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70 - Alexander Soen , Ke Sun 2021
The Fisher information matrix (FIM) has been applied to the realm of deep learning. It is closely related to the loss landscape, the variance of the parameters, second order optimization, and deep learning theory. The exact FIM is either unavailable in closed form or too expensive to compute. In practice, it is almost always estimated based on empirical samples. We investigate two such estimators based on two equivalent representations of the FIM. They are both unbiased and consistent with respect to the underlying true FIM. Their estimation quality is characterized by their variance given in closed form. We bound their variances and analyze how the parametric structure of a deep neural network can impact the variance. We discuss the meaning of this variance measure and our bounds in the context of deep learning.
A Lagrangian-type numerical scheme called the comoving mesh method or CMM is developed for numerically solving certain classes of moving boundary problems which include, for example, the classical Hele-Shaw flow problem and the well-known mean curvat ure flow problem. This finite element scheme exploits the idea that the normal velocity field of the moving boundary can be extended throughout the entire domain of definition of the problem using, for instance, the Laplace operator. Then, the boundary as well as the finite element mesh of the domain are easily updated at every time step by moving the nodal points along this velocity field. The feasibility of the method, highlighting its practicality, is illustrated through various numerical experiments. Also, in order to examine the accuracy of the proposed scheme, the experimental order of convergences between the numerical and manufactured solutions for these examples are also calculated.
110 - Feng Xia , Ke Sun , Shuo Yu 2021
Graphs are widely used as a popular representation of the network structure of connected data. Graph data can be found in a broad spectrum of application domains such as social systems, ecosystems, biological networks, knowledge graphs, and informati on systems. With the continuous penetration of artificial intelligence technologies, graph learning (i.e., machine learning on graphs) is gaining attention from both researchers and practitioners. Graph learning proves effective for many tasks, such as classification, link prediction, and matching. Generally, graph learning methods extract relevant features of graphs by taking advantage of machine learning algorithms. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview on the state-of-the-art of graph learning. Special attention is paid to four categories of existing graph learning methods, including graph signal processing, matrix factorization, random walk, and deep learning. Major models and algorithms under these categories are reviewed respectively. We examine graph learning applications in areas such as text, images, science, knowledge graphs, and combinatorial optimization. In addition, we discuss several promising research directions in this field.
75 - Ke Sun , Jiaying Liu , Shuo Yu 2021
Features representation leverages the great power in network analysis tasks. However, most features are discrete which poses tremendous challenges to effective use. Recently, increasing attention has been paid on network feature learning, which could map discrete features to continued space. Unfortunately, current studies fail to fully preserve the structural information in the feature space due to random negative sampling strategy during training. To tackle this problem, we study the problem of feature learning and novelty propose a force-based graph learning model named GForce inspired by the spring-electrical model. GForce assumes that nodes are in attractive forces and repulsive forces, thus leading to the same representation with the original structural information in feature learning. Comprehensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Furthermore, GForce opens up opportunities to use physics models to model node interaction for graph learning.
341 - Ke Sun , Lei Wang , Bo Xu 2021
Network representation learning (NRL) is an effective graph analytics technique and promotes users to deeply understand the hidden characteristics of graph data. It has been successfully applied in many real-world tasks related to network science, su ch as social network data processing, biological information processing, and recommender systems. Deep Learning is a powerful tool to learn data features. However, it is non-trivial to generalize deep learning to graph-structured data since it is different from the regular data such as pictures having spatial information and sounds having temporal information. Recently, researchers proposed many deep learning-based methods in the area of NRL. In this survey, we investigate classical NRL from traditional feature learning method to the deep learning-based model, analyze relationships between them, and summarize the latest progress. Finally, we discuss open issues considering NRL and point out the future directions in this field.
75 - Ke Sun , Vijay Kumar 2021
In this work, we use iterative Linear Quadratic Gaussian (iLQG) to plan motions for a mobile robot with range sensors in belief space. We address two limitations that prevent applications of iLQG to the considered robotic system. First, iLQG assumes a differentiable measurement model, which is not true for range sensors. We show that iLQG only requires the differentiability of the belief dynamics. We propose to use a derivative-free filter to approximate the belief dynamics, which does not require explicit differentiability of the measurement model. Second, informative measurements from a range sensor are sparse. Uninformative measurements produce trivial gradient information, which prevent iLQG optimization from converging to a local minimum. We densify the informative measurements by introducing additional parameters in the measurement model. The parameters are iteratively updated in the optimization to ensure convergence to the true measurement model of a range sensor. We show the effectiveness of the proposed modifications through an ablation study. We also apply the proposed method in simulations of large scale real world environments, which show superior performance comparing to the state-of-the-art methods that either assume the separation principle or maximum likelihood measurements.
