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We examine stellar population gradients in ~100 massive early type galaxies spanning 180 < sigma* < 370 km/s and M_K of -22.5 to -26.5 mag, observed as part of the MASSIVE survey (Ma et al. 2014). Using integral-field spectroscopy from the Mitchell S pectrograph on the 2.7m telescope at McDonald Observatory, we create stacked spectra as a function of radius for galaxies binned by their stellar velocity dispersion, stellar mass, and group richness. With excellent sampling at the highest stellar mass, we examine radial trends in stellar population properties extending to beyond twice the effective radius (~2.5 R_e). Specifically, we examine trends in age, metallicity, and abundance ratios of Mg, C, N, and Ca, and discuss the implications for star formation histories and elemental yields. At a fixed physical radius of 3-6 kpc (the likely size of the galaxy cores formed at high redshift) stellar age and [alpha/Fe] increase with increasing sigma* and depend only weakly on stellar mass, as we might expect if denser galaxies form their central cores earlier and faster. If we instead focus on 1-1.5 R_e, the trends in abundance and abundance ratio are washed out, as might be expected if the stars at large radius were accreted by smaller galaxies. Finally, we show that when controlling for sigmastar, there are only very subtle differences in stellar population properties or gradients as a function of group richness; even at large radius internal properties matter more than environment in determining star formation history.
We present host stellar velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of 88 broad-line quasars at 0.1<z<1 (46 at z>0.6) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project. High signal-to-noise ratio coadded spectra (average S/N ~30 per 69 km/s pixel) from SDSS-RM allowed decomposition of the host and quasar spectra, and measurement of the host stellar velocity dispersions and black hole (BH) masses using the single-epoch (SE) virial method. The large sample size and dynamic range in luminosity (L5100=10^(43.2-44.7) erg/s) lead to the first clear detection of a correlation between SE virial BH mass and host stellar velocity dispersion far beyond the local universe. However, the observed correlation is significantly flatter than the local relation, suggesting that there are selection biases in high-z luminosity-threshold quasar samples for such studies. Our uniform sample and analysis enable an investigation of the redshift evolution of the M-sigma relation free of caveats by comparing different samples/analyses at disjoint redshifts. We do not observe evolution of the M-sigma relation in our sample, up to z~1, but there is an indication that the relation flattens towards higher redshifts. Coupled with the increasing threshold luminosity with redshift in our sample, this again suggests certain selection biases are at work, and simple simulations demonstrate that a constant M-sigma relation is favored to z~1. Our results highlight the scientific potential of deep coadded spectroscopy from quasar monitoring programs, and offer a new path to probe the co-evolution of BHs and galaxies at earlier times.
We explore the warm molecular and ionized gas in the centers of two megamaser disk galaxies using K-band spectroscopy. Our ultimate goal is to determine how gas is funneled onto the accretion disk, here traced by megamaser spots on sub-pc scales. We present NIR IFU data with a resolution of ~50 pc for two galaxies: NGC 4388 with VLT/SINFONI and NGC 1194 with Keck/OSIRIS+AO. The high spatial resolution and rich spectral diagnostics allow us to study both the stellar and gas kinematics as well as gas excitation on scales only an order of magnitude larger than the maser disk. We find a drop in the stellar velocity dispersion in the inner ~100 pc of NGC 4388, a common signature of a dynamically cold central component seen in many active nuclei. We also see evidence for non-circular gas motions in the molecular hydrogen on similar scales, with the gas kinematics on 100-pc scales aligned with the megamaser disk. In contrast, the high ionization lines and Br-gamma trace outflow along the 100 pc-scale jet. In NGC 1194, the continuum from the accreting black hole is very strong, making it difficult to measure robust two-dimensional kinematics, but the spatial distribution and line ratios of the molecular hydrogen and Br-gamma have consistent properties between the two galaxies.
