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98 - Hongkai Ye , Chao Xu , Fei Gao 2021
In constrained solution spaces with a huge number of homotopy classes, stand-alone sampling-based kinodynamic planners suffer low efficiency in convergence. Local optimization is integrated to alleviate this problem. In this paper, we propose to thri ve the trajectory tree growing by optimizing the tree in the forms of deformation units, and each unit contains one tree node and all the edges connecting it. The deformation proceeds both spatially and temporally by optimizing the node state and edge time durations efficiently. The unit only changes the tree locally yet improves the overall quality of a corresponding sub-tree. Further, variants to deform different tree parts considering the computation burden and optimizing level are studied and compared, all showing much faster convergence. The proposed deformation is compatible with different RRT-based kinodynamic planning methods, and numerical experiments show that integrating the spatio-temporal deformation greatly accelerates the convergence and outperforms the spatial-only deformation.
507 - Haokai Hong , Kai Ye , Min Jiang 2021
The main feature of large-scale multi-objective optimization problems (LSMOP) is to optimize multiple conflicting objectives while considering thousands of decision variables at the same time. An efficient LSMOP algorithm should have the ability to e scape the local optimal solution from the huge search space and find the global optimal. Most of the current researches focus on how to deal with decision variables. However, due to the large number of decision variables, it is easy to lead to high computational cost. Maintaining the diversity of the population is one of the effective ways to improve search efficiency. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic prediction model based on trend prediction model and generating-filtering strategy, called LT-PPM, to tackle the LSMOP. The proposed method enhances the diversity of the population through importance sampling. At the same time, due to the adoption of an individual-based evolution mechanism, the computational cost of the proposed method is independent of the number of decision variables, thus avoiding the problem of exponential growth of the search space. We compared the proposed algorithm with several state-of-the-art algorithms for different benchmark functions. The experimental results and complexity analysis have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has significant improvement in terms of its performance and computational efficiency in large-scale multi-objective optimization.
106 - Kai Ye , Yinru Ye , Minqiang Yang 2021
The main challenges of image-to-image (I2I) translation are to make the translated image realistic and retain as much information from the source domain as possible. To address this issue, we propose a novel architecture, termed as IEGAN, which remov es the encoder of each network and introduces an encoder that is independent of other networks. Compared with previous models, it embodies three advantages of our model: Firstly, it is more directly and comprehensively to grasp image information since the encoder no longer receives loss from generator and discriminator. Secondly, the independent encoder allows each network to focus more on its own goal which makes the translated image more realistic. Thirdly, the reduction in the number of encoders performs more unified image representation. However, when the independent encoder applies two down-sampling blocks, its hard to extract semantic information. To tackle this problem, we propose deep and shallow information space containing characteristic and semantic information, which can guide the model to translate high-quality images under the task with significant shape or texture change. We compare IEGAN with other previous models, and conduct researches on semantic information consistency and component ablation at the same time. These experiments show the superiority and effectiveness of our architecture. Our code is published on: https://github.com/Elvinky/IEGAN.
104 - Tian Le , Qikai Ye , Chufan Chen 2021
Three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) attract much attention due to its topologically protected Dirac surface states. Doping into TIs or their proximity with normal superconductors can promote the realization of topological superconductivity (SC) and Majorana fermions with potential applications in quantum computations. Here, an emergent superconductivity was observed in local mesoscopic point-contacts on the topological insulator Bi2Se3 by applying a voltage pulse through the contacts, evidenced by the Andreev reflection peak in the point-contact spectra and a visible resistance drop in the four-probe electrical resistance measurements. More intriguingly, the superconductivity can be erased with thermal cycles by warming up to high temperatures (300 K) and induced again by the voltage pulse at the base temperature (1.9 K), suggesting a significance for designing new types of quantum devices. Nematic behaviour is also observed in the superconducting state, similar to the case of CuxBi2Se3 as topological superconductor candidates.
384 - Hongkai Ye , Tianyu Liu , Chao Xu 2021
For real-time multirotor kinodynamic motion planning, the efficiency of sampling-based methods is usually hindered by difficult-to-sample homotopy classes like narrow passages. In this paper, we address this issue by a hybrid scheme. We firstly propo se a fast regional optimizer exploiting the information of local environments and then integrate it into a global sampling process to ensure faster convergence. The incorporation of local optimization on different sampling-based methods shows significantly improved success rates and less planning time in various types of challenging environments. We also present a refinement module that fully investigates the resulting trajectory of the global sampling and greatly improves its smoothness with negligible computation effort. Benchmark results illustrate that compared to the state-of-the-art ones, our proposed method can better exploit a previous trajectory. The planning methods are applied to generate trajectories for a simulated quadrotor system, and its capability is validated in real-time applications.
