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Data processing systems impose multiple views on data as it is processed by the system. These views include spreadsheets, databases, matrices, and graphs. The common theme amongst these views is the need to store and operate on data as whole sets ins tead of as individual data elements. This work describes a common mathematical representation of these data sets (associative arrays) that applies across a wide range of applications and technologies. Associative arrays unify and simplify these different approaches for representing and manipulating data into common two-dimensional view of data. Specifically, associative arrays (1) reduce the effort required to pass data between steps in a data processing system, (2) allow steps to be interchanged with full confidence that the results will be unchanged, and (3) make it possible to recognize when steps can be simplified or eliminated. Most database system naturally support associative arrays via their tabular interfaces. The D4M implementation of associative arrays uses this feature to provide a common interface across SQL, NoSQL, and NewSQL databases.
Current metagenomic analysis algorithms require significant computing resources, can report excessive false positives (type I errors), may miss organisms (type II errors / false negatives), or scale poorly on large datasets. This paper explores using big data database technologies to characterize very large metagenomic DNA sequences in protein space, with the ultimate goal of rapid pathogen identification in patient samples. Our approach uses the abilities of a big data databases to hold large sparse associative array representations of genetic data to extract statistical patterns about the data that can be used in a variety of ways to improve identification algorithms.
The decreasing costs and increasing speed and accuracy of DNA sample collection, preparation, and sequencing has rapidly produced an enormous volume of genetic data. However, fast and accurate analysis of the samples remains a bottleneck. Here we pre sent D$^{4}$RAGenS, a genetic sequence identification algorithm that exhibits the Big Data handling and computational power of the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M). The method leverages linear algebra and statistical properties to increase computational performance while retaining accuracy by subsampling the data. Two run modes, Fast and Wise, yield speed and precision tradeoffs, with applications in biodefense and medical diagnostics. The D$^{4}$RAGenS analysis algorithm is tested over several datasets, including three utilized for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) metagenomic algorithm contest.
Recent technological advances in Next Generation Sequencing tools have led to increasing speeds of DNA sample collection, preparation, and sequencing. One instrument can produce over 600 Gb of genetic sequence data in a single run. This creates new o pportunities to efficiently handle the increasing workload. We propose a new method of fast genetic sequence analysis using the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) - an associative array environment for MATLAB developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Based on mathematical and statistical properties, the method leverages big data techniques and the implementation of an Apache Acculumo database to accelerate computations one-hundred fold over other methods. Comparisons of the D4M method with the current gold-standard for sequence analysis, BLAST, show the two are comparable in the alignments they find. This paper will present an overview of the D4M genetic sequence algorithm and statistical comparisons with BLAST.

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