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85 - James B. Dent 2015
Beginning with a set of simplified models for spin-0, spin-$half$, and spin-1 dark matter candidates using completely general Lorentz invariant and renormalizable Lagrangians, we derive the full set of non-relativistic operators and nuclear matrix el ements relevant for direct detection of dark matter, and use these to calculate rates and recoil spectra for scattering on various target nuclei. This allows us to explore what high energy physics constraints might be obtainable from direct detection experiments, what degeneracies exist, which operators are ubiquitous and which are unlikely or sub-dominant. We find that there are operators which are common to all spins as well operators which are unique to spin-$half$ and spin-1 and elucidate two new operators which have not been previously considered. In addition we demonstrate how recoil energy spectra can distinguish fundamental microphysics if multiple target nuclei are used. Our work provides a complete roadmap for taking generic fundamental dark matter theories and calculating rates in direct detection experiments. This provides a useful guide for experimentalists designing experiments and theorists developing new dark matter models.
Effective field theory (EFT) formulations of dark matter interactions have proven to be a convenient and popular way to quantify LHC bounds on dark matter. However, some of the non-renormalizable EFT operators considered do not respect the gauge symm etries of the Standard Model. We carefully discuss under what circumstances such operators can arise, and outline potential issues in their interpretation and application.
38 - James B. Dent 2014
The surprisingly large value of $r$, the ratio of power in tensor to scalar density perturbations in the CMB reported by the BICEP2 Collaboration, if confirmed, provides strong evidence for Inflation at the GUT scale. While the Inflationary signal re mains the best motivated source, a large value of $r$ alone would still allow for the possibility that a comparable gravitational wave background might result from a self ordering scalar field (SOSF) transition that takes place later at somewhat lower energy. We find that even without detailed considerations of the predicted BICEP signature of such a transition, simple existing limits on the isocurvature contribution to CMB anisotropies would definitively rule out a contribution of more than $5%$ to $r approx 0.2$,. We also present a general relation for the allowed fractional SOSF contribution to $r$ as a function of the ultimate measured value of $r$. These results point strongly not only to an inflationary origin of the BICEP2 signal, if confirmed, but also to the fact that if the GUT scale is of order $10^{16} GeV$ then either the GUT transition happens before Inflation or the Inflationary transition and the GUT transition must be one and the same.
We perform a combined perturbation and observational investigation of the scenario of non-minimal derivative coupling between a scalar field and curvature. First we extract the necessary condition that ensures the absence of instabilities, which is f ulfilled more sufficiently for smaller coupling values. Then using Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations, we show that, contrary to its significant effects on inflation, the non-minimal derivative coupling term has a negligible effect on the universe acceleration, since it is driven solely by the usual scalar-field potential. Therefore, the scenario can provide a unified picture of early and late time cosmology, with the non-minimal derivative coupling term responsible for inflation, and the usual potential responsible for late-time acceleration. Additionally, the fact that the necessary coupling term does not need to be large, improves the model behavior against instabilities.
94 - James B. Dent 2013
It has been shown that a cosmological background with an anisotropic stress tensor, appropriate for a free streaming thermal neutrino background, can damp primordial gravitational waves after they enter the horizon, and can thus affect the CMB B-mode polarization signature due to such tensor modes. Here we generalize this result, and examine the sensitivity of this effect to non-zero neutrino masses, extra neutrino species, and also a possible relativistic background of axions from axion strings. In particular, additional neutrinos with cosmologically interesting neutrino masses at the O(1) eV level will noticeably reduce damping compared to massless neutrinos for gravitational wave modes with $ktau_0 approx 100-200$, where $tau_0 approx 2/H_0$ and $H_0$ is the present Hubble parameter, while an axion background would produce a phase-dependent damping distinct from that produced by neutrinos.
We examine bounds on adiabatic and isocurvature density fluctuations from $mu$-type spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Studies of such distortion are complementary to CMB measurements of the spectral index and its running, and will help to constrain these parameters on significantly smaller scales. We show that a detection on the order of $mu sim 10^{-7}$ would strongly be at odds with the standard cosmological model of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic perturbations. Further, we find that given the current CMB constraints on the isocurvature mode amplitude, a nearly scale-invariant isocurvature mode (common in many curvaton models) cannot produce significant $mu$-distortion. Finally, we show that future experiments will strongly constrain the amplitude of the isocurvature modes with a highly blue spectrum as predicted by certain axion models.
We show that the f(T) gravitational paradigm, in which gravity is described by an arbitrary function of the torsion scalar, can provide a mechanism for realizing bouncing cosmologies, thereby avoiding the Big Bang singularity. After constructing the simplest version of an f(T) matter bounce, we investigate the scalar and tensor modes of cosmological perturbations. Our results show that metric perturbations in the scalar sector lead to a background-dependent sound speed, which is a distinguishable feature from Einstein gravity. Additionally, we obtain a scale-invariant primordial power spectrum, which is consistent with cosmological observations, but suffers from the problem of a large tensor-to-scalar ratio. However, this can be avoided by introducing extra fields, such as a matter bounce curvaton.
We revisit the calculation of electroweak bremsstrahlung contributions to dark matter annihilation. Dark matter annihilation to leptons is necessarily accompanied by electroweak radiative corrections, in which a $W$ or $Z$ boson is also radiated. Sig nificantly, while many dark matter models feature a helicity suppressed annihilation rate to fermions, bremsstrahlung process can remove this helicity suppression such that the branching ratios Br($ell u W $), Br($ell^+ell^-Z$), and Br($bar u u Z$) dominate over Br($ell^+ell^-$) and Br($bar u u$). We find this is most significant in the limit where the dark matter mass is nearly degenerate with the mass of the boson which mediates the annihilation process. Electroweak bremsstrahlung has important phenomenological consequences both for the magnitude of the total dark matter annihilation cross section and for the character of the astrophysical signals for indirect detection. Given that the $W$ and $Z$ gauge bosons decay dominantly via hadronic channels, it is impossible to produce final state leptons without accompanying protons, antiprotons, and gamma rays.
A new approach is given for the implementation of boundary conditions used in solving the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in the context of inflation. The familiar quantization procedure is reviewed, along with a discussion of where one might expect deviati ons from the standard approach to arise. The proposed method introduces a (model dependent) fitting function for the z/z and a/a terms in the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation for scalar and tensor modes, as well as imposes the boundary conditions at a finite conformal time. As an example, we employ a fitting function, and compute the spectral index, along with its running, for a specific inflationary model which possesses background equations that are analytically solvable. The observational upper bound on the tensor to scalar ratio is used to constrain the parameters of the boundary conditions in the tensor sector as well. An overview on the generalization of this method is also discussed.
We investigate the cosmological perturbations in f(T) gravity. Examining the pure gravitational perturbations in the scalar sector using a diagonal vierbien, we extract the corresponding dispersion relation, which provides a constraint on the f(T) an satzes that lead to a theory free of instabilities. Additionally, upon inclusion of the matter perturbations, we derive the fully perturbed equations of motion, and we study the growth of matter overdensities. We show that f(T) gravity with f(T) constant coincides with General Relativity, both at the background as well as at the first-order perturbation level. Applying our formalism to the power-law model we find that on large subhorizon scales (O(100 Mpc) or larger), the evolution of matter overdensity will differ from LCDM cosmology. Finally, examining the linear perturbations of the vector and tensor sectors, we find that (for the standard choice of vierbein) f(T) gravity is free of massive gravitons.

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