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Temperature dependence of pion and sigma-meson screening masses is evaluated by the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with the entanglement vertex (EPNJL model). We propose a practical way of calculating meson screening masses in the N JL-type effective models. The method based on the Pauli-Villars regularization solves the well-known difficulty that the evaluation of screening masses is not easy in the NJL-type effective models. The method is applied to analyze temperature dependence of pion screening masses calculated with state-of-the-art lattice simulations with success in reproducing the lattice QCD results. We predict the temperature dependence of pole mass by using EPNJL model.
We investigate QCD at large mu/T by using Z_3-symmetric SU(3) gauge theory, where mu is the quark-number chemical potential and T is temperature. We impose the flavor-dependent twist boundary condition on quarks in QCD. This QCD-like theory has the t wist angle theta as a parameter, and agrees with QCD when theta=0 and becomes symmetric when theta=2pi/3. For both QCD and the Z_3-symmetric SU(3) gauge theory, the phase diagram is drawn in mu--T plane with the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. In the Z_3-symmetric SU(3) gauge theory, the Polyakov loop varphi is zero in the confined phase appearing at T lsim 200 MeV. The perfectly confined phase never coexists with the color superconducting (CSC) phase, since finite diquark condensate in the CSC phase breaks Z_3 symmetry and then makes varphi finite. When mu gsim 300 MeV, the CSC phase is more stable than the perfectly confined phase at T lsim 100 MeV. Meanwhile, the chiral symmetry can be broken in the perfectly confined phase, since the chiral condensate is Z_3 invariant. Consequently, the perfectly confined phase is divided into the perfectly confined phase without chiral symmetry restoration in a region of mu lsim 300 MeV and T lsim 200 MeV and the perfectly confined phase with chiral symmetry restoration in a region of mu gsim 300 MeV and 100 lsim T lsim 200 MeV. The basic phase structure of Z_3-symmetric QCD-like theory remains in QCD. We show that in the perfectly confined phase the sign problem becomes less serious because of varphi=0, using the heavy quark theory. We discuss a lattice QCD framework to evaluate observables at theta=0 from those at theta=2pi/3.
Temperature dependence of pion and sigma-meson screening masses is evaluated by the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with the entanglement vertex. We propose a practical way of calculating meson screening masses in the NJL-type effective models. The method based on the Pauli-Villars regularization solves the well-known difficulty that the evaluaton of screening masses is not easy in the NJL-type effective models.The PNJL model with the entanglement vertex and the Pauli-Villars regularization well reproduces lattice QCD results on temperature dependence of the chiral condensate and the Polyakov loop. The method is applied to analyze temperature dependence of pion screening mass calculated with state-of-the-art lattice simulations with success in reproducing the lattice QCD results.
We make a simple observation about two models used to treat the region near the critical temperature of QCD, quasiparticle and matrix models. While they appear very different, we show how these two models might be related. We also present results for the temperature dependence of the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy in a matrix model, and suggest that quasi-particle models may behave similarly.
We show, in general, that when a discontinuity of either zeroth-order or first-order takes place in an order parameter such as the chiral condensate, discontinuities of the same order emerge in other order parameters such as the Polyakov loop. A cond ition for the coexistence theorem to be valid is clarified. Consequently, only when the condition breaks down, zeroth-order and first-order discontinuities can coexist on a phase boundary. We show with the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model that such a type of coexistence is realized in the imaginary chemical potential region of the QCD phase diagram. We also present examples of coexistence of the same-order discontinuities in the real chemical potential region.
Effects of the vector-type four-quark interaction on QCD phase structure are investigated in the imaginary chemical potential region, by using the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with the extended Z3 symmetry. In the course to this end, we clarify analytically the Roberge-Weiss periodicity and symmetry properties of various quantities under the existence of a vector-type four-quark interaction. In the imaginary chemical potential region, the chiral condensate and the quark number density are sensitive to the strength of the interaction. Based on this result, we propose a possibility to determine the strength of the vector-type interaction, which largely affects QCD phase structure in the real chemical potential region, by comparing the results of lattice simulations and effective model calculations in the imaginary chemical potential region.
Phase transitions in the imaginary chemical potential region are studied by the Polyakov loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model that possesses the extended Z3 symmetry. The extended Z3 invariant quantities such as the partition function, the c hiral condensate and the modifed Polyakov loop have the Roberge-Weiss (RW) periodicity. There appear four types of phase transitions; deconfinement, chiral, Polykov-loop RW and chiral RW transitions. The orders of the chiral and deconfinement transitions depend on the presence or absence of current quark mass, but those of the Polykov-loop RW and chiral RW transitions do not. The scalar-type eightquark interaction newly added in the model makes the chiral transition line shift to the vicinity of the deconfiment transition line.
112 - Kouji Kashiwa 2008
The critical endpoint (CEP) and the phase structure are studied in the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in which the scalar type eight-quark (sigma^4) interaction and the vector type four-quark interaction are newly added. The sigma^4 interaction largely shifts the CEP toward higher temperature and lower chemical potential, while the vector type interaction does oppositely. At zero chemical potential, the sigma^4 interaction moves the pseudo-critical temperature of the chiral phase transition to the vicinity of that of the deconfinement phase transition.
The Polyakov loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with imaginary chemical potential is studied. The model possesses the extended ${mathbb Z}_{3}$ symmetry that QCD does. Quantities invariant under the extended ${mathbb Z}_{3}$ symmetry, suc h as the partition function, the chiral condensate and the modified Polyakov loop, have the Roberge-Weiss (RW) periodicity. The phase diagram of confinement/deconfinement transition derived with the PNJL model is consistent with the RW prediction on it and the results of lattice QCD. The phase diagram of chiral transition is also presented by the PNJL model.
100 - Kouji Kashiwa 2007
We study the interplay of the chiral and the color superconducting phase transitions in an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with a multi-quark interaction that produces the nonlinear chiral-diquark coupling. We observe that this nonlinear coupling adds up coherently with the omega^2 interaction to produce the chiral-color superconductivity coexistence phase or cancel each other depending on its sign. We discuss that large coexistence region in the phase diagram is consistent with the quark-diquark picture for the nucleon whereas its smallness is the prerequisite for the applicability of the Ginzburg-Landau approach.

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