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Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are one of the powerful likelihood-based generative models with applications in various domains. However, they struggle to generate high-quality images, especially when samples are obtained from the prior without any t empering. One explanation for VAEs poor generative quality is the prior hole problem: the prior distribution fails to match the aggregate approximate posterior. Due to this mismatch, there exist areas in the latent space with high density under the prior that do not correspond to any encoded image. Samples from those areas are decoded to corrupted images. To tackle this issue, we propose an energy-based prior defined by the product of a base prior distribution and a reweighting factor, designed to bring the base closer to the aggregate posterior. We train the reweighting factor by noise contrastive estimation, and we generalize it to hierarchical VAEs with many latent variable groups. Our experiments confirm that the proposed noise contrastive priors improve the generative performance of state-of-the-art VAEs by a large margin on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, CelebA 64, and CelebA HQ 256 datasets.
Diverse and accurate vision+language modeling is an important goal to retain creative freedom and maintain user engagement. However, adequately capturing the intricacies of diversity in language models is challenging. Recent works commonly resort to latent variable models augmented with more or less supervision from object detectors or part-of-speech tags. Common to all those methods is the fact that the latent variable either only initializes the sentence generation process or is identical across the steps of generation. Both methods offer no fine-grained control. To address this concern, we propose Seq-CVAE which learns a latent space for every word position. We encourage this temporal latent space to capture the intention about how to complete the sentence by mimicking a representation which summarizes the future. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach to anticipate the sentence continuation on the challenging MSCOCO dataset, significantly improving diversity metrics compared to baselines while performing on par w.r.t sentence quality.

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