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Imitation learning is an effective tool for robotic learning tasks where specifying a reinforcement learning (RL) reward is not feasible or where the exploration problem is particularly difficult. Imitation, typically behavior cloning or inverse RL, derive a policy from a collection of first-person action-state trajectories. This is contrary to how humans and other animals imitate: we observe a behavior, even from other species, understand its perceived effect on the state of the environment, and figure out what actions our body can perform to reach a similar outcome. In this work, we explore the possibility of third-person visual imitation of manipulation trajectories, only from vision and without access to actions, demonstrated by embodiments different to the ones of our imitating agent. Specifically, we investigate what would be an appropriate representation method with which an RL agent can visually track trajectories of complex manipulation behavior -- non-planar with multiple-object interactions -- demonstrated by experts with different embodiments. We present a way to train manipulator-independent representations (MIR) that primarily focus on the change in the environment and have all the characteristics that make them suitable for cross-embodiment visual imitation with RL: cross-domain alignment, temporal smoothness, and being actionable. We show that with our proposed method our agents are able to imitate, with complex robot control, trajectories from a variety of embodiments and with significant visual and dynamics differences, e.g. simulation-to-reality gap.
In this work, we consider the problem of model selection for deep reinforcement learning (RL) in real-world environments. Typically, the performance of deep RL algorithms is evaluated via on-policy interactions with the target environment. However, c omparing models in a real-world environment for the purposes of early stopping or hyperparameter tuning is costly and often practically infeasible. This leads us to examine off-policy policy evaluation (OPE) in such settings. We focus on OPE for value-based methods, which are of particular interest in deep RL, with applications like robotics, where off-policy algorithms based on Q-function estimation can often attain better sample complexity than direct policy optimization. Existing OPE metrics either rely on a model of the environment, or the use of importance sampling (IS) to correct for the data being off-policy. However, for high-dimensional observations, such as images, models of the environment can be difficult to fit and value-based methods can make IS hard to use or even ill-conditioned, especially when dealing with continuous action spaces. In this paper, we focus on the specific case of MDPs with continuous action spaces and sparse binary rewards, which is representative of many important real-world applications. We propose an alternative metric that relies on neither models nor IS, by framing OPE as a positive-unlabeled (PU) classification problem with the Q-function as the decision function. We experimentally show that this metric outperforms baselines on a number of tasks. Most importantly, it can reliably predict the relative performance of different policies in a number of generalization scenarios, including the transfer to the real-world of policies trained in simulation for an image-based robotic manipulation task.
Style transfer usually refers to the task of applying color and texture information from a specific style image to a given content image while preserving the structure of the latter. Here we tackle the more generic problem of semantic style transfer: given two unpaired collections of images, we aim to learn a mapping between the corpus-level style of each collection, while preserving semantic content shared across the two domains. We introduce XGAN (Cross-GAN), a dual adversarial autoencoder, which captures a shared representation of the common domain semantic content in an unsupervised way, while jointly learning the domain-to-domain image translations in both directions. We exploit ideas from the domain adaptation literature and define a semantic consistency loss which encourages the model to preserve semantics in the learned embedding space. We report promising qualitative results for the task of face-to-cartoon translation. The cartoon dataset, CartoonSet, we collected for this purpose is publicly available at google.github.io/cartoonset/ as a new benchmark for semantic style transfer.
Instrumenting and collecting annotated visual grasping datasets to train modern machine learning algorithms can be extremely time-consuming and expensive. An appealing alternative is to use off-the-shelf simulators to render synthetic data for which ground-truth annotations are generated automatically. Unfortunately, models trained purely on simulated data often fail to generalize to the real world. We study how randomized simulated environments and domain adaptation methods can be extended to train a grasping system to grasp novel objects from raw monocular RGB images. We extensively evaluate our approaches with a total of more than 25,000 physical test grasps, studying a range of simulation conditions and domain adaptation methods, including a novel extension of pixel-level domain adaptation that we term the GraspGAN. We show that, by using synthetic data and domain adaptation, we are able to reduce the number of real-world samples needed to achieve a given level of performance by up to 50 times, using only randomly generated simulated objects. We also show that by using only unlabeled real-world data and our GraspGAN methodology, we obtain real-world grasping performance without any real-world labels that is similar to that achieved with 939,777 labeled real-world samples.
Collecting well-annotated image datasets to train modern machine learning algorithms is prohibitively expensive for many tasks. One appealing alternative is rendering synthetic data where ground-truth annotations are generated automatically. Unfortun ately, models trained purely on rendered images often fail to generalize to real images. To address this shortcoming, prior work introduced unsupervised domain adaptation algorithms that attempt to map representations between the two domains or learn to extract features that are domain-invariant. In this work, we present a new approach that learns, in an unsupervised manner, a transformation in the pixel space from one domain to the other. Our generative adversarial network (GAN)-based method adapts source-domain images to appear as if drawn from the target domain. Our approach not only produces plausible samples, but also outperforms the state-of-the-art on a number of unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios by large margins. Finally, we demonstrate that the adaptation process generalizes to object classes unseen during training.
The cost of large scale data collection and annotation often makes the application of machine learning algorithms to new tasks or datasets prohibitively expensive. One approach circumventing this cost is training models on synthetic data where annota tions are provided automatically. Despite their appeal, such models often fail to generalize from synthetic to real images, necessitating domain adaptation algorithms to manipulate these models before they can be successfully applied. Existing approaches focus either on mapping representations from one domain to the other, or on learning to extract features that are invariant to the domain from which they were extracted. However, by focusing only on creating a mapping or shared representation between the two domains, they ignore the individual characteristics of each domain. We suggest that explicitly modeling what is unique to each domain can improve a models ability to extract domain-invariant features. Inspired by work on private-shared component analysis, we explicitly learn to extract image representations that are partitioned into two subspaces: one component which is private to each domain and one which is shared across domains. Our model is trained not only to perform the task we care about in the source domain, but also to use the partitioned representation to reconstruct the images from both domains. Our novel architecture results in a model that outperforms the state-of-the-art on a range of unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios and additionally produces visualizations of the private and shared representations enabling interpretation of the domain adaptation process.

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