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Recent conditional image synthesis approaches provide high-quality synthesized images. However, it is still challenging to accurately adjust image contents such as the positions and orientations of objects, and synthesized images often have geometric ally invalid contents. To provide users with rich controllability on synthesized images in the aspect of 3D geometry, we propose a novel approach to realistic-looking image synthesis based on a configurable 3D scene layout. Our approach takes a 3D scene with semantic class labels as input and trains a 3D scene painting network that synthesizes color values for the input 3D scene. With the trained painting network, realistic-looking images for the input 3D scene can be rendered and manipulated. To train the painting network without 3D color supervision, we exploit an off-the-shelf 2D semantic image synthesis method. In experiments, we show that our approach produces images with geometrically correct structures and supports geometric manipulation such as the change of the viewpoint and object poses as well as manipulation of the painting style.
We present an approach to recover absolute 3D human poses from multi-view images by incorporating multi-view geometric priors in our model. It consists of two separate steps: (1) estimating the 2D poses in multi-view images and (2) recovering the 3D poses from the multi-view 2D poses. First, we introduce a cross-view fusion scheme into CNN to jointly estimate 2D poses for multiple views. Consequently, the 2D pose estimation for each view already benefits from other views. Second, we present a recursive Pictorial Structure Model to recover the 3D pose from the multi-view 2D poses. It gradually improves the accuracy of 3D pose with affordable computational cost. We test our method on two public datasets H36M and Total Capture. The Mean Per Joint Position Errors on the two datasets are 26mm and 29mm, which outperforms the state-of-the-arts remarkably (26mm vs 52mm, 29mm vs 35mm). Our code is released at url{https://github.com/microsoft/multiview-human-pose-estimation-pytorch}.
High-resolution representations are essential for position-sensitive vision problems, such as human pose estimation, semantic segmentation, and object detection. Existing state-of-the-art frameworks first encode the input image as a low-resolution re presentation through a subnetwork that is formed by connecting high-to-low resolution convolutions emph{in series} (e.g., ResNet, VGGNet), and then recover the high-resolution representation from the encoded low-resolution representation. Instead, our proposed network, named as High-Resolution Network (HRNet), maintains high-resolution representations through the whole process. There are two key characteristics: (i) Connect the high-to-low resolution convolution streams emph{in parallel}; (ii) Repeatedly exchange the information across resolutions. The benefit is that the resulting representation is semantically richer and spatially more precise. We show the superiority of the proposed HRNet in a wide range of applications, including human pose estimation, semantic segmentation, and object detection, suggesting that the HRNet is a stronger backbone for computer vision problems. All the codes are available at~{url{https://github.com/HRNet}}.
In this work, we consider transferring the structure information from large networks to compact ones for dense prediction tasks in computer vision. Previous knowledge distillation strategies used for dense prediction tasks often directly borrow the d istillation scheme for image classification and perform knowledge distillation for each pixel separately, leading to sub-optimal performance. Here we propose to distill structured knowledge from large networks to compact networks, taking into account the fact that dense prediction is a structured prediction problem. Specifically, we study two structured distillation schemes: i) pair-wise distillation that distills the pair-wise similarities by building a static graph; and ii) holistic distillation that uses adversarial training to distill holistic knowledge. The effectiveness of our knowledge distillation approaches is demonstrated by experiments on three dense prediction tasks: semantic segmentation, depth estimation and object detection. Code is available at: https://git.io/StructKD
Identity transformations, used as skip-connections in residual networks, directly connect convolutional layers close to the input and those close to the output in deep neural networks, improving information flow and thus easing the training. In this paper, we introduce two alternative linear transforms, orthogonal transformation and idempotent transformation. According to the definition and property of orthogonal and idempotent matrices, the product of multiple orthogonal (same idempotent) matrices, used to form linear transformations, is equal to a single orthogonal (idempotent) matrix, resulting in that information flow is improved and the training is eased. One interesting point is that the success essentially stems from feature reuse and gradient reuse in forward and backward propagation for maintaining the information during flow and eliminating the gradient vanishing problem because of the express way through skip-connections. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed two transformations: similar performance in single-branch networks and even superior in multi-branch networks in comparison to identity transformations.
Product quantization-based approaches are effective to encode high-dimensional data points for approximate nearest neighbor search. The space is decomposed into a Cartesian product of low-dimensional subspaces, each of which generates a sub codebook. Data points are encoded as compact binary codes using these sub codebooks, and the distance between two data points can be approximated efficiently from their codes by the precomputed lookup tables. Traditionally, to encode a subvector of a data point in a subspace, only one sub codeword in the corresponding sub codebook is selected, which may impose strict restrictions on the search accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, named Optimized Cartesian $K$-Means (OCKM), to better encode the data points for more accurate approximate nearest neighbor search. In OCKM, multiple sub codewords are used to encode the subvector of a data point in a subspace. Each sub codeword stems from different sub codebooks in each subspace, which are optimally generated with regards to the minimization of the distortion errors. The high-dimensional data point is then encoded as the concatenation of the indices of multiple sub codewords from all the subspaces. This can provide more flexibility and lower distortion errors than traditional methods. Experimental results on the standard real-life datasets demonstrate the superiority over state-of-the-art approaches for approximate nearest neighbor search.

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