Large-scale multiobjective optimization problems (LSMOPs) are characterized as involving hundreds or even thousands of decision variables and multiple conflicting objectives. An excellent algorithm for solving LSMOPs should find Pareto-optimal soluti ons with diversity and escape from local optima in the large-scale search space. Previous research has shown that these optimal solutions are uniformly distributed on the manifold structure in the low-dimensional space. However, traditional evolutionary algorithms for solving LSMOPs have some deficiencies in dealing with this structural manifold, resulting in poor diversity, local optima, and inefficient searches. In this work, a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based manifold interpolation framework is proposed to learn the manifold and generate high-quality solutions on this manifold, thereby improving the performance of evolutionary algorithms. We compare the proposed algorithm with several state-of-the-art algorithms on large-scale multiobjective benchmark functions. Experimental results have demonstrated the significant improvements achieved by this framework in solving LSMOPs.
In autonomous navigation of mobile robots, sensors suffer from massive occlusion in cluttered environments, leaving significant amount of space unknown during planning. In practice, treating the unknown space in optimistic or pessimistic ways both se t limitations on planning performance, thus aggressiveness and safety cannot be satisfied at the same time. However, humans can infer the exact shape of the obstacles from only partial observation and generate non-conservative trajectories that avoid possible collisions in occluded space. Mimicking human behavior, in this paper, we propose a method based on deep neural network to predict occupancy distribution of unknown space reliably. Specifically, the proposed method utilizes contextual information of environments and learns from prior knowledge to predict obstacle distributions in occluded space. We use unlabeled and no-ground-truth data to train our network and successfully apply it to real-time navigation in unseen environments without any refinement. Results show that our method leverages the performance of a kinodynamic planner by improving security with no reduction of speed in clustered environments.
259 - Zhepei Wang , Hongkai Ye , Chao Xu 2020
For quadrotor trajectory planning, describing a polynomial trajectory through coefficients and end-derivatives both enjoy their own convenience in energy minimization. We name them double descriptions of polynomial trajectories. The transformation be tween them, causing most of the inefficiency and instability, is formally analyzed in this paper. Leveraging its analytic structure, we design a linear-complexity scheme for both jerk/snap minimization and parameter gradient evaluation, which possesses efficiency, stability, flexibility, and scalability. With the help of our scheme, generating an energy optimal (minimum snap) trajectory only costs 1 $mu s$ per piece at the scale up to 1,000,000 pieces. Moreover, generating large-scale energy-time optimal trajectories is also accelerated by an order of magnitude against conventional methods.
We use kinetic theory to model the dynamics of a small Bose condensed cloud of heavy particles moving through a larger degenerate Fermi gas of light particles. Varying the Bose-Fermi interaction, we find a crossover between bulk and surface dominated regimes -- where scattering occurs throughout the Bose cloud, or solely on the surface. We calculate the damping and frequency shift of the dipole mode in a harmonic trap as a function of the magnetic field controlling an inter-species Feshbach resonance. We find excellent agreement between our stochastic model and the experimental studies of Cs-Li mixtures.
119 - Shaokai Ye , Kailu Wu , Mu Zhou 2019
Existing domain adaptation methods aim at learning features that can be generalized among domains. These methods commonly require to update source classifier to adapt to the target domain and do not properly handle the trade off between the source do main and the target domain. In this work, instead of training a classifier to adapt to the target domain, we use a separable component called data calibrator to help the fixed source classifier recover discrimination power in the target domain, while preserving the source domains performance. When the difference between two domains is small, the source classifiers representation is sufficient to perform well in the target domain and outperforms GAN-based methods in digits. Otherwise, the proposed method can leverage synthetic images generated by GANs to boost performance and achieve state-of-the-art performance in digits datasets and driving scene semantic segmentation. Our method empirically reveals that certain intriguing hints, which can be mitigated by adversarial attack to domain discriminators, are one of the sources for performance degradation under the domain shift.

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