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Zero-shot action recognition is the task of classifying action categories that are not available in the training set. In this setting, the standard evaluation protocol is to use existing action recognition datasets(e.g. UCF101) and randomly split the classes into seen and unseen. However, most recent work builds on representations pre-trained on the Kinetics dataset, where classes largely overlap with classes in the zero-shot evaluation datasets. As a result, classes which are supposed to be unseen, are present during supervised pre-training, invalidating the condition of the zero-shot setting. A similar concern was previously noted several years ago for image based zero-shot recognition but has not been considered by the zero-shot action recognition community. In this paper, we propose a new split for true zero-shot action recognition with no overlap between unseen test classes and training or pre-training classes. We benchmark several recent approaches on the proposed True Zero-Shot(TruZe) Split for UCF101 and HMDB51, with zero-shot and generalized zero-shot evaluation. In our extensive analysis, we find that our TruZesplits are significantly harder than comparable random splits as nothing is leaking from pre-training, i.e. unseen performance is consistently lower,up to 8.9% for zero-shot action recognition. In an additional evaluation we also find that similar issues exist in the splits used in few-shot action recognition, here we see differences of up to 17.1%. We publish oursplits1and hope that our benchmark analysis will change how the field is evaluating zero- and few-shot action recognition moving forward.
Prototype learning is extensively used for few-shot segmentation. Typically, a single prototype is obtained from the support feature by averaging the global object information. However, using one prototype to represent all the information may lead to ambiguities. In this paper, we propose two novel modules, named superpixel-guided clustering (SGC) and guided prototype allocation (GPA), for multiple prototype extraction and allocation. Specifically, SGC is a parameter-free and training-free approach, which extracts more representative prototypes by aggregating similar feature vectors, while GPA is able to select matched prototypes to provide more accurate guidance. By integrating the SGC and GPA together, we propose the Adaptive Superpixel-guided Network (ASGNet), which is a lightweight model and adapts to object scale and shape variation. In addition, our network can easily generalize to k-shot segmentation with substantial improvement and no additional computational cost. In particular, our evaluations on COCO demonstrate that ASGNet surpasses the state-of-the-art method by 5% in 5-shot segmentation.
Zero-shot action recognition is the task of recognizingaction classes without visual examples, only with a seman-tic embedding which relates unseen to seen classes. Theproblem can be seen as learning a function which general-izes well to instances of unseen classes without losing dis-crimination between classes. Neural networks can modelthe complex boundaries between visual classes, which ex-plains their success as supervised models. However, inzero-shot learning, these highly specialized class bound-aries may not transfer well from seen to unseen classes.In this paper we propose a centroid-based representation,which clusters visual and semantic representation, consid-ers all training samples at once, and in this way generaliz-ing well to instances from unseen classes. We optimize theclustering using Reinforcement Learning which we show iscritical for our approach to work. We call the proposedmethod CLASTER and observe that it consistently outper-forms the state-of-the-art in all standard datasets, includ-ing UCF101, HMDB51 and Olympic Sports; both in thestandard zero-shot evaluation and the generalized zero-shotlearning. Further, we show that our model performs com-petitively in the image domain as well, outperforming thestate-of-the-art in many settings.
Action recognition is computationally expensive. In this paper, we address the problem of frame selection to improve the accuracy of action recognition. In particular, we show that selecting good frames helps in action recognition performance even in the trimmed videos domain. Recent work has successfully leveraged frame selection for long, untrimmed videos, where much of the content is not relevant, and easy to discard. In this work, however, we focus on the more standard short, trimmed action recognition problem. We argue that good frame selection can not only reduce the computational cost of action recognition but also increase the accuracy by getting rid of frames that are hard to classify. In contrast to previous work, we propose a method that instead of selecting frames by considering one at a time, considers them jointly. This results in a more efficient selection, where good frames are more effectively distributed over the video, like snapshots that tell a story. We call the proposed frame selection SMART and we test it in combination with different backbone architectures and on multiple benchmarks (Kinetics, Something-something, UCF101). We show that the SMART frame selection consistently improves the accuracy compared to other frame selection strategies while reducing the computational cost by a factor of 4 to 10 times. Additionally, we show that when the primary goal is recognition performance, our selection strategy can improve over recent state-of-the-art models and frame selection strategies on various benchmarks (UCF101, HMDB51, FCVID, and ActivityNet).
