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We present 150 MHz, 1.4 GHz, and 3 GHz radio imaging (LoTSS, FIRST and VLASS) and spatially resolved ionized gas characteristics (SDSS IV-MaNGA) for 140 local ($z<0.1$) early-type red geyser galaxies. These galaxies have low star formation activity ( SFR $sim rm 0.01 M_{odot} yr^{-1}$), but show unique extended patterns in spatially-resolved emission line maps that have been interpreted as large-scale ionized winds driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this work we confirm that red geysers host low-luminosity radio sources ($rm L_{1.4GHz} sim 10^{22} W Hz^{-1}$). Out of 42 radio-detected red geysers, 32 are spatially resolved in LoTSS and FIRST, with radio sizes varying between $sim 5-25$ kpc. Three sources have radio sizes exceeding 40 kpc. A majority display a compact radio morphology and are consistent with either low-power compact radio sources (FR0 galaxies) or radio-quiet quasars. They may be powered by small-scale AGN-driven jets which remain unresolved at the current $5$ resolution of radio data. The extended radio sources, not belonging to the compact morphological class, exhibit steeper spectra with a median spectral index of $-0.67$ indicating the dominance of lobed components. The red geysers hosting extended radio sources also have the lowest specific star formation rates, suggesting they either have a greater impact on the surrounding interstellar medium or are found in more massive halos on average. The degree of alignment of the ionized wind cone and the extended radio features are either 0$^{circ}$ or 90$^{circ}$, indicating possible interaction between the interstellar medium and the central radio AGN.
We study cool neutral gas traced by NaD absorption in 140 local ($rm z<0.1)$ early-type ``red geyser galaxies. These galaxies show unique signatures in spatially-resolved strong-line emission maps that have been interpreted as large-scale active gala ctic nuclei driven ionized winds. To investigate the possible fuel source for these winds, we examine the abundance and kinematics of cool gas ($rm T sim 100-1000 K$) inferred from Na I D absorption in red geysers and matched control samples drawn from SDSS-IV MaNGA. We find that red geysers host greater amounts of NaD-associated material. Substantial cool gas components are detected in more than $rm 50 %$ of red geysers (compared to 25% of the control sample) going up to 78$%$ for radio-detected red geysers. Our key result is that cool gas in red geysers is predominantly infalling. Among our 30 radio-detected red geysers, 86$%$ show receding NaD absorption velocities (with respect to the systemic velocity) between $rm 40 - 50~km~s^{-1}$. We verify this result by stacking NaD profiles across each sample which confirms the presence of infalling NaD velocities within red geysers ( $simrm 40~km~s^{-1}$) with no velocity offsets detected in the control samples. Interpreting our observations as signatures of inflowing cool neutral clouds, we derive an approximate mass inflow rate of $rm dot{M}_{in} sim 0.1 M_{odot} yr^{-1}$, similar to that expected from minor merging and internal recycling. Some red geysers show much higher rates ($rm dot{M}_{in} sim 5 M_{odot} yr^{-1}$) that may indicate an ongoing accretion event.
Spatially resolved spectroscopy from SDSS-IV MaNGA survey has revealed a class of quiescent, relatively common early-type galaxies, termed red geysers, that possibly host large scale active galactic nuclei driven winds. Given their potential importan ce in maintaining low level of star formation at late times, additional evidence confirming that winds are responsible for the red geyser phenomenon is critical. In this work, we present follow-up observations with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) at the Keck telescope of two red geysers (z$<$0.1) using multiple long slit positions to sample different regions of each galaxy. Our ESI data with a spectral resolution (R) $sim$ 8000 improves upon MaNGAs resolution by a factor of four, allowing us to resolve the ionized gas velocity profiles along the putative wind cone with an instrumental resolution of $rm sigma = 16~km~s^{-1}$. The line profiles of H$alpha$ and [NII]$rm lambda 6584$ show asymmetric shapes that depend systematically on location $-$ extended blue wings on the red-shifted side of the galaxy and red wings on the opposite side. We construct a simple wind model and show that our results are consistent with geometric projections through an outflowing conical wind oriented at an angle towards the line of sight. An alternative hypothesis that assigns the asymmetric pattern to beam-smearing of a rotating, ionized gas disk does a poor job matching the line asymmetry profiles. While our study features just two sources, it lends further support to the notion that red geysers are the result of galaxy-scale winds.
