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This paper presents the concepts behind the BrainScales (BSS) accelerated analog neuromorphic computing architecture. It describes the second-generation BrainScales-2 (BSS-2) version and its most recent in-silico realization, the HICANN-X Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), as it has been developed as part of the neuromorphic computing activities within the European Human Brain Project (HBP). While the first generation is implemented in an 180nm process, the second generation uses 65nm technology. This allows the integration of a digital plasticity processing unit, a highly-parallel micro processor specially built for the computational needs of learning in an accelerated analog neuromorphic systems. The presented architecture is based upon a continuous-time, analog, physical model implementation of neurons and synapses, resembling an analog neuromorphic accelerator attached to build-in digital compute cores. While the analog part emulates the spike-based dynamics of the neural network in continuous-time, the latter simulates biological processes happening on a slower time-scale, like structural and parameter changes. Compared to biological time-scales, the emulation is highly accelerated, i.e. all time-constants are several orders of magnitude smaller than in biology. Programmable ion channel emulation and inter-compartmental conductances allow the modeling of nonlinear dendrites, back-propagating action-potentials as well as NMDA and Calcium plateau potentials. To extend the usability of the analog accelerator, it also supports vector-matrix multiplication. Thereby, BSS-2 supports inference of deep convolutional networks as well as local-learning with complex ensembles of spiking neurons within the same substrate.
This paper presents an extension of the BrainScaleS accelerated analog neuromorphic hardware model. The scalable neuromorphic architecture is extended by the support for multi-compartment models and non-linear dendrites. These features are part of a SI{65}{ anometer} prototype ASIC. It allows to emulate different spike types observed in cortical pyramidal neurons: NMDA plateau potentials, calcium and sodium spikes. By replicating some of the structures of these cells, they can be configured to perform coincidence detection within a single neuron. Built-in plasticity mechanisms can modify not only the synaptic weights, but also the dendritic synaptic composition to efficiently train large multi-compartment neurons. Transistor-level simulations demonstrate the functionality of the analog implementation and illustrate analogies to biological measurements.
We present results from a new approach to learning and plasticity in neuromorphic hardware systems: to enable flexibility in implementable learning mechanisms while keeping high efficiency associated with neuromorphic implementations, we combine a ge neral-purpose processor with full-custom analog elements. This processor is operating in parallel with a fully parallel neuromorphic system consisting of an array of synapses connected to analog, continuous time neuron circuits. Novel analog correlation sensor circuits process spike events for each synapse in parallel and in real-time. The processor uses this pre-processing to compute new weights possibly using additional information following its program. Therefore, learning rules can be defined in software giving a large degree of flexibility. Synapses realize correlation detection geared towards Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) as central computational primitive in the analog domain. Operating at a speed-up factor of 1000 compared to biological time-scale, we measure time-constants from tens to hundreds of micro-seconds. We analyze variability across multiple chips and demonstrate learning using a multiplicative STDP rule. We conclude, that the presented approach will enable flexible and efficient learning as a platform for neuroscientific research and technological applications.

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