Black hole - galaxy scaling relations provide information about the coevolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. We compare the black hole mass - circular velocity (MBH - Vc) relation with the black hole mass - bulge stellar veloc ity dispersion (MBH - sigma) relation, to see whether the scaling relations can passively emerge from a large number of mergers, or require a physical mechanism, such as feedback from an active nucleus. We present VLA H I observations of five galaxies, including three water megamaser galaxies, to measure the circular velocity. Using twenty-two galaxies with dynamical MBH measurements and Vc measurements extending to large radius, our best-fit MBH - Vc relation, log MBH = alpha + beta log(Vc /200 km s^-1), yields alpha = 7.43+/-0.13, beta = 3.68+1.23/-1.20, and intrinsic scatter epsilon_int = 0.51+0.11/-0.09. The intrinsic scatter may well be higher than 0.51, as we take great care to ascribe conservatively large observational errors. We find comparable scatter in the MBH - sigma relations, epsilon_int = 0.48+0.10/-0.08, while pure merging scenarios would likely result in a tighter scaling with the dark halo (as traced by Vc) than baryonic (sigma) properties. Instead, feedback from the active nucleus may act on bulge scales to tighten the MBH - sigma relation with respect to the MBH - Vc relation, as observed.
420 - Jenny E. Greene 2013
We examine the alignment between H_2O megamaser disks on sub-pc scales with circumnuclear disks and bars on <500 pc scales observed with HST/WFC3. The HST imaging reveals young stars, indicating the presence of gas. The megamaser disks are not well a ligned with the circumnuclear bars or disks as traced by stars in the HST images. We speculate on the implications of the observed misalignments for fueling supermassive black holes in gas-rich spiral galaxies. In contrast, we find a strong preference for the rotation axes of the megamaser disks to align with radio continuum jets observed on >50 pc scales, in those galaxies for which radio continuum detections are available. Sub-arcsecond observations of molecular gas with ALMA will enable a more complete understanding of the interplay between circumnuclear structures.
238 - Ruobing Dong , 2012
We present a systematic X-ray study, the third in a series, of 49 active galactic nuclei with intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH; ~10^5-10^6 M_sun) using Chandra observations. We detect 42 out of 49 targets with a 0.5-2 keV X-ray luminosity 10^41-10 ^43 erg/s. We perform spectral fitting for the 10 objects with enough counts (>200), and they are all well fit by a simple power-law model modified by Galactic absorption, with no sign of significant intrinsic absorption. While we cannot fit the X-ray spectral slope directly for the rest of the sample, we estimate it from the hardness ratio and find a range of photon indices consistent with those seen in more luminous and massive objects. The X-ray-to-optical spectral slope (alphaox) of our IMBH sample is systematically flatter than in active galaxies with more massive black holes, consistent with the well-known correlation between alphaox and UV luminosity. Thanks to the wide dynamic range of our sample, we find evidence that alphaox increases with decreasing M_BH as expected from accretion disk models, where the UV emission systematically decreases as M_BH decreases and the disk temperature increases. We also find a long tail toward low alphaox values. While some of these sources may be obscured, given the high L_bol/L_Eddington values in the sample, we argue that some may be intrinsically X-ray-weak, perhaps owing to a rare state that radiates very little coronal emission.
We present spectroscopic observations of 27 active galactic nuclei (AGN) with some of the lowest black hole (BH) masses known. We use the high spectral resolution and small aperture of our Keck data, taken with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager, to isolate the narrow-line regions (NLRs) of these low-mass BHs. We investigate their emission-line properties and compare them with those of AGN with higher-mass black holes. While we are unable to determine absolute metallicities, some of our objects plausibly represent examples of the low-metallicity AGN described by Groves et al. (2006), based on their [N II]/H_alpha ratios and their consistency with the Kewley & Ellison (2008) mass-metallicity relation. We find tentative evidence for steeper far-UV spectral slopes in lower-mass systems. Overall, NLR emission lines in these low-mass AGN exhibit trends similar to those seen in AGN with higher-mass BHs, such as increasing blueshifts and broadening with increasing ionization potential. Additionally, we see evidence of an intermediate line region whose intensity correlates with L/L_Edd, as seen in higher-mass AGN. We highlight the interesting trend that, at least in these low-mass AGN, the [O III] equivalent width (EW) is highest in symmetric NLR lines with no blue wing. This trend of increasing [O III] EW with line symmetry could be explained by a high covering factor of lower ionization gas in the NLR. In general, low-mass AGN preserve many well-known trends in the structure of the NLR, while exhibiting steeper ionizing continuum slopes and somewhat lower gas-phase metallicities.
