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Robot manipulation for untangling 1D deformable structures such as ropes, cables, and wires is challenging due to their infinite dimensional configuration space, complex dynamics, and tendency to self-occlude. Analytical controllers often fail in the presence of dense configurations, due to the difficulty of grasping between adjacent cable segments. We present two algorithms that enhance robust cable untangling, LOKI and SPiDERMan, which operate alongside HULK, a high-level planner from prior work. LOKI uses a learned model of manipulation features to refine a coarse grasp keypoint prediction to a precise, optimized location and orientation, while SPiDERMan uses a learned model to sense task progress and apply recovery actions. We evaluate these algorithms in physical cable untangling experiments with 336 knots and over 1500 actions on real cables using the da Vinci surgical robot. We find that the combination of HULK, LOKI, and SPiDERMan is able to untangle dense overhand, figure-eight, double-overhand, square, bowline, granny, stevedore, and triple-overhand knots. The composition of these methods successfully untangles a cable from a dense initial configuration in 68.3% of 60 physical experiments and achieves 50% higher success rates than baselines from prior work. Supplementary material, code, and videos can be found at https://tinyurl.com/rssuntangling.
Disentangling two or more cables requires many steps to remove crossings between and within cables. We formalize the problem of disentangling multiple cables and present an algorithm, Iterative Reduction Of Non-planar Multiple cAble kNots (IRON-MAN), that outputs robot actions to remove crossings from multi-cable knotted structures. We instantiate this algorithm with a learned perception system, inspired by prior work in single-cable untying that given an image input, can disentangle two-cable twists, three-cable braids, and knots of two or three cables, such as overhand, square, carrick bend, sheet bend, crown, and fishermans knots. IRON-MAN keeps track of task-relevant keypoints corresponding to target cable endpoints and crossings and iteratively disentangles the cables by identifying and undoing crossings that are critical to knot structure. Using a da Vinci surgical robot, we experimentally evaluate the effectiveness of IRON-MAN on untangling multi-cable knots of types that appear in the training data, as well as generalizing to novel classes of multi-cable knots. Results suggest that IRON-MAN is effective in disentangling knots involving up to three cables with 80.5% success and generalizing to knot types that are not present during training, with cables of both distinct or identical colors.
Untangling ropes, wires, and cables is a challenging task for robots due to the high-dimensional configuration space, visual homogeneity, self-occlusions, and complex dynamics. We consider dense (tight) knots that lack space between self-intersection s and present an iterative approach that uses learned geometric structure in configurations. We instantiate this into an algorithm, HULK: Hierarchical Untangling from Learned Keypoints, which combines learning-based perception with a geometric planner into a policy that guides a bilateral robot to untangle knots. To evaluate the policy, we perform experiments both in a novel simulation environment modelling cables with varied knot types and textures and in a physical system using the da Vinci surgical robot. We find that HULK is able to untangle cables with dense figure-eight and overhand knots and generalize to varied textures and appearances. We compare two variants of HULK to three baselines and observe that HULK achieves 43.3% higher success rates on a physical system compared to the next best baseline. HULK successfully untangles a cable from a dense initial configuration containing up to two overhand and figure-eight knots in 97.9% of 378 simulation experiments with an average of 12.1 actions per trial. In physical experiments, HULK achieves 61.7% untangling success, averaging 8.48 actions per trial. Supplementary material, code, and videos can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y3a88ycu.

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