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The aim of this paper is to prove a Large Deviation Principle (LDP) for cumulative processes also known as coumpound renewal processes. These processes cumulate independent random variables occuring in time interval given by a renewal process. Our re sult extends the one obtained in Lefevere et al. (2011) in the sense that we impose no specific dependency between the cumulated random variables and the renewal process. The proof is inspired from Lefevere et al. (2011) but deals with additional difficulties due to the general framework that is considered here. In the companion paper Cattiaux-Costa-Colombani (2021) we apply this principle to Hawkes processes with inhibition. Under some assumptions Hawkes processes are indeed cumulative processes, but they do not enter the framework of Lefevere et al. (2011).
In this paper we consider some non linear Hawkes processes with signed reproduction function (or memory kernel) thus exhibiting both self-excitation and inhibition. We provide a Law of Large Numbers, a Central Limit Theorem and large deviation result s, as time growths to infinity. The proofs lie on a renewal structure for these processes introduced in Costa et al. (2020) which leads to a comparison with cumulative processes. Explicit computations are made on some examples. Similar results have been obtained in the literature for self-exciting Hawkes processes only.

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