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We present a family of electron-based coupled-wire models of bosonic orbifold topological phases, referred to as twist liquids, in two spatial dimensions. All local fermion degrees of freedom are gapped and removed from the topological order by many- body interactions. Bosonic chiral spin liquids and anyonic superconductors are constructed on an array of interacting wires, each supports emergent massless Majorana fermions that are non-local (fractional) and constitute the $SO(N)$ Kac-Moody Wess-Zumino-Witten algebra at level 1. We focus on the dihedral $D_k$ symmetry of $SO(2n)_1$, and its promotion to a gauge symmetry by manipulating the locality of fermion pairs. Gauging the symmetry (sub)group generates the $mathcal{C}/G$ twist liquids, where $G=mathbb{Z}_2$ for $mathcal{C}=U(1)_l$, $SU(n)_1$, and $G=mathbb{Z}_2$, $mathbb{Z}_k$, $D_k$ for $mathcal{C}=SO(2n)_1$. We construct exactly solvable models for all of these topological states. We prove the presence of a bulk excitation energy gap and demonstrate the appearance of edge orbifold conformal field theories corresponding to the twist liquid topological orders. We analyze the statistical properties of the anyon excitations, including the non-Abelian metaplectic anyons and a new class of quasiparticles referred to as Ising-fluxons. We show an eight-fold periodic gauging pattern in $SO(2n)_1/G$ by identifying the non-chiral components of the twist liquids with discrete gauge theories.
We construct the symmetric-gapped surface states of a fractional topological insulator with electromagnetic $theta$-angle $theta_{em} = frac{pi}{3}$ and a discrete $mathbb{Z}_3$ gauge field. They are the proper generalizations of the T-pfaffian state and pfaffian/anti-semion state and feature an extended periodicity compared with their of integer topological band insulators counterparts. We demonstrate that the surface states have the correct anomalies associated with time-reversal symmetry and charge conservation.
In this paper we consider a layered heterostructure of an Abelian topologically ordered state (TO), such as a fractional Chern insulator/quantum Hall state with an s-wave superconductor in order to explore the existence of non-Abelian defects. In ord er to uncover such defects we must augment the original TO by a $mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory sector coming from the s-wave SC. We first determine the extended TO for a wide variety of fractional quantum Hall or fractional Chern insulator heterostructures. We prove the existence of a general anyon permutation symmetry (AS) that exists in any fermionic Abelian TO state in contact with an s-wave superconductor. Physically this permutation corresponds to adding a fermion to an odd flux vortices (in units of $h/2e$) as they travel around the associated topological (twist) defect. As such, we call it a fermion parity flip AS. We consider twist defects which mutate anyons according to the fermion parity flip symmetry and show that they can be realized at domain walls between distinct gapped edges or interfaces of the TO superconducting state. We analyze the properties of such defects and show that fermion parity flip twist defects are always associated with Majorana zero modes. Our formalism also reproduces known results such as Majorana/parafermionic bound states at superconducting domain walls of topological/Fractional Chern insulators when twist defects are constructed based on charge conjugation symmetry. Finally, we briefly describe more exotic twist liquid phases obtained by gauging the AS where the twist defects become deconfined anyonic excitations.
We classify discrete-rotation symmetric topological crystalline superconductors (TCS) in two dimensions and provide the criteria for a zero energy Majorana bound state (MBS) to be present at composite defects made from magnetic flux, dislocations, an d disclinations. In addition to the Chern number that encodes chirality, discrete rotation symmetry further divides TCS into distinct stable topological classes according to the rotation eigenspectrum of Bogoliubov-de Gennes quasi-particles. Conical crystalline defects are shown to be able to accommodate robust MBS when a certain combination of these bulk topological invariants is non-trivial as dictated by the index theorems proved within. The number parity of MBS is counted by a $mathbb{Z}_2$-valued index that solely depends on the disclination and the topological class of the TCS. We also discuss the implications for corner-bound Majorana modes on the boundary of topological crystalline superconductors.

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