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Magnetic materials in which it is possible to control the topology of their magnetic order in real space or the topology of their magnetic excitations in reciprocal space are highly sought-after as platforms for alternative data storage and computing architectures. Here we show that multiferroic insulators, owing to their magneto-electric coupling, offer a natural and advantageous way to address these two different topologies using laser fields. We demonstrate that via a delicate balance between the energy injection from a high-frequency laser and dissipation, single skyrmions---archetypical topological magnetic textures---can be set into motion with a velocity and propagation direction that can be tuned by the laser field amplitude and polarization, respectively. Moreover, we uncover an ultrafast Floquet magnonic topological phase transition in a laser-driven skyrmion crystal and we propose a new diagnostic tool to reveal it using the magnonic thermal Hall conductivity.
One-dimensional helical liquids can appear at boundaries of certain condensed matter systems. Two prime examples are the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator, also known as a two-dimensional topological insulator, and the hinge of a three-dimensiona l second-order topological insulator. For these materials, the presence of a helical state at the boundary serves as a signature of their nontrivial bulk topology. Additionally, these boundary states are of interest themselves, as a novel class of strongly correlated low-dimensional systems with interesting potential applications. Here, we review existing results on such helical liquids in semiconductors. Our focus is on the theory, though we confront it with existing experiments. We discuss various aspects of the helical states, such as their realization, topological protection and stability, or possible experimental characterization. We lay emphasis on the hallmark of these states, being the prediction of a quantized electrical conductance. Since so far reaching a well-quantized conductance remained challenging experimentally, a large part of the review is a discussion of various backscattering mechanisms which have been invoked to explain this discrepancy. Finally, we include topics related to proximity-induced topological superconductivity in helical states, as an exciting application towards topological quantum computation with the resulting Majorana bound states.
We consider a three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) wire with a non-uniform chemical potential induced by gating across the cross-section. This inhomogeneity in chemical potential lifts the degeneracy between two one-dimensional surface state subbands. A magnetic field applied along the wire, due to orbital effects, breaks time-reversal symmetry and lifts the Kramers degeneracy at zero-momentum. If placed in proximity to an $s$-wave superconductor, the system can be brought into a topological phase at relatively weak magnetic fields. Majorana bound states (MBSs), localized at the ends of the TI wire, emerge and are present for an exceptionally large region of parameter space in realistic systems. Unlike in previous proposals, these MBSs occur without the requirement of a vortex in the superconducting pairing potential, which represents a significant simplification for experiments. Our results open a pathway to the realisation of MBSs in present day TI wire devices.
Majorana bound states are zero-energy states predicted to emerge in topological superconductors and intense efforts seeking a definitive proof of their observation are still ongoing. A standard route to realize them involves antagonistic orders: a su perconductor in proximity to a ferromagnet. Here we show this issue can be resolved using antiferromagnetic rather than ferromagnetic order. We propose to use a chain of antiferromagnetic skyrmions, in an otherwise collinear antiferromagnet, coupled to a bulk conventional superconductor as a novel platform capable of supporting Majorana bound states that are robust against disorder. Crucially, the collinear antiferromagnetic region neither suppresses superconductivity nor induces topological superconductivity, thus allowing for Majorana bound states localized at the ends of the chain. Our model introduces a new class of systems where topological superconductivity can be induced by editing antiferromagnetic textures rather than locally tuning material parameters, opening avenues for the conclusive observation of Majorana bound states.
When the crystalline symmetries that protect a higher-order topological phase are not preserved at the boundaries of the sample, gapless hinge modes or in-gap corner states cannot be stabilized. Therefore, careful engineering of the sample terminatio n is required. Similarly, magnetic textures, whose quantum fluctuations determine the supported magnonic excitations, tend to relax to new configurations that may also break crystalline symmetries when boundaries are introduced. Here we uncover that antiskyrmion crystals provide an experimentally accessible platform to realize a magnonic topological quadrupole insulator, whose hallmark signature are robust magnonic corner states. Furthermore, we show that tuning an applied magnetic field can trigger the self-assembly of antiskyrmions carrying a fractional topological charge along the sample edges. Crucially, these fractional antiskyrmions restore the symmetries needed to enforce the emergence of the magnonic corner states. Using the machinery of nested Wilson loops, adapted to magnonic systems supported by noncollinear magnetic textures, we demonstrate the quantization of the bulk quadrupole moment, edge dipole moments, and corner charges.
