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The term moderate deviations is often used in the literature to mean a class of large deviation principles that, in some sense, fill the gap between a convergence in probability to zero (governed by a large deviation principle) and a weak convergence to a centered Normal distribution. We talk about non-central moderate deviations when the weak convergence is towards a non-Gaussian distribution. In this paper we study non-central moderate deviations for compound fractional Poisson processes with light-tailed jumps.
It is well-known that compositions of Markov processes with inverse subordinators are governed by integro-differential equations of generalized fractional type. This kind of processes are of wide interest in statistical physics as they are connected to anomalous diffusions. In this paper we consider a generalization; more precisely we mean componentwise compositions of $mathbb{R}^d$-valued Markov processes with the components of an independent multivariate inverse subordinator. As a possible application, we present a model of anomalous diffusion in anisotropic medium, which is obtained as a weak limit of suitable continuous-time random walks.
We consider continuous-time Markov chains on integers which allow transitions to adjacent states only, with alternating rates. We give explicit formulas for probability generating functions, and also for means, variances and state probabilities of th e random variables of the process. Moreover we study independent random time-changes with the inverse of the stable subordinator, the stable subordinator and the tempered stable subodinator. We also present some asymptotic results in the fashion of large deviations. These results give some generalizations of those presented in Di Crescenzo A., Macci C., Martinucci B. (2014).

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