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We propose a method to reliably and efficiently extract the fidelity of many-qubit quantum circuits composed of continuously parametrized two-qubit gates called matchgates. This method, which we call matchgate benchmarking, relies on advanced techniq ues from randomized benchmarking as well as insights from the representation theory of matchgate circuits. We argue the formal correctness and scalability of the protocol, and moreover deploy it to estimate the performance of matchgate circuits generated by two-qubit XY spin interactions on a quantum processor.
The term randomized benchmarking refers to a collection of protocols that in the past decade have become the gold standard for characterizing quantum gates. These protocols aim at efficiently estimating the quality of a set of quantum gates in a way that is resistant to state preparation and measurement errors, and over the years ma
Randomized benchmarking is a technique for estimating the average fidelity of a set of quantum gates. For general gatesets, however, it is difficult to draw robust conclusions from the resulting data. Here we propose a new method based on representat ion theory that has little experimental overhead and applies to a broad class of benchmarking problems. As an example, we apply our method to a gateset that includes the $T$-gate, and analyze a new interleaved benchmarking protocol that extracts the average fidelity of a 2-qubit Clifford gate using only single-qubit Clifford gates as reference.
A central challenge for the scaling of quantum computing systems is the need to control all qubits in the system without a large overhead. A solution for this problem in classical computing comes in the form of so called crossbar architectures. Recen tly we made a proposal for a large scale quantum processor~[Li et al. arXiv:1711.03807 (2017)] to be implemented in silicon quantum dots. This system features a crossbar control architecture which limits parallel single qubit control, but allows the scheme to overcome control scaling issues that form a major hurdle to large scale quantum computing systems. In this work, we develop a language that makes it possible to easily map quantum circuits to crossbar systems, taking into account their architecture and control limitations. Using this language we show how to map well known quantum error correction codes such as the planar surface and color codes in this limited control setting with only a small overhead in time. We analyze the logical error behavior of this surface code mapping for estimated experimental parameters of the crossbar system and conclude that logical error suppression to a level useful for real quantum computation is feasible.

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