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We have imaged 24 spectral lines in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) around the Galactic Centre, in the range 42 to 50 GHz. The lines include emission from the CS, CH3OH, HC3N, SiO, HNCO, HOCO+, NH2CHO, OCS, HCS+, CCS, C34S, 13CS, 29SiO, H13CCCN, HCC 13CN and HC5}N molecules, and three hydrogen recombination lines. The area covered is Galactic longitude -0.7 to 1.8 deg. and latitude -0.3 to 0.2 deg., including the bright cores around Sgr A, SgrB2, SgrC and G1.6-0.025. This work used the 22-m Mopra radio telescope in Australia, obtaining ~ 1.8 km/s spectral and ~ 65 arcsec spatial resolution. We present peak images from this study and conduct a principal component analysis on the integrated emission from the brightest 10 lines, to study similarities and differences in the line distribution. We examine the integrated line intensities and line ratios in selected apertures around the bright cores, as well as for the complete mapped region of the CMZ. We compare these 7-mm lines to the corresponding lines in the 3-mm band, for five molecules, to study the excitation. There is a variation in 3-mm to 7-mm line ratio across the CMZ, with relatively higher ratio in the centre around Sgr B2 and Sgr A. We find that the lines are sub-thermally excited, and from modelling with RADEX find that non-LTE conditions apply, with densities of order 10^4 cm^{-3}.
The cold, dry and stable air above the summits of the Antarctic plateau provides the best ground-based observing conditions from optical to sub-mm wavelengths to be found on the Earth. PILOT is a proposed 2 m telescope, to be built at Dome C in Antar ctica, able to exploit these conditions for conducting astronomy at optical and infrared wavelengths. While PILOT is intended as a pathfinder towards the construction of future grand-design facilities, it will also be able to undertake a range of fundamental science investigations in its own right. This paper provides the performance specifications for PILOT, including its instrumentation. It then describes the kinds of science projects that it could best conduct. These range from planetary science to the search for other solar systems, from star formation within the Galaxy to the star formation history of the Universe, and from gravitational lensing caused by exo-planets to that produced by the cosmic web of dark matter. PILOT would be particularly powerful for wide-field imaging at infrared wavelengths, achieving near-diffraction limited performance with simple tip-tilt wavefront correction. PILOT would also be capable of near-diffraction limited performance in the optical wavebands, as well be able to open new wavebands for regular ground based observation; in the mid-IR from 17 to 40 microns and in the sub-mm at 200 microns.
We have obtained wide-field thermal infrared (IR) images of the Carina Nebula, using the SPIREX/Abu telescope at the South Pole. Emission from poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 3.29um, a tracer of photodissociation regions (PDRs), reveals m any interesting well defined clumps and diffuse regions throughout the complex. Near-IR images (1--2um), along with images from the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) satellite (8--21um) were incorporated to study the interactions between the young stars and the surrounding molecular cloud in more detail. Two new PAH emission clumps have been identified in the Keyhole Nebula and were mapped in 12CO(2--1) and (1--0) using the SEST. Analysis of their physical properties reveals they are dense molecular clumps, externally heated with PDRs on their surfaces and supported by external pressure in a similar manner to the other clumps in the region. A previously identified externally heated globule containing IRAS 10430-5931 in the southern molecular cloud, shows strong 3.29-, 8- and 21-um emission, the spectral energy distribution (SED) revealing the location of an ultra-compact (UC) HII region. The northern part of the nebula is complicated, with PAH emission inter-mixed with mid-IR dust continuum emission. Several point sources are located here and through a two-component black-body fit to their SEDs, we have identified 3 possible UC HII regions as well as a young star surrounded by a circumstellar disc. This implies that star formation in this region is on-going and not halted by the intense radiation from the surrounding young massive stars.

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