This is the proceedings of the Computer Vision for Agriculture (CV4A) Workshop that was held in conjunction with the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2020. The Computer Vision for Agriculture (CV4A) 2020 workshop was sche duled to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on April 26th, 2020. It was held virtually that same day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop was held in conjunction with the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2020.
Understanding temporal information and how the visual world changes over time is a fundamental ability of intelligent systems. In video understanding, temporal information is at the core of many current challenges, including compression, efficient in ference, motion estimation or summarization. However, in current video datasets it has been observed that action classes can often be recognized without any temporal information from a single frame of video. As a result, both benchmarking and training in these datasets may give an unintentional advantage to models with strong image understanding capabilities, as opposed to those with strong temporal understanding. In this paper we address this problem head on by identifying action classes where temporal information is actually necessary to recognize them and call these temporal classes. Selecting temporal classes using a computational method would bias the process. Instead, we propose a methodology based on a simple and effective human annotation experiment. We remove just the temporal information by shuffling frames in time and measure if the action can still be recognized. Classes that cannot be recognized when frames are not in order are included in the temporal Dataset. We observe that this set is statistically different from other static classes, and that performance in it correlates with a networks ability to capture temporal information. Thus we use it as a benchmark on current popular networks, which reveals a series of interesting facts. We also explore the effect of training on the temporal dataset, and observe that this leads to better generalization in unseen classes, demonstrating the need for more temporal data. We hope that the proposed dataset of temporal categories will help guide future research in temporal modeling for better video understanding.
Typical video classification methods often divide a video into short clips, do inference on each clip independently, then aggregate the clip-level predictions to generate the video-level results. However, processing visually similar clips independent ly ignores the temporal structure of the video sequence, and increases the computational cost at inference time. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named FASTER, i.e., Feature Aggregation for Spatio-TEmporal Redundancy. FASTER aims to leverage the redundancy between neighboring clips and reduce the computational cost by learning to aggregate the predictions from models of different complexities. The FASTER framework can integrate high quality representations from expensive models to capture subtle motion information and lightweight representations from cheap models to cover scene changes in the video. A new recurrent network (i.e., FAST-GRU) is designed to aggregate the mixture of different representations. Compared with existing approaches, FASTER can reduce the FLOPs by over 10x? while maintaining the state-of-the-art accuracy across popular datasets, such as Kinetics, UCF-101 and HMDB-51.
Most of the top performing action recognition methods use optical flow as a black box input. Here we take a deeper look at the combination of flow and action recognition, and investigate why optical flow is helpful, what makes a flow method good for action recognition, and how we can make it better. In particular, we investigate the impact of different flow algorithms and input transformations to better understand how these affect a state-of-the-art action recognition method. Furthermore, we fine tune two neural-network flow methods end-to-end on the most widely used action recognition dataset (UCF101). Based on these experiments, we make the following five observations: 1) optical flow is useful for action recognition because it is invariant to appearance, 2) optical flow methods are optimized to minimize end-point-error (EPE), but the EPE of current methods is not well correlated with action recognition performance, 3) for the flow methods tested, accuracy at boundaries and at small displacements is most correlated with action recognition performance, 4) training optical flow to minimize classification error instead of minimizing EPE improves recognition performance, and 5) optical flow learned for the task of action recognition differs from traditional optical flow especially inside the human body and at the boundary of the body. These observations may encourage optical flow researchers to look beyond EPE as a goal and guide action recognition researchers to seek better motion cues, leading to a tighter integration of the optical flow and action recognition communities.
The optical flow of natural scenes is a combination of the motion of the observer and the independent motion of objects. Existing algorithms typically focus on either recovering motion and structure under the assumption of a purely static world or op tical flow for general unconstrained scenes. We combine these approaches in an optical flow algorithm that estimates an explicit segmentation of moving objects from appearance and physical constraints. In static regions we take advantage of strong constraints to jointly estimate the camera motion and the 3D structure of the scene over multiple frames. This allows us to also regularize the structure instead of the motion. Our formulation uses a Plane+Parallax framework, which works even under small baselines, and reduces the motion estimation to a one-dimensional search problem, resulting in more accurate estimation. In moving regions the flow is treated as unconstrained, and computed with an existing optical flow method. The resulting Mostly-Rigid Flow (MR-Flow) method achieves state-of-the-art results on both the MPI-Sintel and KITTI-2015 benchmarks.

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