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133 - A. Ron , E. Zoghlin , L. Balents 2019
Magneto-elastic distortions are commonly detected across magnetic long-range ordering (LRO) transitions. In principle, they are also induced by the magnetic short-range ordering (SRO) that precedes a LRO transition, which contains information about s hort-range correlations and energetics that are essential for understanding how LRO is established. However these distortions are difficult to resolve because the associated atomic displacements are exceedingly small and do not break symmetry. Here we demonstrate high-multipole nonlinear optical polarimetry as a sensitive and mode selective probe of SRO induced distortions using CrSiTe$_3$ as a testbed. This compound is composed of weakly bonded sheets of nearly isotropic ferromagnetically interacting spins that, in the Heisenberg limit, would individually be impeded from LRO by the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Our results show that CrSiTe$_3$ evades this law via a two-step crossover from two- to three-dimensional magnetic SRO, manifested through two successive and previously undetected totally symmetric distortions above its Curie temperature.
77 - J. Roechner , L. Balents , 2016
We show that the highly frustrated transverse-field Ising model on the three-dimensional pyrochlore lattice realizes a first-order phase transition without symmetry breaking between the low-field Coulomb quantum spin liquid and the high-field polariz ed phase. The quantum phase transition is located quantitively by comparing low- and high-field series expansions. Furthermore, the intriguing properties of the elementary excitations in the polarized phase are investigated. We argue that this model can be achieved experimentally by applying mechanical strain to a classical spin ice material comprised of non-Kramers spins such as Ho_2Ti_2O_7. Taken together with our results, this provides a new experimental platform to study quantum spin liquid physics.
94 - J. Alicea 2004
High-mobility 2D electron systems in a perpendicular magnetic field exhibit zero resistance states (ZRS) when driven with microwave radiation. We study the nonequilibrium phase transition into this ZRS using phenomenological equations of motion to de scribe the current and density fluctuations. We focus on two models for the transition into a time-independent steady state. Model-I assumes rotational invariance, density conservation, and symmetry under shifting the density globally by a constant. This model is argued to describe physics on small length scales where the density does not vary appreciably from its mean. The ordered state that arises in this case breaks rotational invariance and consists of a uniform current and transverse Hall field. We discuss some properties of this state, such as stability to fluctuations and the appearance of a Goldstone mode associated with the continuous symmetry breaking. Using dynamical renormalization group techniques, we find that with short-range interactions this model can admit a continuous transition described by mean-field theory, whereas with long-range interactions the transition is driven first-order. Model-II, which assumes only rotational invariance and density conservation and is argued to be appropriate on longer length scales, is shown to predict a first-order transition with either short- or long-range interactions. We discuss implications for experiments, including scaling relations and a possible way to detect the Goldstone mode in the case of a continuous transition into the ZRS, as well as possible signatures of a first-order transition in larger samples. We also point out the connection of our work to the well-studied phenomenon of `flocking.
157 - M.Y. Veillette , L. Balents 2001
We investigate a model of excitonic ordering (i.e electron-hole pair condensation) appropriate for the divalent hexaborides. We show that the inclusion of imperfectly nested electron hole Fermi surfaces can lead to the formation of an undoped exciton ic metal phase. In addition, we find that weak ferromagnetism with compensated moments arises as a result of gapless excitations. We study the effect of the low lying excitations on the density of states, Fermi surface topology and optical conductivity and compare to available experimental data.
33 - M. Y. Veillette , L. Balents , 2001
We investigate the relationship of the spontaneously inter-layer coherent ``111state of quantum Hall bilayers at total filling factor u=1 to ``mutual composite fermions, in which vortices in one layer are bound to electrons in the other. Pairing of the mutual composite fermions leads to the low-energy properties of the 111 state, as we explicitly demonstrate using field-theoretic techniques. Interpreting this relationship as a mechanism for inter-layer coherence leads naturally to two candidate states with non-quantized Hall conductance: the mutual composite Fermi liquid, and an inter-layer coherent charge e Wigner crystal. The experimental behavior of the interlayer tunneling conductance and resistivity tensors are discussed for these states.

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