We use stellar population synthesis modeling to analyze the host galaxy properties of a sample of 33 UV-selected, narrow-lined active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at z ~ 2 - 3. In order to quantify the contribution of AGN emission to host galaxy broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs), we use the subsample of 11 AGNs with photometric coverage spanning from rest-frame UV through near-IR wavelengths. Modeling the SEDs of these objects with a linear combination of stellar population and AGN templates, we infer the effect of the AGN on derived stellar population parameters. We also estimate the typical bias in derived stellar populations for AGNs lacking rest-frame near-IR wavelength coverage, and develop a method for inferring the true host galaxy properties. We compare AGN host galaxy properties to those of a sample of UV-selected, star-forming non-AGNs in the same redshift range, including a subsample carefully matched in stellar mass. Although the AGNs have higher masses and SFRs than the full non-active sample, their stellar population properties are consistent with those of the mass-selected sample, suggesting that the presence of an AGN is not connected with the cessation of star-formation activity in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2 - 3. We suggest that a correlation between M_BH and galaxy stellar mass is already in place at this epoch. Assuming a roughly constant Eddington ratio for AGNs at all stellar masses, we are unable to detect the AGNs in low-mass galaxies because they are simply too faint.
349 - Jenny E. Greene 2011
SDSS J1356+1026 is a pair of interacting galaxies at redshift z=0.123 that hosts a luminous obscured quasar in its northern nucleus. Here we present two long-slit Magellan LDSS-3 spectra that reveal a pair of symmetric ~10 kpc-size outflows emerging from this nucleus, with observed expansion velocities of ~250 km/s in projection. We present a kinematic model of these outflows and argue that the deprojected physical velocities of expansion are likely ~1000 km/s and that the kinetic energy of the expanding shells is likely 10^44-10^45 erg/s, with an absolute minimum of >10^42 erg/s. Although a radio counterpart is detected at 1.4GHz, it is faint enough that the quasar is considered to be radio-quiet by all standard criteria, and there is no evidence of extended emission due to radio lobes, whether aged or continuously powered by an ongoing jet. We argue that the likely level of star formation is probably insufficient to power the observed energetic outflow and that SDSS J1356+1026 makes a strong case for radio-quiet quasar feedback. In further support of this hypothesis, polarimetric observations show that the direction of quasar illumination is coincident with the direction of the outflow.
We present new results for a sample of 33 narrow-lined UV-selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs), identified in the course of a spectroscopic survey for star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2-3. The rest-frame UV composite spectrum for our AGN sample shows s everal emission lines characteristic of AGNs, as well as interstellar absorption features seen in star-forming Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We report a detection of NIV]1486, which has been observed in high-redshift radio galaxies, as well as in rare optically-selected quasars. The UV continuum slope of the composite spectrum is significantly redder than that of a sample of non-AGN UV-selected star forming galaxies. Blueshifted SiIV absorption provides evidence for outflowing highly-ionized gas in these objects at speeds of ~ 10^(3) km/s, quantitatively different from what is seen in the outflows of non-AGN LBGs. Grouping the individual AGNs by parameters such as Ly-alpha equivalent width, redshift, and UV continuum magnitude allows for an analysis of the major spectroscopic trends within the sample. Stronger Ly-alpha emission is coupled with weaker low-ionization absorption, which is similar to what is seen in the non-AGN LBGs, and highlights the role that cool interstellar gas plays in the escape of Ly-alpha photons. However, the AGN composite does not show the same trends between Ly-alpha strength and extinction seen in the non-AGN LBGs. These results represent the first such comparison at high-redshift between star-forming galaxies and similar galaxies that host AGN activity.

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