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Societies change through time, entailing changes in behaviors and institutions. We ask how social change occurs when behaviors and institutions are interdependent. We model a group-structured society in which the transmission of individual behavior o ccurs in parallel with the selection of group-level institutions. We consider a cooperative behavior that generates collective benefits for groups but does not spread between individuals on its own. Groups exhibit institutions that increase the diffusion of the behavior within the group, but also incur a group cost. Groups adopt institutions in proportion to their fitness. Finally, cooperative behavior may also spread globally. As expected, we find that cooperation and institutions are mutually reinforcing. But the model also generates behavioral source-sink dynamics when cooperation generated in institutional groups spreads to non-institutional groups, boosting their fitness. Consequently, the global diffusion of cooperation creates a pattern of institutional free-riding that limits the evolution of group-beneficial institutions. Our model suggests that, in a group-structured society, large-scale change in behavior and institutions (i.e. social change) can be best achieved when the two remain correlated, such as through the spread successful pilot programs.
GitHub has become the central online platform for much of open source, hosting most open source code repositories. With this popularity, the public digital traces of GitHub are now a valuable means to study teamwork and collaboration. In many ways, h owever, GitHub is a convenience sample. We need to assess its representativeness, particularly how GitHubs design may alter the working patterns of its users. Here we develop a novel, extensive sample of public open source project repositories outside of centralized platforms like GitHub. We characterized these projects along a number of dimensions, and compare to a time-matched sample of corresponding GitHub projects. Compared to GitHub, these projects tend to have more collaborators, are maintained for longer periods, and tend to be more focused on academic and scientific problems.
Mathematical disease modelling has long operated under the assumption that any one infectious disease is caused by one transmissible pathogen spreading among a population. This paradigm has been useful in simplifying the biological reality of epidemi cs and has allowed the modelling community to focus on the complexity of other factors such as population structure and interventions. However, there is an increasing amount of evidence that the strain diversity of pathogens, and their interplay with the host immune system, can play a large role in shaping the dynamics of epidemics. Here, we introduce a disease model with an underlying genotype network to account for two important mechanisms. One, the disease can mutate along network pathways as it spreads in a host population. Two, the genotype network allows us to define a genetic distance across strains and therefore to model the transcendence of immunity often observed in real world pathogens. We study the emergence of epidemics in this model, through its epidemic phase transitions, and highlight the role of the genotype network in driving cyclicity of diseases, large scale fluctuations, sequential epidemic transitions, as well as localization around specific strains of the associated pathogen. More generally, our model illustrates the richness of behaviours that are possible even in well-mixed host populations once we consider strain diversity and go beyond the one disease equals one pathogen paradigm.
Hateful rhetoric is plaguing online discourse, fostering extreme societal movements and possibly giving rise to real-world violence. A potential solution to this growing global problem is citizen-generated counter speech where citizens actively engag e in hate-filled conversations to attempt to restore civil non-polarized discourse. However, its actual effectiveness in curbing the spread of hatred is unknown and hard to quantify. One major obstacle to researching this question is a lack of large labeled data sets for training automated classifiers to identify counter speech. Here we made use of a unique situation in Germany where self-labeling groups engaged in organized online hate and counter speech. We used an ensemble learning algorithm which pairs a variety of paragraph embeddings with regularized logistic regression functions to classify both hate and counter speech in a corpus of millions of relevant tweets from these two groups. Our pipeline achieved macro F1 scores on out of sample balanced test sets ranging from 0.76 to 0.97---accuracy in line and even exceeding the state of the art. On thousands of tweets, we used crowdsourcing to verify that the judgments made by the classifier are in close alignment with human judgment. We then used the classifier to discover hate and counter speech in more than 135,000 fully-resolved Twitter conversations occurring from 2013 to 2018 and study their frequency and interaction. Altogether, our results highlight the potential of automated methods to evaluate the impact of coordinated counter speech in stabilizing conversations on social media.
Discovering and isolating infected individuals is a cornerstone of epidemic control. Because many infectious diseases spread through close contacts, contact tracing is a key tool for case discovery and control. However, although contact tracing has b een performed widely, the mathematical understanding of contact tracing has not been fully established and it has not been clearly understood what determines the efficacy of contact tracing. Here, we reveal that, compared with forward tracing---tracing to whom disease spreads, backward tracing---tracing from whom disease spreads---is profoundly more effective. The effectiveness of backward tracing is due to simple but overlooked biases arising from the heterogeneity in contacts. Using simulations on both synthetic and high-resolution empirical contact datasets, we show that even at a small probability of detecting infected individuals, strategically executed contact tracing can prevent a significant fraction of further transmissions. We also show that---in terms of the number of prevented transmissions per isolation---case isolation combined with a small amount of contact tracing is more efficient than case isolation alone. By demonstrating that backward contact tracing is highly effective at discovering super-spreading events, we argue that the potential effectiveness of contact tracing has been underestimated. Therefore, there is a critical need for revisiting current contact tracing strategies so that they leverage all forms of biases. Our results also have important consequences for digital contact tracing because it will be crucial to incorporate the capability for backward and deep tracing while adhering to the privacy-preserving requirements of these new platforms.
The basic reproductive number -- $R_0$ -- is one of the most common and most commonly misapplied numbers in public health. Although often used to compare outbreaks and forecast pandemic risk, this single number belies the complexity that two differen t pathogens can exhibit, even when they have the same $R_0$. Here, we show how to predict outbreak size using estimates of the distribution of secondary infections, leveraging both its average $R_0$ and the underlying heterogeneity. To do so, we reformulate and extend a classic result from random network theory that relies on contact tracing data to simultaneously determine the first moment ($R_0$) and the higher moments (representing the heterogeneity) in the distribution of secondary infections. Further, we show the different ways in which this framework can be implemented in the data-scarce reality of emerging pathogens. Lastly, we demonstrate that without data on the heterogeneity in secondary infections for emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19, the uncertainty in outbreak size ranges dramatically. Taken together, our work highlights the critical need for contact tracing during emerging infectious disease outbreaks and the need to look beyond $R_0$ when predicting epidemic size.

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