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The required precision to perform quantum simulations beyond the capabilities of classical computers imposes major experimental and theoretical challenges. Here, we develop a characterization technique to benchmark the implementation precision of a s pecific quantum simulation task. We infer all parameters of the bosonic Hamiltonian that governs the dynamics of excitations in a two-dimensional grid of nearest-neighbour coupled superconducting qubits. We devise a robust algorithm for identification of Hamiltonian parameters from measured times series of the expectation values of single-mode canonical coordinates. Using super-resolution and denoising methods, we first extract eigenfrequencies of the governing Hamiltonian from the complex time domain measurement; next, we recover the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian via constrained manifold optimization over the orthogonal group. For five and six coupled qubits, we identify Hamiltonian parameters with sub-MHz precision and construct a spatial implementation error map for a grid of 27 qubits. Our approach enables us to distinguish and quantify the effects of state preparation and measurement errors and show that they are the dominant sources of errors in the implementation. Our results quantify the implementation accuracy of analog dynamics and introduce a diagnostic toolkit for understanding, calibrating, and improving analog quantum processors.
The classical Heisenberg model in two spatial dimensions constitutes one of the most paradigmatic spin models, taking an important role in statistical and condensed matter physics to understand magnetism. Still, despite its paradigmatic character and the widely accepted ban of a (continuous) spontaneous symmetry breaking, controversies remain whether the model exhibits a phase transition at finite temperature. Importantly, the model can be interpreted as a lattice discretization of the $O(3)$ non-linear sigma model in $1+1$ dimensions, one of the simplest quantum field theories encompassing crucial features of celebrated higher-dimensional ones (like quantum chromodynamics in $3+1$ dimensions), namely the phenomenon of asymptotic freedom. This should also exclude finite-temperature transitions, but lattice effects might play a significant role in correcting the mainstream picture. In this work, we make use of state-of-the-art tensor network approaches, representing the classical partition function in the thermodynamic limit over a large range of temperatures, to comprehensively explore the correlation structure for Gibbs states. By implementing an $SU(2)$ symmetry in our two-dimensional tensor network contraction scheme, we are able to handle very large effective bond dimensions of the environment up to $chi_E^text{eff} sim 1500$, a feature that is crucial in detecting phase transitions. With decreasing temperatures, we find a rapidly diverging correlation length, whose behaviour is apparently compatible with the two main contradictory hypotheses known in the literature, namely a finite-$T$ transition and asymptotic freedom, though with a slight preference for the second.
99 - Nathan Walk , Jens Eisert 2021
Secret sharing is a multi-party cryptographic primitive that can be applied to a network of partially distrustful parties for encrypting data that is both sensitive (it must remain secure) and important (it must not be lost or destroyed). When sharin g classical secrets (as opposed to quantum states), one can distinguish between protocols that leverage bi-partite quantum key distribution (QKD) and those that exploit multi-partite entanglement. The latter class are known to be vulnerable to so-called participant attacks and, while progress has been made recently, there is currently no analysis that quantifies their performance in the composable, finite-size regime which has become the gold standard for QKD security. Given this -- and the fact that distributing multi-partite entanglement is typically challenging -- one might well ask: Is there is any virtue in pursuing multi-partite entanglement based schemes? Here, we answer this question in the affirmative for a class of secret sharing protocols based on continuous variable graph states. We establish security in a composable framework and identify a network topology, specifically a bottleneck network of lossy channels, and parameter regimes within the reach of present day experiments for which a multi-partite scheme outperforms the corresponding QKD based method in the asymptotic and finite-size setting. Finally, we establish experimental parameters where the multi-partite schemes outperform any possible QKD based protocol. This one of the first concrete compelling examples of multi-partite entangled resources achieving a genuine advantage over point-to-point protocols for quantum communication and represents a rigorous, operational benchmark to assess the usefulness of such resources.
Compressed sensing is a paradigm within signal processing that provides the means for recovering structured signals from linear measurements in a highly efficient manner. Originally devised for the recovery of sparse signals, it has become clear that a similar methodology would also carry over to a wealth of other classes of structured signals. In this work, we provide an overview over the theory of compressed sensing for a particularly rich family of such signals, namely those of hierarchically structured signals. Examples of such signals are constituted by blocked vectors, with only few non-vanishing sparse blocks. We present recovery algorithms based on efficient hierarchical hard-thresholding. The algorithms are guaranteed to stable and robustly converge to the correct solution provide the measurement map acts isometrically restricted to the signal class. We then provide a series of results establishing that the required condition for large classes of measurement ensembles. Building upon this machinery, we sketch practical applications of this framework in machine-type and quantum communication.
