we calculate experimentally relevant local observables and show that their temporal fluctuations can be used to distinguish between the dynamics of Anderson insulator, many-body localization, and delocalized phases. While we consider unitary dynamics, neglecting the effects of dissipation, decoherence and measurement back action, the timescales on which the dynamics is unitary are sufficient for observation of characteristic dynamics in the many-body localized phase. Moreover, the experimentally available disorder strength and interactions allow for tuning the many-body localization phase transition, thus making the arrays of superconducting circuit devices a promising platform for exploring localization physics and phase transition.
The Loschmidt echo, defined as the overlap between quantum wave function evolved with different Hamiltonians, quantifies the sensitivity of quantum dynamics to perturbations and is often used as a probe of quantum chaos. In this work we consider the behavior of the Loschmidt echo in the many body localized phase, which is characterized by emergent local integrals of motion, and provides a generic example of non-ergodic dynamics. We demonstrate that the fluctuations of the Loschmidt echo decay as a power law in time in the many-body localized phase, in contrast to the exponential decay in few-body ergodic systems. We consider the spin-echo generalization of the Loschmidt echo, and argue that the corresponding correlation function saturates to a finite value in localized systems. Slow, power-law decay of fluctuations of such spin-echo-type overlap is related to the operator spreading and is present only in the many-body localized phase, but not in a non-interacting Anderson insulator. While most of the previously considered probes of dephasing dynamics could be understood by approximating physical spin operators with local integrals of motion, the Loschmidt echo and its generalizations crucially depend on the full expansion of the physical operators via local integrals of motion operators, as well as operators which flip local integrals of motion. Hence, these probes allow to get insights into the relation between physical operators and local integrals of motion, and access the operator spreading in the many-body localized phase.
Thermal and many-body localized phases are separated by a dynamical phase transition of a new kind. We analyze the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators across the many-body localization transition (MBLT) in a disordered spi n chain, and use it to characterize the breakdown of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and to extract the many-body Thouless energy. We find a wide critical region around the MBLT, where Thouless energy becomes smaller than the level spacing, while matrix elements show critical dependence on the energy difference. In the same region, matrix elements, viewed as amplitudes of a fictitious wave function, exhibit strong multifractality. Our findings show that the correlation length becomes larger than the accessible system sizes in a broad range of disorder strength values, and shed light on the critical behaviour of MBL systems.
The entanglement spectrum of the reduced density matrix contains information beyond the von Neumann entropy and provides unique insights into exotic orders or critical behavior of quantum systems. Here, we show that strongly disordered systems in the many-body localized phase have power-law entanglement spectra, arising from the presence of extensively many local integrals of motion. The power-law entanglement spectrum distinguishes many-body localized systems from ergodic systems, as well as from ground states of gapped integrable models or free systems in the vicinity of scale-invariant critical points. We confirm our results using large-scale exact diagonalization. In addition, we develop a matrix-product state algorithm which allows us to access the eigenstates of large systems close to the localization transition, and discuss general implications of our results for variational studies of highly excited eigenstates in many-body localized systems.

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