In this paper, we address the problem of stochastic motion planning under partial observability, more specifically, how to navigate a mobile robot equipped with continuous range sensors such as LIDAR. In contrast to many existing robotic motion plann ing methods, we explicitly consider the uncertainty of the robot state by modeling the system as a POMDP. Recent work on general purpose POMDP solvers is typically limited to discrete observation spaces, and does not readily apply to the proposed problem due to the continuous measurements from LIDAR. In this work, we build upon an existing Monte Carlo Tree Search method, POMCP, and propose a new algorithm POMCP++. Our algorithm can handle continuous observation spaces with a novel measurement selection strategy. The POMCP++ algorithm overcomes over-optimism in the value estimation of a rollout policy by removing the implicit perfect state assumption at the rollout phase. We validate POMCP++ in theory by proving it is a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. Through comparisons with other methods that can also be applied to the proposed problem, we show that POMCP++ yields significantly higher success rate and total reward.
287 - Shuai Zhang , Lijie Wang , Ke Sun 2020
Dependency parsing is a longstanding natural language processing task, with its outputs crucial to various downstream tasks. Recently, neural network based (NN-based) dependency parsing has achieved significant progress and obtained the state-of-the- art results. As we all know, NN-based approaches require massive amounts of labeled training data, which is very expensive because it requires human annotation by experts. Thus few industrial-oriented dependency parser tools are publicly available. In this report, we present Baidu Dependency Parser (DDParser), a new Chinese dependency parser trained on a large-scale manually labeled dataset called Baidu Chinese Treebank (DuCTB). DuCTB consists of about one million annotated sentences from multiple sources including search logs, Chinese newswire, various forum discourses, and conversation programs. DDParser is extended on the graph-based biaffine parser to accommodate to the characteristics of Chinese dataset. We conduct experiments on two test sets: the standard test set with the same distribution as the training set and the random test set sampled from other sources, and the labeled attachment scores (LAS) of them are 92.9% and 86.9% respectively. DDParser achieves the state-of-the-art results, and is released at https://github.com/baidu/DDParser.
63 - Jin Xu , Shuo Yu , Ke Sun 2020
Multivariate relations are general in various types of networks, such as biological networks, social networks, transportation networks, and academic networks. Due to the principle of ternary closures and the trend of group formation, the multivariate relationships in social networks are complex and rich. Therefore, in graph learning tasks of social networks, the identification and utilization of multivariate relationship information are more important. Existing graph learning methods are based on the neighborhood information diffusion mechanism, which often leads to partial omission or even lack of multivariate relationship information, and ultimately affects the accuracy and execution efficiency of the task. To address these challenges, this paper proposes the multivariate relationship aggregation learning (MORE) method, which can effectively capture the multivariate relationship information in the network environment. By aggregating node attribute features and structural features, MORE achieves higher accuracy and faster convergence speed. We conducted experiments on one citation network and five social networks. The experimental results show that the MORE model has higher accuracy than the GCN (Graph Convolutional Network) model in node classification tasks, and can significantly reduce time cost.
In this work, we address the motion planning problem for autonomous vehicles through a new lattice planning approach, called Feedback Enhanced Lattice Planner (FELP). Existing lattice planners have two major limitations, namely the high dimensionalit y of the lattice and the lack of modeling of agent vehicle behaviors. We propose to apply the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) as a speed feedback policy to address both of these limitations. IDM both enables the responsive behavior of the agents, and uniquely determines the acceleration and speed profile of the ego vehicle on a given path. Therefore, only a spatial lattice is needed, while discretization of higher order dimensions is no longer required. Additionally, we propose a directed-graph map representation to support the implementation and execution of lattice planners. The map can reflect local geometric structure, embed the traffic rules adhering to the road, and is efficient to construct and update. We show that FELP is more efficient compared to other existing lattice planners through runtime complexity analysis, and we propose two variants of FELP to further reduce the complexity to polynomial time. We demonstrate the improvement by comparing FELP with an existing spatiotemporal lattice planner using simulations of a merging scenario and continuous highway traffic. We also study the performance of FELP under different traffic densities.

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