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Compounds based on the Fe2P structure have continued to attract interest because of the interplay between itinerant and localized magnetism in a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure, and because of the recent developments of these materials for magn etocaloric applications. Here we report the growth and characterization of mm size single crystals of FeMnP0.8Si0.2. Single crystal x-ray diffraction, magnetization, resistivity, Hall and heat capacity data are reported. Surprisingly, the crystals exhibit itinerant antiferromagnetic order below 158 K with no hint of ferromagnetic behavior in the magnetization curves and with the spins ordered primarily in the ab plane. The room temperature resistivity is close to the Ioffe-Regel limit for a metal. Single crystal x-ray diffraction indicates a strong preference for Mn to occupy the larger pyramidal 3g site. The cation site preference in the as-grown crystals and the antiferromagnetism are not changed after high temperature anneals and a rapid quench to room temperature.
Superconducting MgB2 strands with nanometer-scale SiC additions have been investigated systematically using transport and magnetic measurements. A comparative study of MgB2 strands with different nano-SiC addition levels has shown C-doping-enhanced c ritical current density Jc through enhancements in the upper critical field, Hc2, and decreased anisotropy. The critical current density and flux pinning force density obtained from magnetic measurements were found to greatly differ from the values obtained through transport measurements, particularly with regards to magnetic field dependence. The differences in magnetic and transport results are largely attributed to connectivity related effects. On the other hand, based on the scaling behavior of flux pinning force, there may be other effective pinning centers in MgB2 strands in addition to grain boundary pinning.
The anisotropy of the critical current density (Jc) and its influence on measurement of irreversibility field (Birr) has been investigated for high quality, in-situ MgB2 strands. Comparison of transport and magnetization measurements has revealed the onset of a regime where large differences exist between transport and magnetically measured values of the critical current density and Birr. These effects, initially unexpected due to the lack of crystalline texture in these in-situ processed strands, appear to be due to a fibrous microstructure, connected with the details of the wire fabrication and MgB2 formation reactions. Scanning electron micrographs of in-situ-processed MgB2 monocore strands have revealed a fibrous microstructure. Grains (~100 nm) are randomly oriented, and there is no apparent local texture of the grains. However, this randomly oriented polycrystalline material has a fibrous texture at a larger length scale, with stringers of MgB2 (~ 60 {mu}m long and ~5 {mu}m in diameter) partially separated by elongated pores -- the spaces previously occupied by stringers of elemental Mg. This leads to an interpretation of the differences observed in transport and magnetically determined critical currents, in particular a large deviation between the two at higher fields, in terms of different transverse and longitudinal connectivities within the strand. The different values of connectivity also lead to different resistive transition widths, and thus irreversibility field values, as measured by transport and magnetic techniques. Finally, these considerations are seen to influence estimated pinning potentials for the strands.

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