The late assembly of massive galaxies is thought to be dominated by stellar accretion in their outskirts (beyond 2 effective radii Re) due to dry, minor galaxy mergers. We use observations of 1010 passive early-type galaxies (ETGs) within z<0.15 from SDSS IV MaNGA to search for evidence of this accretion. The outputs from the stellar population fitting codes FIREFLY, pPXF, and Prospector are compared to control for systematic errors in stellar metallicity (Z) estimation. We find that the average radial logZ/Zsun profiles of ETGs in various stellar mass (M) bins are not linear. As a result, these profiles are poorly characterized by a single gradient value, explaining why weak trends reported in previous work can be difficult to interpret. Instead, we examine the full radial extent of stellar metallicity profiles and find them to flatten in the outskirts of M>10^{11}Msun ETGs. This is a signature of stellar accretion. Based on a toy model for stellar metallicity profiles, we infer the ex-situ stellar mass fraction in ETGs as a function of M and galactocentric radius. We find that ex-situ stars at 2Re make up 20% of the projected stellar mass of M<10^{10.5}Msun ETGs, rising up to 80% for M>10^{11.5}Msun ETGs.
A new class of quiescent galaxies harboring possible AGN-driven winds has been discovered using spatially resolved optical spectroscopy from the ongoing SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. These galaxies, termed red geysers, constitute $5-10%$ of the local quiesce nt population and are characterized by narrow bisymmetric patterns in ionized gas emission features. Cheung et al. argued that these galaxies host large-scale AGN-driven winds that may play a role in suppressing star formation at late times. In this work, we test the hypothesis that AGN activity is ultimately responsible for the red geyser phenomenon. We compare the nuclear radio activity of the red geysers to a matched control sample with similar stellar mass, redshift, rest frame $NUV-r$ color, axis ratio and presence of ionized gas. We have used the 1.4 GHz radio continuum data from VLA FIRST survey to stack the radio flux from the red geyser and control samples. In addition to a 3 times higher FIRST detection rate, we find that red geysers have a 5$sigma$ higher level of average radio flux than control galaxies. After restricting to rest-frame $NUV-r$ color $>$ 5 and checking mid-IR WISE photometry, we rule out star formation contamination and conclude that red geysers are associated with more active AGN. Red geysers and a possibly-related class with disturbed H$alpha$ emission account for 40% of all radio-detected red galaxies with $rm log~(M_star/M_odot) < 11$. Our results support a picture in which episodic AGN activity drives large-scale-relatively weak ionized winds that may provide a feedback mechanism for many early-type galaxies.
103 - Kevin Bundy 2017
The average stellar mass (Mstar) of high-mass galaxies (Mstar > 3e11 Msun) is expected to grow by ~30% since z~1, largely through ongoing mergers that are also invoked to explain the observed increase in galaxy sizes. Direct evidence for the correspo nding growth in stellar mass has been elusive, however, in part because the volumes sampled by previous redshift surveys have been too small to yield reliable statistics. In this work, we make use of the Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Catalog to build a mass-limited sample of 41,770 galaxies (Mstar > 1.6e11) with optical to near-IR photometry and a large fraction (>55%) of spectroscopic redshifts. Our sample spans 139 square degrees, significantly larger than most previous efforts. After accounting for a number of potential systematic errors, including the effects of Mstar scatter, we measure galaxy stellar mass functions over 0.3 < z < 0.65 and detect no growth in the typical Mstar of massive galaxies with an uncertainty of 9%. This confidence level is dominated by uncertainties in the star formation history assumed for Mstar estimates, although our inability to characterize low surface-brightness outskirts may be the most important limitation of our study. Even among these high-mass galaxies, we find evidence for differential evolution when splitting the sample by recent star formation (SF) activity. While low-SF systems appear to become completely passive, we find a mostly sub-dominant population of galaxies with residual, but low rates of star formation (~1 Msun/yr) number density does not evolve. Interestingly, these galaxies become more prominent at higher Mstar, representing ~10% of all galaxies at Mstar ~ 1e12 Msun and perhaps dominating at even larger masses.
We study radial profiles in H$alpha$ equivalent width and specific star formation rate (sSFR) derived from spatially-resolved SDSS-IV MaNGA spectroscopy to gain insight on the physical mechanisms that suppress star formation and determine a galaxys l ocation in the SFR-$rm M_star$ diagram. Even within the star-forming `main sequence, the measured sSFR decreases with stellar mass, both in an integrated and spatially-resolved sense. Flat sSFR radial profiles are observed for $rm log(M_star/ M_odot) < 10.5$, while star-forming galaxies of higher mass show a significant decrease in sSFR in the central regions, a likely consequence of both larger bulges and an inside-out growth history. Our primary focus is the green valley, constituted by galaxies lying below the star formation main sequence, but not fully passive. In the green valley we find sSFR profiles that are suppressed with respect to star-forming galaxies of the same mass at all galactocentric distances out to 2 effective radii. The responsible quenching mechanism therefore appears to affect the entire galaxy, not simply an expanding central region. The majority of green valley galaxies of $rm log(M_star/ M_odot) > 10.0$ are classified spectroscopically as central low-ionisation emission-line regions (cLIERs). Despite displaying a higher central stellar mass concentration, the sSFR suppression observed in cLIER galaxies is not simply due to the larger mass of the bulge. Drawing a comparison sample of star forming galaxies with the same $rm M_star$ and $rm Sigma_{1~kpc}$ (the mass surface density within 1 kpc), we show that a high $rm Sigma_{1~kpc}$ is not a sufficient condition for determining central quiescence.