Recent progress in studies of holographic dualities, originally motivated by insights from string theory, has led to a confluence with concepts and techniques from quantum information theory. A particularly successful approach has involved capturing holographic properties by means of tensor networks which not only give rise to physically meaningful correlations of holographic boundary states, but also reproduce and refine features of quantum error correction in holography. This topical review provides an overview over recent successful realizations of such models. It does so by building on an introduction of the theoretical foundations of AdS/CFT and necessary quantum information concepts, many of which have themselves developed into independent, rapidly evolving research fields.
With an ever-expanding ecosystem of noisy and intermediate-scale quantum devices, exploring their possible applications is a rapidly growing field of quantum information science. In this work, we demonstrate that variational quantum algorithms feasib le on such devices address a challenge central to the field of quantum metrology: The identification of near-optimal probes and measurement operators for noisy multi-parameter estimation problems. We first introduce a general framework which allows for sequential updates of variational parameters to improve probe states and measurements and is widely applicable to both discrete and continuous-variable settings. We then demonstrate the practical functioning of the approach through numerical simulations, showcasing how tailored probes and measurements improve over standard methods in the noisy regime. Along the way, we prove the validity of a general parameter-shift rule for noisy evolutions, expected to be of general interest in variational quantum algorithms. In our approach, we advocate the mindset of quantum-aided design, exploiting quantum technology to learn close to optimal, experimentally feasible quantum metrology protocols.
The study of critical quantum many-body systems through conformal field theory (CFT) is one of the pillars of modern quantum physics. Certain CFTs are also understood to be dual to higher-dimensional theories of gravity via the anti-de Sitter/conform al field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. To reproduce various features of AdS/CFT, a large number of discrete models based on tensor networks have been proposed. Some recent models, most notably including toy models of holographic quantum error correction, are constructed on regular time-slice discretizations of AdS. In this work, we show that the symmetries of these models are well suited for approximating CFT states, as their geometry enforces a discrete subgroup of conformal symmetries. Based on these symmetries, we introduce the notion of a quasiperiodic conformal field theory (qCFT), a critical theory less restrictive than full CFT with characteristic multi-scale quasiperiodicity. We discuss holographic code states and their renormalization group flow as specific implementations of a qCFT with fractional central charges and argue that their behavior generalizes to a large class of existing and future models. Beyond approximating CFT properties, we show that these can be best understood as belonging to a new paradigm of discrete holography.
Central to the AdS/CFT correspondence is a precise relationship between the curvature of an anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime and the central charge of the dual conformal field theory (CFT) on its boundary. Our work shows that such a relationship can al so be established for tensor network models of AdS/CFT based on regular bulk geometries, leading to an analytical form of the maximal central charges exhibited by the boundary states. We identify a class of tensors based on Majorana dimer states that saturate these bounds in the large curvature limit, while also realizing perfect and block-perfect holographic quantum error correcting codes. Furthermore, the renormalization group description of the resulting model is shown to be analogous to the strong disorder renormalization group, thus giving the first example of an exact quantum error correcting code that gives rise to a well-understood critical system. These systems exhibit a large range of fractional central charges, tunable by the choice of bulk tiling. Our approach thus provides a precise physical interpretation of tensor network models on regular hyperbolic geometries and establishes quantitative connections to a wide range of existing models.
Many-body localization is a striking mechanism that prevents interacting quantum systems from thermalizing. The absence of thermalization behaviour manifests itself, for example, in a remanence of local particle number configurations, a quantity that is robust over a parameter range. Local particle numbers are directly accessible in programmable quantum simulators, in systems of cold atoms even in two spatial dimensions. Yet, the classical simulation aimed at building trust in quantum simulations is highly challenging. In this work, we present a comprehensive tensor network simulation of a many-body localized systems in two spatial dimensions using a variant of an iPEPS algorithm. The required translational invariance can be restored by implementing the disorder into an auxiliary spin system, providing an exact disorder average under dynamics. We can quantitatively assess signatures of many-body localization for the infinite system: Our methods are powerful enough to provide crude dynamical estimates for the transition between localized and ergodic phases. Interestingly, in this setting of finitely many disorder values, which we also compare with simulations involving non-interacting fermions and for which we discuss the emergent physics, localization emerges in the interacting regime, for which we provide an intuitive argument, while Anderson localization is absent.
We state and prove four types of Lieb-Robinson bounds valid for many-body open quantum systems with power law decaying interactions undergoing out of equilibrium dynamics. We also provide an introductory and self-contained discussion of the setting a nd tools necessary to prove these results. The results found here apply to physical systems in which both long-ranged interactions and dissipation are present, as commonly encountered in certain quantum simulators, such as Rydberg systems or Coulomb crystals formed by ions.

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