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Using holographic idea, we study the entanglement of purification in a field theory with a critical point in intermediate and low temperature regime. This theory includes temperature $T$ as well as chemical potential $mu$. In the intermediate regime, due to chemical potential, we observe that new terms proportional to temperature square appear in the final result of entanglement of purification or equivalently, apart from $T^0$ and $T^4$ terms in the case of $mu=0$, it contains the terms proportional to $T^2$. Our results also indicate that the entanglement of purification, i.e. the correlation between subsystems, can decrease or increase depending on the value of $frac{mu}{T}$ when the other parameters are kept fixed. However, in the low temperature limit, the correlation always decreases, comparing to the $mu=0$ case, independent of the value of $frac{mu}{T}$ when the other parameters do not alter. The existence of a critical point in the theory changes the behavior of entanglement of purification in such a way that the entanglement of purification experiences a maximum or minimum. Moreover, near the critical point, we analytically show that the critical exponent is equal to 0.5 in both regimes and also the term proportional to $T^2$ changes sign and becomes negative in the intermediate regime.
We study holographically the zero and finite temperature behavior of the potential energy and holographic subregion complexity corresponding to a probe meson in a non-conformal model. Interestingly, in the specific regime of the model parameters, at zero and low temperatures, we find a nicely linear relation between dimensionless meson potential energy and dimensionless volume implying that the less bounded meson state needs less information to be specified and vice versa. But this behavior can not be confirmed in the high temperature limit. We also observe that the non-conformal corrections increase holographic subregion complexity in both zero and finite temperature. However, non-conformality has a decreasing effect on the dimensionless meson potential energy. We finally find that in the vicinity of the phase transition, the zero temperature meson state is more favorable than the finite temperature state, from the holographic subregion complexity point of view.
In the presence of finite chemical potential $mu$, we holographically compute the entanglement of purification in a $2+1$- and $3+1$-dimensional field theory and also in a $3+1$-dimensional field theory with a critical point. We observe that compared to $2+1$- and $3+1$-dimensional field theories, the behavior of entanglement of purification near critical point is different and it is not a monotonic function of $frac{mu}{T}$ where $T$ is the temperature of the field theory. Therefore, the entanglement of purification distinguishes the critical point in the field theory. We also discuss the dependence of the holographic entanglement of purification on the various parameters of the theories. Moreover, the critical exponent is calculated.
Holographic mutual and tripartite information have been studied in a non-conformal background. We have investigated how these observables behave as the energy scale and number of degrees of freedom vary. We have found out that the effect of degrees o f freedom and energy scale is opposite. Moreover, it has been observed that the disentangling transition occurs at large distance between sub-systems in non-conformal field theory independent of l. The mutual information in a non-conformal background remains also monogamous.
The holographic complexity has been studied in a background which includes a critical point in the dual field theory. We have examined how the complexity rate and the saturation time of dynamical variables in the theory behave as one moves towards th e critical point. Two significant results of our analysis are that (i) it takes more time for the complexity in field theory dual to become time dependent as one moves away from the critical point and (ii) near the critical point the complexity starts evolving linearly in time sooner than the other points away from it. We also observe different behaviour for complexity rate in action and volume prescriptions. In action prescription we have used the time scales in theory to obtain the dynamical critical exponent and interestingly have observed that different time scales produce the same value up to very small error.
224 - M. Asadi , M. Ali-Akbari 2018
We study the time evolution of holographic mutual and tripartite information for a zero temperature $CFT$, derives to a non-relativistic thermal Lifshitz field theory by a quantum quench. We observe that the symmetry breaking does not play any role i n the phase space, phase of parameters of sub-systems, and the length of disentangling transition. Nevertheless, mutual and tripartite information indeed depend on the rate of symmetry breaking. We also find that for large enough values of $delta t$ the quantity $t_{eq}delta t^{-1}$, where $delta t$ and $t_{eq}$ are injection time and equilibration time respectively, behaves universally, $i.e.$ its value is independent of length of separation between sub-systems. We also show that tripartite information is always non-positive during the process indicates that mutual information is monogamous.
We study the time evolution of the expectation value of a rectangular Wilson loop in strongly anisotropic time-dependent plasma using gauge-gravity duality. The corresponding gravity theory is given by describing time evolution of a classical string in the Lifshitz-Vaidya background. We show that the expectation value of the Wilson loop oscillates about the value of the static potential with the same parameters after the energy injection is over. We discuss how the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation depend on the parameters of the theory. In particular, by raising the anisotropy parameter, we observe that the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation increase.
129 - M Lezgi , M. Ali-Akbari 2017
Based on gauge-gravity duality, by using holographic entanglement entropy, we have done a phenomenological study to probe confinement-deconfinement phase transition in the QCD-like gauge theory. Our outcomes are in perfect agreement with the expected results, qualitatively and quantitatively. We find out that the (holographic) entanglement entropy is a reliable order parameter for probing the phase transition.
Using the gauge/gravity duality, we investigate the evolution of an out-of-equilibrium strongly-coupled plasma from the viewpoint of the two-point function of scalar gauge-invariant operators with large conformal dimension. This system is out of equi librium due to the presence of anisotropy and/or a massive scalar field. Considering various functions for the initial anisotropy and scalar field, we conclude that the effect of the anisotropy on the evolution of the two-point function is considerably more than the effect of the scalar field. We also show that the ordering of the equilibration time of the one-point function for the non-probe scalar field and the correlation function between two points with a fixed separation can be reversed by changing the initial configuration of the plasma, when the system is out of the equilibrium due to the presence of at least two different sources like our problem. In addition, we find the equilibration time of the two-point function to be linearly increasing with respect to the separation of the two points with a fixed slope, regardless of the initial configuration that we start with. Finally we observe that, for larger separations the geodesic connecting two points on the boundary crosses the event horizon after it has reached its final equilibrium value, meaning that the two-point function can probe behind the event horizon.
192 - M. Ali-Akbari , F. Charmchi 2016
The holographic equilibration of a far-from-equilibrium strongly coupled gauge theory is investigated. The dynamics of a probe D7-brane in an AdS-Vaidya background is studied in the presence of an external time-dependent electric field. Defining the equilibration times $t_{eq}^c$ and $t_{eq}^j$, at which condensation and current relax to their final equilibrated values, receptively, the smallness of transition time $k_M$ or $k_E$ is enough to observe a universal behaviour for re-scaled equilibration times $k_M k_E (t_{eq}^c)^{-2}$ and $k_M k_E (t_{eq}^j)^{-2}$. Moreover, regardless of the values for $k_M$ and $k_E$, $t_{eq}^c/t_{eq}^j$ also behaves universally for large enough value of the ratio of the final electric field to final temperature. Then a simple discussion of the static case reveals that $t_{eq}^c leq t_{eq}^j$. For an out-of-equilibrium process, our numerical results show that, apart from the cases for which $k_E$ is small, the static time ordering persists.

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