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This article has been withdrawn because it has been merged with the earlier article GCT3 (arXiv: CS/0501076 [cs.CC]) in the series. The merged article is now available as: Geometric Complexity Theory III: on deciding nonvanishing of a Littlewood-Ri chardson Coefficient, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 36, issue 1, 2012, pp. 103-110. (Authors: Ketan Mulmuley, Hari Narayanan and Milind Sohoni) The new article in this GCT5 slot in the series is: Geometric Complexity Theory V: Equivalence between blackbox derandomization of polynomial identity testing and derandomization of Noethers Normalization Lemma, in the Proceedings of FOCS 2012 (abstract), arXiv:1209.5993 [cs.CC] (full version) (Author: Ketan Mulmuley)
75 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2012
We study a basic algorithmic problem in algebraic geometry, which we call NNL, of constructing a normalizing map as per Noethers Normalization Lemma. For general explicit varieties, as formally defined in this paper, we give a randomized polynomial-t ime Monte Carlo algorithm for this problem. For some interesting cases of explicit varieties, we give deterministic quasi-polynomial time algorithms. These may be contrasted with the standard EXPSPACE-algorithms for these problems in computational algebraic geometry. In particular, we show that: (1) The categorical quotient for any finite dimensional representation $V$ of $SL_m$, with constant $m$, is explicit in characteristic zero. (2) NNL for this categorical quotient can be solved deterministically in time quasi-polynomial in the dimension of $V$. (3) The categorical quotient of the space of $r$-tuples of $m times m$ matrices by the simultaneous conjugation action of $SL_m$ is explicit in any characteristic. (4) NNL for this categorical quotient can be solved deterministically in time quasi-polynomial in $m$ and $r$ in any characteristic $p$ not in $[2, m/2]$. (5) NNL for every explicit variety in zero or large enough characteristic can be solved deterministically in quasi-polynomial time, assuming the hardness hypothesis for the permanent in geometric complexity theory. The last result leads to a geometric complexity theory approach to put NNL for every explicit variety in P.
66 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2009
Geometric complexity theory (GCT) is an approach to the P vs. NP and related problems. This article gives its complexity theoretic overview without assuming any background in algebraic geometry or representation theory.
69 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2009
Geometric complexity theory (GCT) is an approach to the $P$ vs. $NP$ and related problems. A high level overview of this research plan and the results obtained so far was presented in a series of three lectures in the Institute of Advanced study, Pri nceton, Feb 9-11, 2009. This article contains the material covered in those lectures after some revision, and gives a mathematical overview of GCT. No background in algebraic geometry, representation theory or quantum groups is assumed.
56 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2009
This article belongs to a series on geometric complexity theory (GCT), an approach to the P vs. NP and related problems through algebraic geometry and representation theory. The basic principle behind this approach is called the flip. In essence, it reduces the negative hypothesis in complexity theory (the lower bound problems), such as the P vs. NP problem in characteristic zero, to the positive hypothesis in complexity theory (the upper bound problems): specifically, to showing that the problems of deciding nonvanishing of the fundamental structural constants in representation theory and algebraic geometry, such as the well known plethysm constants--or rather certain relaxed forms of these decision probelms--belong to the complexity class P. In this article, we suggest a plan for implementing the flip, i.e., for showing that these relaxed decision problems belong to P. This is based on the reduction of the preceding complexity-theoretic positive hypotheses to mathematical positivity hypotheses: specifically, to showing that there exist positive formulae--i.e. formulae with nonnegative coefficients--for the structural constants under consideration and certain functions associated with them. These turn out be intimately related to the similar positivity properties of the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and the multiplicative structural constants of the canonical (global crystal) bases in the theory of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups. The known proofs of these positivity properties depend on the Riemann hypothesis over finite fields and the related results. Thus the reduction here, in conjunction with the flip, in essence, says that the validity of the P vs. NP conjecture in characteristic zero is intimately linked to the Riemann hypothesis over finite fields and related problems.
104 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2008
This article gives conjecturally correct algorithms to construct canonical bases of the irreducible polynomial representations and the matrix coordinate rings of the nonstandard quantum groups in GCT4 and GCT7, and canonical bases of the dually paire d nonstandard deformations of the symmetric group algebra therein. These are generalizations of the canonical bases of the irreducible polynomial representations and the matrix coordinate ring of the standard quantum group, as constructed by Kashiwara and Lusztig, and the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of the Hecke algebra. A positive ($#P$-) formula for the well-known plethysm constants follows from their conjectural properties and the duality and reciprocity conjectures in cite{GCT7}.
84 - Ketan D. Mulmuley 2008
This article describes a {em nonstandard} quantum group that may be used to derive a positive formula for the plethysm problem, just as the standard (Drinfeld-Jimbo) quantum group can be used to derive the positive Littlewood-Richardson rule for arbi trary complex semisimple Lie groups. The sequel cite{GCT8} gives conjecturally correct algorithms to construct canonical bases of the coordinate rings of these nonstandard quantum groups and canonical bases of the dually paired nonstandard deformations of the symmetric group algebra. A positive $#P$-formula for the plethysm constant follows from the conjectural properties of these canonical bases and the duality and reciprocity conjectures herein.
These are lectures notes for the introductory graduate courses on geometric complexity theory (GCT) in the computer science department, the university of Chicago. Part I consists of the lecture notes for the course given by the first author in the sp ring quarter, 2007. It gives introduction to the basic structure of GCT. Part II consists of the lecture notes for the course given by the second author in the spring quarter, 2003. It gives introduction to invariant theory with a view towards GCT. No background in algebraic geometry or representation theory is assumed. These lecture notes in conjunction with the article cite{GCTflip1}, which describes in detail the basic plan of GCT based on the principle called the flip, should provide a high level picture of GCT assuming familiarity with only basic notions of algebra, such as groups, rings, fields etc.

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