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As a new step towards defining complexity for quantum field theories, we consider Nielsens geometric approach to operator complexity for the $SU(N)$ group. We develop a tractable large $N$ limit which leads to regular geometries on the manifold of un itaries. To achieve this, we introduce a particular basis for the $mathfrak{su}(N)$ algebra and define a maximally anisotropic metric with polynomial penalty factors. We implement the Euler-Arnold approach to identify incompressible inviscid hydrodynamics on the two-torus as a novel effective theory for the evaluation of operator complexity of large qudits. Moreover, our cost function captures two essential properties of holographic complexity measures: ergodicity and conjugate points. We quantify these by numerically computing the sectional curvatures of $SU(N)$ for finite large $N$. We find a predominance of negatively curved directions, implying classically chaotic trajectories. Moreover, the non-vanishing proportion of positively curved directions implies the existence of conjugate points, as required to bound the growth of holographic complexity with time.
We investigate the analogy between the renormalization group (RG) and deep neural networks, wherein subsequent layers of neurons are analogous to successive steps along the RG. In particular, we quantify the flow of information by explicitly computin g the relative entropy or Kullback-Leibler divergence in both the one- and two-dimensional Ising models under decimation RG, as well as in a feedforward neural network as a function of depth. We observe qualitatively identical behavior characterized by the monotonic increase to a parameter-dependent asymptotic value. On the quantum field theory side, the monotonic increase confirms the connection between the relative entropy and the c-theorem. For the neural networks, the asymptotic behavior may have implications for various information maximization methods in machine learning, as well as for disentangling compactness and generalizability. Furthermore, while both the two-dimensional Ising model and the random neural networks we consider exhibit non-trivial critical points, the relative entropy appears insensitive to the phase structure of either system. In this sense, more refined probes are required in order to fully elucidate the flow of information in these models.
We present the first holographic simulations of non-equilibrium steady state formation in strongly coupled $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory in 3+1 dimensions. We initially join together two thermal baths at different temperatures and chemical potentials and compare the subsequent evolution of the combined system to analytic solutions of the corresponding Riemann problem and to numeric solutions of ideal and viscous hydrodynamics. The time evolution of the energy density that we obtain holographically is consistent with the combination of a shock and a rarefaction wave: A shock wave moves towards the cold bath, and a smooth broadening wave towards the hot bath. Between the two waves emerges a steady state with constant temperature and flow velocity, both of which are accurately described by a shock+rarefaction wave solution of the Riemann problem. In the steady state region, a smooth crossover develops between two regions of different charge density. This is reminiscent of a contact discontinuity in the Riemann problem. We also obtain results for the entanglement entropy of regions crossed by shock and rarefaction waves and find both of them to closely follow the evolution of the energy density.
A holographic model of chiral symmetry breaking is used to study the dynamics plus the meson and baryon spectrum of the underlying strong dynamics in composite Higgs models. The model is inspired by top-down D-brane constructions. We introduce this m odel by applying it to $N_f=2$ QCD. We compute meson masses, decay constants and the nucleon mass. The spectrum is improved by including higher dimensional operators to reflect the UV physics of QCD. Moving to composite Higgs models, we impose perturbative running for the anomalous dimension of the quark condensate in a variety of theories with varying number of colors and flavours. We compare our results in detail to lattice simulations for the following theories: $SU(2)$ gauge theory with two Dirac fundamentals; $Sp(4)$ gauge theory with fundamental and sextet matter; and $SU(4)$ gauge theory with fundamental and sextet quarks. In each case, the holographic results are encouraging since they are close to lattice results for masses and decay constants. Moreover, our models allow us to compute additional observables not yet computed on the lattice, to relax the quenched approximation and move to the precise fermion content of more realistic composite Higgs models not possible on the lattice. We also provide a new holographic description of the top partners including their masses and structure functions. With the addition of higher dimension operators, we show the top Yukawa coupling can be made of order one, to generate the observed top mass. Finally, we predict the spectrum for the full set of models with top partners proposed by Ferretti and Karateev.
We provide gauge/gravity dual descriptions of the strong coupling sector of composite Higgs models using insights from non-conformal examples of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We calculate particle masses and decay constants for proposed Sp(4) and SU(4) gauge theories, where there is the best lattice data for comparison. Our results compare favorably to lattice studies and go beyond those due to a greater flexibility in choosing the fermion content. That content changes the running dynamics and its choice can lead to sizable changes in the bound state masses. We describe top partners by a dual fermionic field in the bulk. Including suitable higher dimension operators can ensure a top mass consistent with the standard model.
Modular flow is a symmetry of the algebra of observables associated to spacetime regions. Being closely related to entanglement, it has played a key role in recent connections between information theory, QFT and gravity. However, little is known abou t its action beyond highly symmetric cases. The key idea of this work is to introduce a new formula for modular flows for free chiral fermions in $1+1$ dimensions, working directly from the textit{resolvent}, a standard technique in complex analysis. We present novel results -- not fixed by conformal symmetry -- for disjoint regions on the plane, cylinder and torus. Depending on temperature and boundary conditions, these display different behaviour ranging from purely local to non-local in relation to the mixing of operators at spacelike separation. We find the modular two-point function, whose analytic structure is in precise agreement with the KMS condition that governs modular evolution. Our ready-to-use formulae may provide new ingredients to explore the connection between spacetime and entanglement.
