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178 - L. Feher 2021
We introduce a bi-Hamiltonian hierarchy on the cotangent bundle of the real Lie group ${mathrm GL}(n,{mathbb{C}})$, and study its Poisson reduction with respect to the action of the product group ${{mathrm U}(n)} times {{mathrm U}(n)}$ arising from l eft- and right-multiplications. One of the pertinent Poisson structures is the canonical one, while the other is suitably transferred from the real Heisenberg double of ${mathrm GL}(n,{mathbb{C}})$. When taking the quotient of $T^*{mathrm GL}(n,{mathbb{C}})$ we focus on the dense open subset of ${mathrm GL}(n,{mathbb{C}})$ whose elements have pairwise distinct singular values. We develop a convenient description of the Poisson algebras of the ${{mathrm U}(n)} times {{mathrm U}(n)}$ invariant functions, and show that one of the Hamiltonians of the reduced bi-Hamiltonian hierarchy yields a hyperbolic Sutherland model coupled to two ${mathfrak u}(n)^*$-valued spins. Thus we obtain a new bi-Hamiltonian interpretation of this model, which represents a special case of Sutherland models coupled to two spins obtained earlier from reductions of cotangent bundles of reductive Lie groups equipped with their canonical Poisson structure. Upon setting one of the spins to zero, we recover the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the standard hyperbolic spin Sutherland model that was derived recently by a different method.
Fermionic and bosonic ghost systems are defined each in terms of a single vertex algebra which admits a one-parameter family of conformal structures. The observation that these structures are related to each other provides a simple way to obtain char acter formulae for a general twisted module of a ghost system. The U(1) symmetry and its subgroups that underly the twisted modules also define an infinite set of invariant vertex subalgebras. Their structure is studied in detail from a W-algebra point of view with particular emphasis on Z_N-invariant subalgebras of the fermionic ghost system.

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