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Traditional approaches for learning 3D object categories have been predominantly trained and evaluated on synthetic datasets due to the unavailability of real 3D-annotated category-centric data. Our main goal is to facilitate advances in this field b y collecting real-world data in a magnitude similar to the existing synthetic counterparts. The principal contribution of this work is thus a large-scale dataset, called Common Objects in 3D, with real multi-view images of object categories annotated with camera poses and ground truth 3D point clouds. The dataset contains a total of 1.5 million frames from nearly 19,000 videos capturing objects from 50 MS-COCO categories and, as such, it is significantly larger than alternatives both in terms of the number of categories and objects. We exploit this new dataset to conduct one of the first large-scale in-the-wild evaluations of several new-view-synthesis and category-centric 3D reconstruction methods. Finally, we contribute NerFormer - a novel neural rendering method that leverages the powerful Transformer to reconstruct an object given a small number of its views. The CO3D dataset is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/co3d .
Our goal is to learn a deep network that, given a small number of images of an object of a given category, reconstructs it in 3D. While several recent works have obtained analogous results using synthetic data or assuming the availability of 2D primi tives such as keypoints, we are interested in working with challenging real data and with no manual annotations. We thus focus on learning a model from multiple views of a large collection of object instances. We contribute with a new large dataset of object centric videos suitable for training and benchmarking this class of models. We show that existing techniques leveraging meshes, voxels, or implicit surfaces, which work well for reconstructing isolated objects, fail on this challenging data. Finally, we propose a new neural network design, called warp-conditioned ray embedding (WCR), which significantly improves reconstruction while obtaining a detailed implicit representation of the object surface and texture, also compensating for the noise in the initial SfM reconstruction that bootstrapped the learning process. Our evaluation demonstrates performance improvements over several deep monocular reconstruction baselines on existing benchmarks and on our novel dataset.
Deep learning has significantly improved 2D image recognition. Extending into 3D may advance many new applications including autonomous vehicles, virtual and augmented reality, authoring 3D content, and even improving 2D recognition. However despite growing interest, 3D deep learning remains relatively underexplored. We believe that some of this disparity is due to the engineering challenges involved in 3D deep learning, such as efficiently processing heterogeneous data and reframing graphics operations to be differentiable. We address these challenges by introducing PyTorch3D, a library of modular, efficient, and differentiable operators for 3D deep learning. It includes a fast, modular differentiable renderer for meshes and point clouds, enabling analysis-by-synthesis approaches. Compared with other differentiable renderers, PyTorch3D is more modular and efficient, allowing users to more easily extend it while also gracefully scaling to large meshes and images. We compare the PyTorch3D operators and renderer with other implementations and demonstrate significant speed and memory improvements. We also use PyTorch3D to improve the state-of-the-art for unsupervised 3D mesh and point cloud prediction from 2D images on ShapeNet. PyTorch3D is open-source and we hope it will help accelerate research in 3D deep learning.
Dropout is a popular technique for regularizing artificial neural networks. Dropout networks are generally trained by minibatch gradient descent with a dropout mask turning off some of the units---a different pattern of dropout is applied to every sa mple in the minibatch. We explore a very simple alternative to the dropout mask. Instead of masking dropped out units by setting them to zero, we perform matrix multiplication using a submatrix of the weight matrix---unneeded hidden units are never calculated. Performing dropout batchwise, so that one pattern of dropout is used for each sample in a minibatch, we can substantially reduce training times. Batchwise dropout can be used with fully-connected and convolutional neural networks.

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