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The majority of systems rely on user authentication on passwords, but passwords have so many weaknesses and widespread use that easily raise significant security concerns, regardless of their encrypted form. Users hold the same password for different accounts, administrators never check password files for flaws that might lead to a successful cracking, and the lack of a tight security policy regarding regular password replacement are a few problems that need to be addressed. The proposed research work aims at enhancing this security mechanism, prevent penetrations, password theft, and attempted break-ins towards securing computing systems. The selected solution approach is two-folded; it implements a two-factor authentication scheme to prevent unauthorized access, accompanied by Honeyword principles to detect corrupted or stolen tokens. Both can be integrated into any platform or web application with the use of QR codes and a mobile phone.
In Cyberspace nowadays, there is a burst of information that everyone has access. However, apart from the advantages the Internet offers, it also hides numerous dangers for both people and nations. Cyberspace has a dark side, including terrorism, bul lying, and other types of violence. Cyberwarfare is a kind of virtual war that causes the same destruction that a physical war would also do. In this article, we discuss what Cyberterrorism is and how it can lead to Cyberwarfare.
The NIS Directive introduces obligations for the security of the network and information systems of operators of essential services and of digital service providers and require from the national competent authorities to assess their compliance to the se obligations. This paper describes a novel cybersecurity maturity assessment framework (CMAF) that is tailored to the NIS Directive requirements and can be used either as a self assessment tool from critical national infrastructures either as an audit tool from the National Competent Authorities for cybersecurity.
As Critical National Infrastructures are becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks, their protection becomes a significant issue for any organization as well as a nation. Moreover, the ability to attribute is a vital element of avoiding impunity in c yberspace. In this article, we present main threats to critical infrastructures along with protective measures that one nation can take, and which are classified according to legal, technical, organizational, capacity building, and cooperation aspects. Finally we provide an overview of current methods and practices regarding cyber attribution and cyber peace keeping
This paper proposes a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) that combines different classifier approaches which are based on decision tree and rules-based concepts, namely, REP Tree, JRip algorithm and Forest PA. Specifically, the first and second m ethod take as inputs features of the data set, and classify the network traffic as Attack/Benign. The third classifier uses features of the initial data set in addition to the outputs of the first and the second classifier as inputs. The experimental results obtained by analyzing the proposed IDS using the CICIDS2017 dataset, attest their superiority in terms of accuracy, detection rate, false alarm rate and time overhead as compared to state of the art existing schemes.

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