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We propose a second version of the van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF2) of Dion et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)], employing a more accurate semilocal exchange functional and the use of a large-N asymptote gradient correction in deter mining the vdW kernel. The predicted binding energy, equilibrium separation, and potential-energy curve shape are close to those of accurate quantum chemical calculations on 22 duplexes. We anticipate the enabling of chemically accurate calculations in sparse materials of importance for condensed-matter, surface, chemical, and biological physics.
Hydrogen adsorption by the metal organic framework (MOF) structure Zn2(BDC)2(TED) is investigated using a combination of experimental and theoretical methods. By use of the nonempirical van der Waals density-functional (vdW-DF) approach, it is found that the locus of deepest H2 binding positions lies within two types of narrow channel. The energies of the most stable binding sites, as well as the number of such binding sites, are consistent with the values obtained from experimental adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption data. Calculations of the shift of the H-H stretch frequency when adsorbed in the MOF give a value of approximately -30 cm-1 at the strongest binding point in each of the two channels. Ambient temperature infrared absorption spectroscopy measurements give a hydrogen peak centered at 4120 cm-1, implying a shift consistent with the theoretical calculations.

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