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Dataset bias is a critical challenge in machine learning, and its negative impact is aggravated when models capture unintended decision rules with spurious correlations. Although existing works often handle this issue using human supervision, the ava ilability of the proper annotations is impractical and even unrealistic. To better tackle this challenge, we propose a simple but effective debiasing technique in an unsupervised manner. Specifically, we perform clustering on the feature embedding space and identify pseudoattributes by taking advantage of the clustering results even without an explicit attribute supervision. Then, we employ a novel cluster-based reweighting scheme for learning debiased representation; this prevents minority groups from being discounted for minimizing the overall loss, which is desirable for worst-case generalization. The extensive experiments demonstrate the outstanding performance of our approach on multiple standard benchmarks, which is even as competitive as the supervised counterpart.
Temporal correspondence - linking pixels or objects across frames - is a fundamental supervisory signal for the video models. For the panoptic understanding of dynamic scenes, we further extend this concept to every segment. Specifically, we aim to l earn coarse segment-level matching and fine pixel-level matching together. We implement this idea by designing two novel learning objectives. To validate our proposals, we adopt a deep siamese model and train the model to learn the temporal correspondence on two different levels (i.e., segment and pixel) along with the target task. At inference time, the model processes each frame independently without any extra computation and post-processing. We show that our per-frame inference model can achieve new state-of-the-art results on Cityscapes-VPS and VIPER datasets. Moreover, due to its high efficiency, the model runs in a fraction of time (3x) compared to the previous state-of-the-art approach.
We extend panoptic segmentation to the open-world and introduce an open-set panoptic segmentation (OPS) task. This task requires performing panoptic segmentation for not only known classes but also unknown ones that have not been acknowledged during training. We investigate the practical challenges of the task and construct a benchmark on top of an existing dataset, COCO. In addition, we propose a novel exemplar-based open-set panoptic segmentation network (EOPSN) inspired by exemplar theory. Our approach identifies a new class based on exemplars, which are identified by clustering and employed as pseudo-ground-truths. The size of each class increases by mining new exemplars based on the similarities to the existing ones associated with the class. We evaluate EOPSN on the proposed benchmark and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposals. The primary goal of our work is to draw the attention of the community to the recognition in the open-world scenarios. The implementation of our algorithm is available on the project webpage: https://cv.snu.ac.kr/research/EOPSN.
Panoptic segmentation has become a new standard of visual recognition task by unifying previous semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks in concert. In this paper, we propose and explore a new video extension of this task, called video p anoptic segmentation. The task requires generating consistent panoptic segmentation as well as an association of instance ids across video frames. To invigorate research on this new task, we present two types of video panoptic datasets. The first is a re-organization of the synthetic VIPER dataset into the video panoptic format to exploit its large-scale pixel annotations. The second is a temporal extension on the Cityscapes val. set, by providing new video panoptic annotations (Cityscapes-VPS). Moreover, we propose a novel video panoptic segmentation network (VPSNet) which jointly predicts object classes, bounding boxes, masks, instance id tracking, and semantic segmentation in video frames. To provide appropriate metrics for this task, we propose a video panoptic quality (VPQ) metric and evaluate our method and several other baselines. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented two datasets. We achieve state-of-the-art results in image PQ on Cityscapes and also in VPQ on Cityscapes-VPS and VIPER datasets. The datasets and code are made publicly available.
Visual Dialog involves understanding the dialog history (what has been discussed previously) and the current question (what is asked), in addition to grounding information in the image, to generate the correct response. In this paper, we show that co -attention models which explicitly encode dialog history outperform models that dont, achieving state-of-the-art performance (72 % NDCG on val set). However, we also expose shortcomings of the crowd-sourcing dataset collection procedure by showing that history is indeed only required for a small amount of the data and that the current evaluation metric encourages generic replies. To that end, we propose a challenging subset (VisDialConv) of the VisDial val set and provide a benchmark of 63% NDCG.
