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We study non-stationary stochastic processes arising from sequential dynamical systems built on maps with a neutral fixed points and prove the existence of Extreme Value Laws for such processes. We use an approach developed in cite{FFV16}, where we g eneralised the theory of extreme values for non-stationary stochastic processes, mostly by weakening the uniform mixing condition that was previously used in this setting. The present work is an extension of our previous results for concatenations of uniformly expanding maps obtained in cite{FFV16}.
We provide formulas to compute the coefficients entering the affine scaling needed to get a non-degenerate function for the asymptotic distribution of the maxima of some kind of observable computed along the orbit of a randomly perturbed dynamical sy stem. This will give information on the local geometrical properties of the stationary measure. We will consider systems perturbed with additive noise and with observational noise. Moreover we will apply our techniques to chaotic systems and to contractive systems, showing that both share the same qualitative behavior when perturbed.
A classic approach in dynamical systems is to use particular geometric structures to deduce statistical properties, for example the existence of invariant measures with stochastic-like behaviour such as large deviations or decay of correlations. Such geometric structures are generally highly non-trivial and thus a natural question is the extent to which this approach can be applied. In this paper we show that in many cases stochastic-like behaviour itself implies that the system has certain non-trivial geometric properties, which are therefore necessary as well as sufficient conditions for the occurrence of the statistical properties under consideration. As a by product of our techniques we also obtain some new results on large deviations for certain classes of systems which include Viana maps and multidimensional piecewise expanding maps.

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