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68 - Sandeep Kumar S 2019
Observations have indicated that we do not see neutron stars (NS) of mass near the theoretical upper limit as predicted. Here we invoke the role of dark matter (DM) particles in star formation, and their role in lowering the mass of remnants eventual ly formed from these stars. Massive stars can capture DM particles more effectively than the lower mass stars, thus further softening the equation of state of neutron star. We also look at the capture of DM particles by the NS, which could further soften the upper mass limit of NS. The admixture of DM particles would be higher at earlier epochs (high z).
The requirement that their gravitational binding self-energy density must at least equal the background repulsive dark energy density for large scale cosmic structures implies a mass-radius relation of M/R^2 ~ 1g/cm^2, as pointed out earlier. This re lation seems to hold true for primeval galaxies as well as those at present epoch. This could set constraints on the nature and evolution of dark energy. Besides, we also set constraints on the size of galaxy clusters and superclusters due to the repulsive cosmological dark energy. This could indicate as to why large scale cosmic structures much larger than ~200Mpc are not seen.
93 - Kenath Arun 2017
One of the unresolved questions currently in cosmology is that of the non-linear accelerated expansion of the universe. This has been attributed to the so called Dark Energy (DE). The accelerated expansion of the universe is deduced from measurements of Type Ia supernovae. Here we propose alternate models to account for the Type Ia supernovae measurements without invoking dark energy.
The 21 cm hydrogen line is considered a favourable frequency by the SETI programme in their search for signals from potential extra-terrestrial civilizations. The Pioneer plaque, attached to the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, portrays the hype rfine transition of neutral hydrogen and used the wavelength as a standard scale of measurement.Although this line would be universally recognized and is a suitable wavelength to look for radio signals from extraterrestrials, the presence of ubiquitous radiation from galactic hydrogen could make searches a little difficult. In this paper we suggest several alternate standard frequencies which is free of interference from atomic or molecular sources and is independent of any bias.
107 - Kenath Arun 2017
The nature of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) which is supposed to constitute about 95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas regarding the nature of both. While some candidates for DM are clear ly ruled out, there is still a plethora of viable particles that fit the bill. In the context of DE, while current observations favour a cosmological constant picture, there are other competing models that are equally likely. This paper reviews the different possible candidates for DM including exotic candidates and their possible detection. This review also covers the different models for DE and the possibility of unified models for DM and DE. Keeping in mind the negative results in some of the ongoing DM detection experiments, here we also review the possible alternatives to both DM and DE (such as MOND and modifications of general relativity) and possible means of observationally distinguishing between the alternatives.
This years Physics Nobel prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillations which resolved the problem of the missing solar neutrinos and the atmospheric muon neutrinos implies that at least one of the three neutrino species has a tiny mass. The neutri no oscillations measure the mass difference squared, and the individual neutrino masses have yet to be accurately ascertained. Particle theory has so far not given a predictive picture for neutrino masses. Here we propose that the anthropic principle may be relevant, as it is frequently invoked to understand other aspects of the universe, including the precise values of fine structure constant or nuclear coupling constant or even the proton-electron mass ratio.
Just forty years ago, Hawking wrote his famous paper on primordial black holes (PBH). There have been since innumerable discussions on the consequences of the existence of such exotic objects and ramifications of their properties. Here we suggest tha t PBHs in an ever expanding universe (as implied by dark energy domination, especially of a cosmological constant) could be the ultimate repository for long lived living systems. PBHs having solar surface temperatures would last 10^32 years as a steady power source and should be considered in any discussion on exobiological life.
417 - C Sivaram 2013
Gravity stands apart from other fundamental interactions in that it is locally equivalent to an accelerated frame and can be transformed away. Again it is indistinguishable from the geometry of space-time (which is an arena for all other basic intera ctions), its strength being linked with the curvature. This is a major reason why it has so far not been amenable to quantisation like other interactions. It is also evident that new ideas are required to resolve several conundrums in areas like cosmology, black hole physics, and particles at high energies. That gravity can have strong coupling at microscales has also been suggested in several contexts earlier. Here we develop some of these ideas, especially in connection with the high accelerations experienced by particles at microscales, which would be interpreted as strong local gravitational fields. The consequences are developed for various situations and possible experimental manifestations are discussed.
In recent work, a new cosmological paradigm implied a mass-radius relation, suggesting a universal tension related to the background dark energy (cosmological constant), leading to an energy per unit area that holds for structures from atomic nuclei to clusters of galaxies. Here we explore some of the consequences that arise from such a universal tension.
As is well known, black hole entropy is proportional to the area of the horizon suggesting a holographic principle wherein all degrees of freedom contributing to the entropy reside on the surface. In this note, we point out that large scale dark ener gy (such as a cosmological constant) constraining cosmic structures can imply a similar situation for the entropy of a hierarchy of such objects.

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