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We imaged two starless molecular cloud cores, TUKH083 and TUKH122, in the Orion A giant molecular cloud in the CCS and ammonia (NH$_3$) emission with the Very Large Array. TUKH122 contains one NH$_3$ core TUKH122-n, which is elongated and has a smoot h oval boundary. Where observed, the CCS emission surrounds the NH$_3$ core. This configuration resembles that of the N$_2$H$^+$ and CCS distribution in the Taurus starless core L1544, a well-studied example of a dense prestellar core exhibiting infall motions. The linewidth of TUKH122-n is narrow (0.20 km s$^{-1}$) in the NH$_3$ emission line and therefore dominated by thermal motions. The smooth oval shape of the core boundary and narrow linewidth in NH$_3$ seem to imply that TUKH122-n is dynamically relaxed and quiescent. TUKH122-n is similar to L1544 in the kinetic temperature (10 K), linear size (0.03 pc), and virial mass ($sim$ 2 $M_{odot}$). Our results strongly suggest that TUKH122-n is on the verge of star formation. TUKH122-n is embedded in the 0.2 pc massive (virial mass $sim$ 30 $M_{odot}$) turbulent parent core, while the L1544 NH$_3$ core is embedded in the 0.2 pc less-massive (virial mass $sim$ 10 $M_{odot}$) thermal parent core. TUKH083 shows complicated distribution in NH$_3$, but was not detected in CCS. The CCS emission toward TUKH083 appears to be extended, and is resolved out in our interferometric observations.
We have mapped six molecular cloud cores in the Orion A giant molecular cloud (GMC), whose kinetic temperatures range from 10 to 30 K, in CCS and N2H+ with Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope to study their chemical characteristics. We identified 31 intens ity peaks in the CCS and N2H+ emission in these molecular cloud cores. It is found for cores with temperatures lower than ~ 25 K that the column density ratio of N(N2H+)/N(CCS) is low toward starless core regions while it is high toward star-forming core regions, in case that we detected both of the CCS and N2H+ emission. This is very similar to the tendency found in dark clouds (kinetic temperature ~ 10 K). The criterion found in the Orion A GMC is N(N2H+)/N(CCS) ~ 2-3. In some cases, the CCS emission is detected toward protostars as well as the N2H+ emission. Secondary late-stage CCS peak in the chemical evolution caused by CO depletion may be a possible explanation for this. We found that the chemical variation of CCS and N2H+ can also be used as a tracer of evolution in warm (10-25 K) GMC cores. On the other hand, some protostars do not accompany N2H+ intensity peaks but are associated with dust continuum emitting regions, suggesting that the N2H+ abundance might be decreased due to CO evaporation in warmer star-forming sites.
Circularly polarized 3.5 cm continuum emission was detected toward three radio sources in the R CrA region using the Very Large Array. The Class I protostar IRS 5b persistently showed polarized radio emission with a constant helicity over 8 yr, which suggests that its magnetosphere has a stable configuration. There is a good correlation between the Stokes I and Stokes V fluxes, and the fractional polarization is about 0.17. During active phases the fractional polarization is a weakly decreasing function of Stokes I flux, which suggests that IRS 5b is phenomenologically similar to other types of flare stars such as RS CVn binaries. The variability timescale of the polarized flux is about a month, and the magnetosphere of IRS 5b must be very large in size. The Class I protostar IRS 7A was detected once in circularly polarized radio emission, even though IRS 7A drives a thermal radio jet. This detection implies that the radio emission from the magnetosphere of a young protostar can escape the absorption by the partially ionized wind at least once in a while. The properties of IRS 7A and IRS 5b suggests that Class I protostars have organized peristellar magnetic fields of a few kilogauss and that the detectability of magnetospheric emission may depend on the evolutionary status of protostar. Also reported is the detection of circularly polarized radio emission toward the variable radio source B5.
The NGC 1333 IRAS 4A protobinary was observed in the ammonia (2, 2) and (3, 3) lines and in the 1.3 cm continuum with a high resolution (about 1.0 arcsec). The ammonia maps show two compact sources, one for each protostar, and they are probably proto stellar accretion disks. The disk associated with IRAS 4A2 is seen nearly edge-on and shows an indication of rotation. The A2 disk is brighter in the ammonia lines but dimmer in the dust continuum than its sibling disk, with the ammonia-to-dust flux ratios different by about an order of magnitude. This difference suggests that the twin disks have surprisingly dissimilar characters, one gas-rich and the other dusty. The A2 disk may be unusually active or hot, as indicated by its association with water vapor masers. The existence of two very dissimilar disks in a binary system suggests that the formation process of multiple systems has a controlling agent lacking in the isolated star formation process and that stars belonging to a multiple system do not necessarily evolve in phase with each other.
We present results of submillimeter observations of a low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) condensation in the Cederblad 110 region of the Chamaeleon I dark cloud with Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment. Our HCO+(J=4-3) map reveals a dense m olecular gas with an extent of ~ 0.1 pc, which is a complex of two envelopes associated with class I sources Ced110 IRS4 and IRS11 and a very young object Cha-MMS1. The other two class I sources in this region, IRS6 and NIR89, are located outside the clump and have no extended HCO+ emission. HCO+ abundance is calculated to be 2.6 x 10^{-10} for MMS1 and 3.4 x 10^{-9} for IRS4, which are comparable to the reported value for other young sources. Bipolar outflows from IRS4 and IRS6 are detected in our 12CO(J=3-2) map. The outflow from IRS4 seems to collide with Cha-MMS1. The outflow has enough momentum to affect gas motion in MMS1, although no sign has been detected to indicate that a triggered star formation has occurred.

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