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144 - Ziyuan Ma , Yudong Luo , Jia Pan 2021
Learning communication via deep reinforcement learning (RL) or imitation learning (IL) has recently been shown to be an effective way to solve Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF). However, existing communication based MAPF solvers focus on broadcast comm unication, where an agent broadcasts its message to all other or predefined agents. It is not only impractical but also leads to redundant information that could even impair the multi-agent cooperation. A succinct communication scheme should learn which information is relevant and influential to each agents decision making process. To address this problem, we consider a request-reply scenario and propose Decision Causal Communication (DCC), a simple yet efficient model to enable agents to select neighbors to conduct communication during both training and execution. Specifically, a neighbor is determined as relevant and influential only when the presence of this neighbor causes the decision adjustment on the central agent. This judgment is learned only based on agents local observation and thus suitable for decentralized execution to handle large scale problems. Empirical evaluation in obstacle-rich environment indicates the high success rate with low communication overhead of our method.
We study the problem of weakly supervised grounded image captioning. That is, given an image, the goal is to automatically generate a sentence describing the context of the image with each noun word grounded to the corresponding region in the image. This task is challenging due to the lack of explicit fine-grained region word alignments as supervision. Previous weakly supervised methods mainly explore various kinds of regularization schemes to improve attention accuracy. However, their performances are still far from the fully supervised ones. One main issue that has been ignored is that the attention for generating visually groundable words may only focus on the most discriminate parts and can not cover the whole object. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective method to alleviate the issue, termed as partial grounding problem in our paper. Specifically, we design a distributed attention mechanism to enforce the network to aggregate information from multiple spatially different regions with consistent semantics while generating the words. Therefore, the union of the focused region proposals should form a visual region that encloses the object of interest completely. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superiority of our proposed method compared with the state-of-the-arts.
Betweenness centrality, measured by the number of times a vertex occurs on all shortest paths of a graph, has been recognized as a key indicator for the importance of a vertex in the network. However, the betweenness of a vertex is often very hard to compute because it needs to explore all the shortest paths between the other vertices. Recently, a relaxed concept called ego-betweenness was introduced which focuses on computing the betweenness of a vertex in its ego network. In this work, we study a problem of finding the top-k vertices with the highest ego-betweennesses. We first develop two novel search algorithms equipped with a basic upper bound and a dynamic upper bound to efficiently solve this problem. Then, we propose local-update and lazy-update solutions to maintain the ego-betweennesses for all vertices and the top-k results when the graph is updated, respectively. In addition, we also present two efficient parallel algorithms to further improve the efficiency. The results of extensive experiments on five large real-life datasets demonstrate the efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness of our algorithms.
The goal of image style transfer is to render an image with artistic features guided by a style reference while maintaining the original content. Due to the locality and spatial invariance in CNNs, it is difficult to extract and maintain the global i nformation of input images. Therefore, traditional neural style transfer methods are usually biased and content leak can be observed by running several times of the style transfer process with the same reference style image. To address this critical issue, we take long-range dependencies of input images into account for unbiased style transfer by proposing a transformer-based approach, namely StyTr^2. In contrast with visual transformers for other vision tasks, our StyTr^2 contains two different transformer encoders to generate domain-specific sequences for content and style, respectively. Following the encoders, a multi-layer transformer decoder is adopted to stylize the content sequence according to the style sequence. In addition, we analyze the deficiency of existing positional encoding methods and propose the content-aware positional encoding (CAPE) which is scale-invariant and more suitable for image style transfer task. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed StyTr^2 compared to state-of-the-art CNN-based and flow-based approaches.