We describe the sample design for the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey and present the final properties of the main samples along with important considerations for using these samples for science. Our target selection criteria were developed while simultaneously optimizing the size distribution of the MaNGA integral field units (IFUs), the IFU allocation strategy, and the target density to produce a survey defined in terms of maximizing S/N, spatial resolution, and sample size. Our selection strategy makes use of redshift limits that only depend on i-band absolute magnitude ($M_i$), or, for a small subset of our sample, $M_i$ and color (NUV-i). Such a strategy ensures that all galaxies span the same range in angular size irrespective of luminosity and are therefore covered evenly by the adopted range of IFU sizes. We define three samples: the Primary and Secondary samples are selected to have a flat number density with respect to $M_i$ and are targeted to have spectroscopic coverage to 1.5 and 2.5 effective radii (Re), respectively. The Color-Enhanced supplement increases the number of galaxies in the low-density regions of color-magnitude space by extending the redshift limits of the Primary sample in the appropriate color bins. The samples cover the stellar mass range $5times10^8 leq M_* leq 3times10^{11} M_{odot}$ and are sampled at median physical resolutions of 1.37 kpc and 2.5 kpc for the Primary and Secondary samples respectively. We provide weights that will statistically correct for our luminosity and color-dependent selection function and IFU allocation strategy, thus correcting the observed sample to a volume limited sample.
Diffuse Ionized Gas (DIG) is prevalent in star-forming galaxies. Using a sample of 365 nearly face-on star-forming galaxies observed by MaNGA, we demonstrate how DIG in star-forming galaxies impacts the measurements of emission line ratios, hence the interpretation of diagnostic diagrams and gas-phase metallicity measurements. At fixed metallicity, DIG-dominated low Halpha surface brightness regions display enhanced [SII]/Halpha, [NII]/Halpha, [OII]/Hbeta, and [OI]/Halpha. The gradients in these line ratios are determined by metallicity gradients and Halpha surface brightness. In line ratio diagnostic diagrams, contamination by DIG moves HII regions towards composite or LI(N)ER-like regions. A harder ionizing spectrum is needed to explain DIG line ratios. Leaky HII region models can only shift line ratios slightly relative to HII region models, and thus fail to explain the composite/LI(N)ER line ratios displayed by DIG. Our result favors ionization by evolved stars as a major ionization source for DIG with LI(N)ER-like emission. DIG can significantly bias the measurement of gas metallicity and metallicity gradients derived using strong-line methods. Metallicities derived using N2O2 are optimal because they exhibit the smallest bias and error. Using O3N2, R23, N2=[NII]/Halpha, and N2S2Halpha (Dopita et al. 2016) to derive metallicities introduces bias in the derived metallicity gradients as large as the gradient itself. The strong-line method of Blanc et al. (2015; IZI hereafter) cannot be applied to DIG to get an accurate metallicity because it currently contains only HII region models which fail to describe the DIG.
The MaNGA Survey (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) is one of three core programs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV. It is obtaining integral field spectroscopy (IFS) for 10K nearby galaxies at a spectral resolution of R~2000 from 3,622-10,354A. The design of the survey is driven by a set of science requirements on the precision of estimates of the following properties: star formation rate surface density, gas metallicity, stellar population age, metallicity, and abundance ratio, and their gradients; stellar and gas kinematics; and enclosed gravitational mass as a function of radius. We describe how these science requirements set the depth of the observations and dictate sample selection. The majority of targeted galaxies are selected to ensure uniform spatial coverage in units of effective radius (Re) while maximizing spatial resolution. About 2/3 of the sample is covered out to 1.5Re (Primary sample), and 1/3 of the sample is covered to 2.5Re (Secondary sample). We describe the survey execution with details that would be useful in the design of similar future surveys. We also present statistics on the achieved data quality, specifically, the point spread function, sampling uniformity, spectral resolution, sky subtraction, and flux calibration. For our Primary sample, the median r-band signal-to-noise ratio is ~73 per 1.4A pixel for spectra stacked between 1-1.5 Re. Measurements of various galaxy properties from the first year data show that we are meeting or exceeding the defined requirements for the majority of our science goals.

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