We propose a novel memory-based tracker via part-level dense memory and voting-based retrieval, called DMV. Since deep learning techniques have been introduced to the tracking field, Siamese trackers have attracted many researchers due to the balance between speed and accuracy. However, most of them are based on a single template matching, which limits the performance as it restricts the accessible in-formation to the initial target features. In this paper, we relieve this limitation by maintaining an external memory that saves the tracking record. Part-level retrieval from the memory also liberates the information from the template and allows our tracker to better handle the challenges such as appearance changes and occlusions. By updating the memory during tracking, the representative power for the target object can be enhanced without online learning. We also propose a novel voting mechanism for the memory reading to filter out unreliable information in the memory. We comprehensively evaluate our tracker on OTB-100,TrackingNet, GOT-10k, LaSOT, and UAV123, which show that our method yields comparable results to the state-of-the-art methods.
We propose the onion-peel networks for video completion. Given a set of reference images and a target image with holes, our network fills the hole by referring the contents in the reference images. Our onion-peel network progressively fills the hole from the hole boundary enabling it to exploit richer contextual information for the missing regions every step. Given a sufficient number of recurrences, even a large hole can be inpainted successfully. To attend to the missing information visible in the reference images, we propose an asymmetric attention block that computes similarities between the hole boundary pixels in the target and the non-hole pixels in the references in a non-local manner. With our attention block, our network can have an unlimited spatial-temporal window size and fill the holes with globally coherent contents. In addition, our framework is applicable to the image completion guided by the reference images without any modification, which is difficult to do with the previous methods. We validate that our method produces visually pleasing image and video inpainting results in realistic test cases.
Blind video decaptioning is a problem of automatically removing text overlays and inpainting the occluded parts in videos without any input masks. While recent deep learning based inpainting methods deal with a single image and mostly assume that the positions of the corrupted pixels are known, we aim at automatic text removal in video sequences without mask information. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework for fast blind video decaptioning. We construct an encoder-decoder model, where the encoder takes multiple source frames that can provide visible pixels revealed from the scene dynamics. These hints are aggregated and fed into the decoder. We apply a residual connection from the input frame to the decoder output to enforce our network to focus on the corrupted regions only. Our proposed model was ranked in the first place in the ECCV Chalearn 2018 LAP Inpainting Competition Track2: Video decaptioning. In addition, we further improve this strong model by applying a recurrent feedback. The recurrent feedback not only enforces temporal coherence but also provides strong clues on where the corrupted pixels are. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our full model produces accurate and temporally consistent video results in real time (50+ fps).
Video inpainting aims to fill spatio-temporal holes with plausible content in a video. Despite tremendous progress of deep neural networks for image inpainting, it is challenging to extend these methods to the video domain due to the additional time dimension. In this work, we propose a novel deep network architecture for fast video inpainting. Built upon an image-based encoder-decoder model, our framework is designed to collect and refine information from neighbor frames and synthesize still-unknown regions. At the same time, the output is enforced to be temporally consistent by a recurrent feedback and a temporal memory module. Compared with the state-of-the-art image inpainting algorithm, our method produces videos that are much more semantically correct and temporally smooth. In contrast to the prior video completion method which relies on time-consuming optimization, our method runs in near real-time while generating competitive video results. Finally, we applied our framework to video retargeting task, and obtain visually pleasing results.
73 - Xin Ye , Zhe Lin , Joon-Young Lee 2018
We study the problem of learning a generalizable action policy for an intelligent agent to actively approach an object of interest in an indoor environment solely from its visual inputs. While scene-driven or recognition-driven visual navigation has been widely studied, prior efforts suffer severely from the limited generalization capability. In this paper, we first argue the object searching task is environment dependent while the approaching ability is general. To learn a generalizable approaching policy, we present a novel solution dubbed as GAPLE which adopts two channels of visual features: depth and semantic segmentation, as the inputs to the policy learning module. The empirical studies conducted on the House3D dataset as well as on a physical platform in a real world scenario validate our hypothesis, and we further provide in-depth qualitative analysis.

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