87 - Wei Gao , Fang Wan , Xingjia Pan 2021
Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) is a challenging problem when given image category labels but requires to learn object localization models. Optimizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) for classification tends to activate local discri minative regions while ignoring complete object extent, causing the partial activation issue. In this paper, we argue that partial activation is caused by the intrinsic characteristics of CNN, where the convolution operations produce local receptive fields and experience difficulty to capture long-range feature dependency among pixels. We introduce the token semantic coupled attention map (TS-CAM) to take full advantage of the self-attention mechanism in visual transformer for long-range dependency extraction. TS-CAM first splits an image into a sequence of patch tokens for spatial embedding, which produce attention maps of long-range visual dependency to avoid partial activation. TS-CAM then re-allocates category-related semantics for patch tokens, enabling each of them to be aware of object categories. TS-CAM finally couples the patch tokens with the semantic-agnostic attention map to achieve semantic-aware localization. Experiments on the ILSVRC/CUB-200-2011 datasets show that TS-CAM outperforms its CNN-CAM counterparts by 7.1%/27.1% for WSOL, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Weakly supervised object localization(WSOL) remains an open problem given the deficiency of finding object extent information using a classification network. Although prior works struggled to localize objects through various spatial regularization st rategies, we argue that how to extract object structural information from the trained classification network is neglected. In this paper, we propose a two-stage approach, termed structure-preserving activation (SPA), toward fully leveraging the structure information incorporated in convolutional features for WSOL. First, a restricted activation module (RAM) is designed to alleviate the structure-missing issue caused by the classification network on the basis of the observation that the unbounded classification map and global average pooling layer drive the network to focus only on object parts. Second, we designed a post-process approach, termed self-correlation map generating (SCG) module to obtain structure-preserving localization maps on the basis of the activation maps acquired from the first stage. Specifically, we utilize the high-order self-correlation (HSC) to extract the inherent structural information retained in the learned model and then aggregate HSC of multiple points for precise object localization. Extensive experiments on two publicly available benchmarks including CUB-200-2011 and ILSVRC show that the proposed SPA achieves substantial and consistent performance gains compared with baseline approaches.Code and models are available at https://github.com/Panxjia/SPA_CVPR2021
Learning-to-rank (LTR) has become a key technology in E-commerce applications. Most existing LTR approaches follow a supervised learning paradigm from offline labeled data collected from the online system. However, it has been noticed that previous L TR models can have a good validation performance over offline validation data but have a poor online performance, and vice versa, which implies a possible large inconsistency between the offline and online evaluation. We investigate and confirm in this paper that such inconsistency exists and can have a significant impact on AliExpress Search. Reasons for the inconsistency include the ignorance of item context during the learning, and the offline data set is insufficient for learning the context. Therefore, this paper proposes an evaluator-generator framework for LTR with item context. The framework consists of an evaluator that generalizes to evaluate recommendations involving the context, and a generator that maximizes the evaluator score by reinforcement learning, and a discriminator that ensures the generalization of the evaluator. Extensive experiments in simulation environments and AliExpress Search online system show that, firstly, the classic data-based metrics on the offline dataset can show significant inconsistency with online performance, and can even be misleading. Secondly, the proposed evaluator score is significantly more consistent with the online performance than common ranking metrics. Finally, as the consequence, our method achieves a significant improvement (textgreater$2%$) in terms of Conversion Rate (CR) over the industrial-level fine-tuned model in online A/B tests.
We aim to enable a mobile robot to navigate through environments with dense crowds, e.g., shopping malls, canteens, train stations, or airport terminals. In these challenging environments, existing approaches suffer from two common problems: the robo t may get frozen and cannot make any progress toward its goal, or it may get lost due to severe occlusions inside a crowd. Here we propose a navigation framework that handles the robot freezing and the navigation lost problems simultaneously. First, we enhance the robots mobility and unfreeze the robot in the crowd using a reinforcement learning based local navigation policy developed in our previous work~cite{long2017towards}, which naturally takes into account the coordination between the robot and the human. Secondly, the robot takes advantage of its excellent local mobility to recover from its localization failure. In particular, it dynamically chooses to approach a set of recovery positions with rich features. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first approach that simultaneously solves the freezing problem and the navigation lost problem in dense crowds. We evaluate our method in both simulated and real-world environments and demonstrate that it outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. Videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/rlslam.

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