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We report on the numerically exact simulation of the dissipative dynamics governed by quantum master equations that feature fractional quantum Hall states as unique steady states. In particular, for the paradigmatic Hofstadter model, we show how Laug hlin states can be to good approximation prepared in a dissipative fashion from arbitrary initial states by simply pumping strongly interacting bosons into the lowest Chern band of the corresponding single-particle spectrum. While pure (up to topological degeneracy) steady states are only reached in the low-flux limit or for extended hopping range, we observe a certain robustness regarding the overlap of the steady state with fractional quantum Hall states for experimentally well-controlled flux densities. This may be seen as an encouraging step towards addressing the long-standing challenge of preparing strongly correlated topological phases in quantum simulators.
Random flux is commonly believed to be incapable of driving metal-insulator transitions. Surprisingly, we show that random flux can after all induce a metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, thus reporting the fi rst example of such a transition. Remarkably, we find that the resulting insulating phase can even be a higher-order topological insulator with zero-energy corner modes and fractional corner charges, rather than a conventional Anderson insulator. Employing both level statistics and finite-size scaling analysis, we characterize the metal-insulator transition and numerically extract its critical exponent as $ u=2.48pm0.08$. To reveal the physical mechanism underlying the transition, we present an effective band structure picture based on the random flux averaged Greens function.
Non-Hermtian (NH) Hamiltonians effectively describing the physics of dissipative systems have become an important tool with applications ranging from classical meta-materials to quantum many-body systems. Exceptional points, the NH counterpart of spe ctral degeneracies, are among the paramount phenomena unique to the NH realm. While realizations of second-order exceptional points have been reported in a variety of microscopic models, higher-order ones have largely remained elusive in the many-body context, as they in general require fine tuning in high-dimensional parameter spaces. Here, we propose a microscopic model of correlated fermions in three spatial dimensions and demonstrate the occurrence of interaction-induced fourth-order exceptional points that are protected by chiral symmetry. We demonstrate their stability against symmetry breaking perturbations and investigate their characteristic analytical and topological properties.
We report on the dynamical formation of exceptional degeneracies in basic correlation functions of non-integrable one- and two-dimensional systems quenched to the vicinity of a critical point. Remarkably, fine-tuned semi-metallic points in the phase diagram of the considered systems are thereby promoted to topologically robust non-Hermitian (NH) nodal phases emerging in the coherent long-time evolution of a dynamically equilibrating system. In the framework of non-equilibrium Greens function methods within the conserving second Born approximation, we predict observable signatures of these novel NH nodal phases in simple spectral functions as well as in the time-evolution of momentum distribution functions.
We experimentally simulate in a photonic setting non-Hermitian (NH) metals characterized by the topological properties of their nodal band structures. Implementing nonunitary time evolution in reciprocal space followed by interferometric measurements , we probe the complex eigenenergies of the corresponding NH Bloch Hamiltonians, and study in detail the topology of their exceptional lines (ELs), the NH counterpart of nodal lines in Hermitian systems. We focus on two distinct types of NH metals: two-dimensional systems with symmetry-protected ELs, and three-dimensional systems possessing symmetry-independent topological ELs in the form of knots. While both types feature open Fermi surfaces, we experimentally observe their distinctions by analyzing the impact of symmetry-breaking perturbations on the topology of ELs.
The observable properties of topological quantum matter are often described by topological field theories. We here demonstrate that this principle extends beyond thermal equilibrium. To this end, we construct a model of two-dimensional driven open dy namics with a Chern insulator steady state. Within a Keldysh field theory approach, we show that under mild assumptions - particle number conservation and purity of the stationary state - an abelian Chern-Simons theory describes its response to external perturbations. As a corollary, we predict chiral edge modes stabilized by a dissipative bulk.
Dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) represent a counterpart in non-equilibrium quantum time evolution of thermal phase transitions at equilibrium, where real time becomes analogous to a control parameter such as temperature. In quenched quant um systems, recently the occurrence of DQPTs has been demonstrated, both with theory and experiment, to be intimately connected to changes of topological properties. Here, we contribute to broadening the systematic understanding of this relation between topology and DQPTs to multi-orbital and disordered systems. Specifically, we provide a detailed ergodicity analysis to derive criteria for DQPTs in all spatial dimensions, and construct basic counter-examples to the occurrence of DQPTs in multi-band topological insulator models. As a numerical case study illustrating our results, we report on microscopic simulations of the quench dynamics in the Harper-Hofstadter model. Furthermore, going gradually from multi-band to disordered systems, we approach random disorder by increasing the (super) unit cell within which random perturbations are switched on adiabatically. This leads to an intriguing order of limits problem which we address by extensive numerical calculations on quenched one-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors with disorder.

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