We further advance the study of the notion of computational complexity for 2d CFTs based on a gate set built out of conformal symmetry transformations. Previously, it was shown that by choosing a suitable cost function, the resulting complexity funct ional is equivalent to geometric (group) actions on coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group, up to a term that originates from the central extension. We show that this term can be recovered by modifying the cost function, making the equivalence exact. Moreover, we generalize our approach to Kac-Moody symmetry groups, finding again an exact equivalence between complexity functionals and geometric actions. We then determine the optimal circuits for these complexity measures and calculate the corresponding costs for several examples of optimal transformations. In the Virasoro case, we find that for all choices of reference state except for the vacuum state, the complexity only measures the cost associated to phase changes, while assigning zero cost to the non-phase changing part of the transformation. For Kac-Moody groups in contrast, there do exist non-trivial optimal transformations beyond phase changes that contribute to the complexity, yielding a finite gauge invariant result. Furthermore, we also show that the alternative complexity proposal of path integral optimization is equivalent to the Virasoro proposal studied here. Finally, we sketch a new proposal for a complexity definition for the Virasoro group that measures the cost associated to non-trivial transformations beyond phase changes. This proposal is based on a cost function given by a metric on the Lie group of conformal transformations. The minimization of the corresponding complexity functional is achieved using the Euler-Arnold method yielding the Korteweg-de Vries equation as equation of motion.
Boundary, defect, and interface RG flows, as exemplified by the famous Kondo model, play a significant role in the theory of quantum fields. We study in detail the holographic dual of a non-conformal supersymmetric impurity in the D1/D5 CFT. Its RG f low bears similarities to the Kondo model, although unlike the Kondo model the CFT is strongly coupled in the holographic regime. The interface we study preserves $d = 1$ $mathcal{N} = 4$ supersymmetry and flows to conformal fixed points in both the UV and IR. The interfaces UV fixed point is described by $d = 1$ fermionic degrees of freedom, coupled to a gauge connection on the CFT target space that is induced by the ADHM construction. We briefly discuss its field-theoretic properties before shifting our focus to its holographic dual. We analyze the supergravity dual of this interface RG flow, first in the probe limit and then including gravitational backreaction. In the probe limit, the flow is realized by the puffing up of probe branes on an internal $mathsf{S}^3$ via the Myers effect. We further identify the backreacted supergravity configurations dual to the interface fixed points. These supergravity solutions provide a geometric realization of critical screening of the defect degrees of freedom. This critical screening arises in a way similar to the original Kondo model. We compute the $g$-factor both in the probe brane approximation and using backreacted supergravity solutions, and show that it decreases from the UV to the IR as required by the $g$-theorem.
Motivated by the increasing connections between information theory and high-energy physics, particularly in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we explore the information geometry associated to a variety of simple systems. By studying their Fi sher metrics, we derive some general lessons that may have important implications for the application of information geometry in holography. We begin by demonstrating that the symmetries of the physical theory under study play a strong role in the resulting geometry, and that the appearance of an AdS metric is a relatively general feature. We then investigate what information the Fisher metric retains about the physics of the underlying theory by studying the geometry for both the classical 2d Ising model and the corresponding 1d free fermion theory, and find that the curvature diverges precisely at the phase transition on both sides. We discuss the differences that result from placing a metric on the space of theories vs. states, using the example of coherent free fermion states. We compare the latter to the metric on the space of coherent free boson states and show that in both cases the metric is determined by the symmetries of the corresponding density matrix. We also clarify some misconceptions in the literature pertaining to different notions of flatness associated to metric and non-metric connections, with implications for how one interprets the curvature of the geometry. Our results indicate that in general, caution is needed when connecting the AdS geometry arising from certain models with the AdS/CFT correspondence, and seek to provide a useful collection of guidelines for future progress in this exciting area.
A current challenge in condensed matter physics is the realization of strongly correlated, viscous electron fluids. These fluids are not amenable to the perturbative methods of Fermi liquid theory, but can be described by holography, that is, by mapp ing them onto a weakly curved gravitational theory via gauge/gravity duality. The canonical system considered for realizations has been graphene, which possesses Dirac dispersions at low energies as well as significant Coulomb interactions between the electrons. In this work, we show that Kagome systems with electron fillings adjusted to the Dirac nodes of their band structure provide a much more compelling platform for realizations of viscous electron fluids, including non-linear effects such as turbulence. In particular, we find that in stoichiometric Scandium (Sc) Herbertsmithite, the fine-structure constant, which measures the effective Coulomb interaction and hence reflects the strength of the correlations, is enhanced by a factor of about 3.2 as compared to graphene, due to orbital hybridization. We employ holography to estimate the ratio of the shear viscosity over the entropy density in Sc-Herbertsmithite, and find it about three times smaller than in graphene. These findings put, for the first time, the turbulent flow regime described by holography within the reach of experiments.

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