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108 - Ki-Young Choi , Jinn-Ouk Gong , 2015
The adiabatic perturbation of dark matter is damped during the kinetic decoupling due to the collision with relativistic component on sub-horizon scales. However the isocurvature part is free from damping and could be large enough to make a substanti al contribution to the formation of small scale structure. We explicitly study the weakly interacting massive particles as dark matter with an early mater dominated period before radiation domination and show that the isocurvature perturbation is generated during the phase transition and leaves imprint in the observable signatures for small scale structure.
70 - Xian Gao , Jinn-Ouk Gong 2015
We investigate the consequences of general curved trajectories in multi-field inflation. After setting up a completely general formalism using the mass basis, which naturally accommodates the notion of light and heavy modes, we study in detail the si mple case of two successive turns in two-field system. We find the power spectrum of the curvature perturbation receives corrections that exhibit oscillatory features sinusoidal in the logarithm of the comoving wavenumber without slow-roll suppression. We show that this is because of the resonance of the heavy modes inside and outside the mass horizon.
154 - Inyong Cho , Jinn-Ouk Gong 2015
We investigate the scalar and tensor spectral indices of the quadratic inflation model in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity. We find that the EiBI corrections to the spectral indices are of second and first order in the slow-roll approxim ation for the scalar and tensor perturbations respectively. This is very promising since the quadratic inflation model in general relativity provides a very nice fit for the spectral indices. Together with the suppression of the tensor-to-scalar ratio EiBI inflation agrees well with the observational data.
We study the phenomenon of discrete symmetry breaking during the inflationary epoch, using a model-independent approach based on the effective field theory of inflation. We work in a context where both time reparameterization symmetry and spatial dif feomorphism invariance can be broken during inflation. We determine the leading derivative operators in the quadratic action for fluctuations that break parity and time-reversal. Within suitable approximations, we study their consequences for the dynamics of linearized fluctuations. Both in the scalar and tensor sectors, we show that such operators can lead to new direction-dependent phases for the modes involved. They do not affect the power spectra, but can have consequences for higher correlation functions. Moreover, a small quadrupole contribution to the sound speed can be generated.
We explore the correlations between primordial non-Gaussianity and isocurvature perturbation. We sketch the generic relation between the bispectrum of the curvature perturbation and the cross-correlation power spectrum in the presence of explicit cou plings between the inflaton and another light field which gives rise to isocurvature perturbation. Using a concrete model of a Peccei-Quinn type field with generic gravitational couplings, we illustrate explicitly how the primordial bispectrum correlates with the cross-correlation power spectrum. Assuming the resulting fnl ~ O(1), we find that the form of the correlation depends mostly upon the inflation model but only weakly on the axion parameters, even though fnl itself does depend heavily on the axion parameters.
We revisit the notion of slow-roll in the context of general single-field inflation. As a generalization of slow-roll dynamics, we consider an inflaton $phi$ in an attractor phase where the time derivative of $phi$ is determined by a function of $phi $, $dotphi=dotphi(phi)$. In other words, we consider the case when the number of $e$-folds $N$ counted backward in time from the end of inflation is solely a function of $phi$, $N=N(phi)$. In this case, it is found that we need a new independent parameter to properly describe the dynamics of the inflaton field in general, in addition to the standard parameters conventionally denoted by $epsilon$, $eta$, $c_s^2$ and $s$. Two illustrative examples are presented to discuss the non-slow-roll dynamics of the inflaton field consistent with observations.
We compute the low energy effective field theory (EFT) expansion for single-field inflationary models that descend from a parent theory containing multiple other scalar fields. By assuming that all other degrees of freedom in the parent theory are su fficiently massive relative to the inflaton, it is possible to derive an EFT valid to arbitrary order in perturbations, provided certain generalized adiabaticity conditions are respected. These conditions permit a consistent low energy EFT description even when the inflaton deviates off its adiabatic minimum along its slowly rolling trajectory. By generalizing the formalism that identifies the adiabatic mode with the Goldstone boson of this spontaneously broken time translational symmetry prior to the integration of the heavy fields, we show that this invariance of the parent theory dictates the entire non-perturbative structure of the descendent EFT. The couplings of this theory can be written entirely in terms of the reduced speed of sound of adiabatic perturbations. The resulting operator expansion is distinguishable from that of other scenarios, such as standard single inflation or DBI inflation. In particular, we re-derive how certain operators can become transiently strongly coupled along the inflaton trajectory, consistent with slow-roll and the validity of the EFT expansion, imprinting features in the primordial power spectrum, and we deduce the relevant cubic operators that imply distinct signatures in the primordial bispectrum which may soon be constrained by observations.
We investigate the linear cosmological perturbations in Hov{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity with a scalar field. Starting from the most general expressions of the metric perturbations as well as that of a canonical scalar field, we decompose the scalar, vecto r and tensor parts of the perturbed action. By reducing the Hamiltonian, we find that there are two independent degrees of freedom for the tensor perturbations while none for the vector perturbations. For the scalar perturbations, the remaining number of degrees of freedom, which are all gauge invariant, depends on whether the projectable condition is applied or not. For both cases, we lose the time reparametrization symmetry of any kind.

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