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We study a non-Hermitian and non-unitary version of the two-dimensional Chalker-Coddington network model with balanced gain and loss. This model belongs to the class D^dagger with particle-hole symmetry^dagger and hosts both the non-Hermitian skin ef fect as well as exceptional points. By calculating its two-terminal transmission, we find a novel contact effect induced by the skin effect, which results in a non-quantized transmission for chiral edge states. In addition, the model exhibits an insulator to supermetal transition, across which the transmission changes from exponentially decaying with system size to exponentially growing with system size. In the clean system, the critical point separating insulator from supermetal is characterized by a non-Hermitian Dirac point that produces a quantized critical transmission of 4, instead of the value of 1 expected in Hermitian systems. This change in critical transmission is a consequence of the balanced gain and loss. When adding disorder to the system, we find a critical exponent for the divergence of the localization length u approx 1, which is the same as that characterizing the universality class of two-dimensional Hermitian systems in class D. Our work provides a novel way of exploring the localization behavior of non-Hermitian systems, by using network models, which in the past proved versatile tools to describe Hermitian physics.
We show that Weyl Fermi arcs are generically accompanied by a divergence of the surface Berry curvature scaling as $1/k^2$, where $k$ is the distance to a hot-line in the surface Brillouin zone that connects the projection of Weyl nodes with opposite chirality but which is distinct from the Fermi arc itself. Such surface Berry curvature appears whenever the bulk Weyl dispersion has a velocity tilt toward the surface of interest. This divergence is reflected in a variety of Berry curvature mediated effects that are readily accessible experimentally, and in particular leads to a surface Berry curvature dipole that grows linearly with the thickness of a slab of a Weyl semimetal material in the limit of long lifetime of surface states. This implies the emergence of a gigantic contribution to the non-linear Hall effect in such devices.
We propose a method of computing and studying entanglement quantities in non-Hermitian systems by use of a biorthogonal basis. We find that the entanglement spectrum characterizes the topological properties in terms of the existence of mid-gap states in the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model with parity and time-reversal symmetry (PT symmetry) and the non-Hermitian Chern insulators. In addition, we find that at a critical point in the PT symmetric SSH model, the entanglement entropy has a logarithmic scaling with corresponding central charge $c=-2$. This critical point then is a free-fermion lattice realization of the non-unitary conformal field theory.
As they do not rely on the presence of any crystal symmetry, Weyl nodes are robust topological features of an electronic structure that can occur at any momentum and energy. Acting as sinks and sources of Berry curvature, Weyl nodes have been predict ed to strongly affect the transverse electronic response, like in the anomalous Hall or Nernst effects. However, to observe large anomalous effects the Weyl nodes need to be close to or at the Fermi-level, which implies the band structure must be tuned by an external parameter, e.g. chemical doping or pressure. Here we show that in a ferromagnetic metal tuning of the Weyl node energy and momentum can be achieved by rotation of the magnetization. Taking Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ as an example, we use electronic structure calculations based on density-functional theory to show that not only new Weyl fermions can be created by canting the magnetization away from the easy axis, but also that the Weyl nodes can be driven exactly to the Fermi surface. We also show that the dynamics in energy and momentum of the Weyl nodes strongly affect the calculated anomalous Hall and Nernst conductivities.
We propose to investigate the full counting statistics of nonequilibrium spin transport with an ultracold atomic quantum gas. The setup makes use of the spin control available in atomic systems to generate spin transport induced by an impurity atom i mmersed in a spin-imbalanced two-component Fermi gas. In contrast to solid-state realizations, in ultracold atoms spin relaxation and the decoherence from external sources is largely suppressed. As a consequence, once the spin current is turned off by manipulating the internal spin degrees of freedom of the Fermi system, the nonequilibrium spin population remains constant. Thus one can directly count the number of spins in each reservoir to investigate the full counting statistics of spin flips, which is notoriously challenging in solid state devices. Moreover, using Ramsey interferometry, the dynamical impurity response can be measured. Since the impurity interacts with a many-body environment that is out of equilibrium, our setup provides a way to realize the non-equilibrium orthogonality catastrophe. Here, even for spin reservoirs initially prepared in a zero-temperature state, the Ramsey response exhibits an exponential decay, which is in contrast to the conventional power-law decay of Andersons orthogonality catastrophe. By mapping our system to a multi-step Fermi sea, we are able to derive analytical expressions for the impurity response at late times. This allows us to reveal an intimate connection of the decay rate of the Ramsey contrast and the full counting statistics of spin flips.
Intrinsic defects give rise to scattering processes governing the transport properties of mesoscopic systems. We investigate analytically and numerically the local density of states in Bernal stacking bilayer graphene with a point defect. With Bernal stacking structure, there are two types of lattice sites. One corresponds to connected sites, where carbon atoms from each layer stack on top of each other, and the other corresponds to disconnected sites. From our theoretical study, a picture emerges in which the pronounced zero-energy peak in the local density of states does not attribute to zero-energy impurity states associated to two different types of defects but to a collective phenomenon of the low-energy resonant states induced by the defect. To corroborate this description, we numerically show that at small system size $N$, where $N$ is the number of unit cells, the zero-energy peak near the defect scales as $1/ln N$ for the quasi-localized zero-energy state and as $1/N$ for the delocalized zero-energy state. As the system size approaches to the thermodynamic limit, the former zero-energy peak becomes a power-law singularity $1/|E|$ in low energies, while the latter is broadened into a Lorentzian shape. A striking point is that both types of zero-energy peaks decay as $1/r^2$ away from the defect, manifesting the quasi-localized character. Based on our results, we propose a general formula for the local density of states in low-energy and in real space. Our study sheds light on this fundamental problem of defects.
In the context of Gross-Pitaevskii theory, we investigate the unconventional Bose-Einstein condensations in the two-species mixture with $p$-wave symmetry in the second band of a bipartite optical lattice. A new imaginary-time propagation method is d eveloped to numerically determine the $p$-orbital condensation. Different from the single-species case, the two-species boson mixture exhibits two non-equivalent complex condensates in the intraspecies-interaction-dominating regime, exhibiting the vortex-antivortex lattice configuration in the charge and spin channels, respectively. When the interspecies interaction is tuned across the SU(2) invariant point, the system undergoes a quantum phase transition toward a checkerboard-like spin density wave state with a real-valued condensate wavefunction. The influence of lattice asymmetry on the quantum phase transition is addressed. Finally, we present a phase-sensitive measurement scheme for experimentally detecting the UBEC in our model.
The naturally weak spin-orbit coupling in Graphene can be largely enhanced by adatom deposition (e.g. Weeks et al. Phys. Rev. X 1, 021001 (2011)). However, the dynamics of the adatoms also induces a coupling between phonons and the electron spin. Usi ng group theory and a tight-binding model, we systematically investigate the coupling between the low-energy in-plane phonons and the electron spin in single-layer graphene uniformly decorated with heavy adatoms. Our results provide the foundation for future investigations of spin transport and superconductivity in this system. In order to quantify the effect of the coupling to the lattice on the electronic spin dynamics, we compute the spin-flip rate of electrons and holes. We show that the latter exhibits a strong dependence on the quasi-particle energy and system temperature.

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