Achieving control over magnon spin currents in insulating magnets - where dissipation due to Joule heating is highly suppressed - is an active area of research that could lead to energy-efficient spintronics applications. However, magnon spin current s supported by conventional systems with uniform magnetic order have proven hard to control. An alternative approach that relies on topologically protected magnonic edge states of spatially periodic magnetic textures has recently emerged. A prime example of such textures is the ferromagnetic skyrmion crystal which hosts chiral edge states providing a platform for magnon spin currents. Here, we show, for the first time, an external magnetic field can drive a topological phase transition in the spin wave spectrum of a ferromagnetic skyrmion crystal. The topological phase transition is signaled by the closing of a low-energy bulk magnon gap at a critical field. In the topological phase, below the critical field, two topologically protected chiral magnonic edge states lie within this gap, but they unravel in the trivial phase, above the critical field. Remarkably, the topological phase transition involves an inversion of two magnon bands that at the $Gamma$ point correspond to the breathing and anticlockwise modes of the skyrmions in the crystal. Our findings suggest that an external magnetic field could be used as a knob to switch on and off magnon spin currents carried by topologically protected chiral magnonic edge states.
Antiferromagnetic skyrmion crystals are magnetic phases predicted to exist in antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Their spatially periodic noncollinear magnetic texture gives rise to topological bulk magnon bands characterized b y nonzero Chern numbers. We find topologically-protected chiral magnonic edge states over a wide range of magnetic fields and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction values. Moreover, and of particular importance for experimental realizations, edge states appear at the lowest possible energies, namely, within the first bulk magnon gap. Thus, antiferromagnetic skyrmion crystals show great promise as novel platforms for topological magnonics.
We find a new class of topological superconductors which possess an emergent time-reversal symmetry that is present only after projecting to an effective low-dimensional model. We show that a topological phase in symmetry class DIII can be realized i n a noninteracting system coupled to an $s$-wave superconductor only if the physical time-reversal symmetry of the system is broken, and we provide three general criteria that must be satisfied in order to have such a phase. We also provide an explicit model which realizes the class DIII topological superconductor in 1D. We show that, just as in time-reversal invariant topological superconductors, the topological phase is characterized by a Kramers pair of Majorana fermions that are protected by the emergent time-reversal symmetry.
We study the quantum propagation of a Skyrmion in chiral magnetic insulators by generalizing the micromagnetic equations of motion to a finite-temperature path integral formalism, using field theoretic tools. Promoting the center of the Skyrmion to a dynamic quantity, the fluctuations around the Skyrmionic configuration give rise to a time-dependent damping of the Skyrmion motion. From the frequency dependence of the damping kernel, we are able to identify the Skyrmion mass, thus providing a microscopic description of the kinematic properties of Skyrmions. When defects are present or a magnetic trap is applied, the Skyrmion mass acquires a finite value proportional to the effective spin, even at vanishingly small temperature. We demonstrate that a Skyrmion in a confined geometry provided by a magnetic trap behaves as a massive particle owing to its quasi-one-dimensional confinement. An additional quantum mass term is predicted, independent of the effective spin, with an explicit temperature dependence which remains finite even at zero temperature.
We investigate numerically the possibility to detect the spatial profile of Majorana fermions (MFs) modeling STM tips that are made of either normal or superconducting material. In both cases, we are able to resolve the localization length and the os cillation period of the MF wavefunction. We show that the tunneling between the substrate and the tip, necessary to get the information on the wave function oscillations, has to be smaller in the case of a superconducting STM. In the strong tunneling regime, the differential conductance saturates making it more difficult to observe the exponential decay of MFs. The temperature broadening of the profile is strongly suppressed in case of the superconducting lead resulting, generally, in better resolution.

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