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Phase space holes, double layers and other solitary electric field structures, referred to as time domain structures (TDSs), often occur around dipolarization fronts in the Earths inner magnetosphere. They are considered to be important because of th eir role in the dissipation of the injection energy and their potential for significant particle scattering and acceleration. Kinetic Alfven waves are observed to be excited during energetic particle injections, and are typically present in conjunction with TDS observations. Despite the availability of a large number of spacecraft observations, the origin of TDSs and their relation to kinetic Alfven waves remains poorly understood to date. Part of the difficulty arises from the vast scale separations between kinetic Alfven waves and TDSs. Here, we demonstrate that TDSs can be excited by electrons in nonlinear Landau resonance with kinetic Alfven waves. These electrons get trapped by the parallel electric field of kinetic Alfven waves, form localized beam distributions, and subsequently generate TDSs through beam instabilities. A big picture emerges as follows: macroscale dipolarization fronts first transfer the ion flow (kinetic) energy to kinetic Alfven waves at intermediate scale, which further channel the energy to TDSs at the microscale and eventually deposit the energy to the thermal electrons in the form of heating. In this way, the ion flow energy associated with dipolarization fronts is effectively dissipated in a cascade from large to small scales in the inner magnetosphere.
Upstream of shocks, the foreshock is filled with hot ions. When these ions are concentrated and thermalized around a discontinuity, a diamagnetic cavity bounded by compressional boundaries, referred to as a foreshock transient, forms. Sometimes, the upstream compressional boundary can further steepen into a secondary shock, which has been observed to accelerate particles and contribute to the primary shock acceleration. However, secondary shock formation conditions and processes are not fully understood. Using particle-in-cell simulations, we reveal how secondary shocks are formed. From 1D simulations, we show that electric fields play a critical role in shaping the shocks magnetic field structure, as well as in coupling the energy of hot ions to that of the shock. We demonstrate that larger thermal speed and concentration ratio of hot ions favors the formation of a secondary shock. From a more realistic 2D simulation, we examine how a discontinuity interacts with foreshock ions leading to the formation of a foreshock transient and a secondary shock. Our results imply that secondary shocks are more likely to occur at primary shocks with higher Mach number. With the secondary shocks previously proven ability to accelerate particles in cooperation with a planetary bow shock, it is even more appealing to consider them in particle acceleration of high Mach number astrophysical shocks.
Electron beam-generated whistler waves are widely found in the Earths space plasma environment and are intricately involved in a number of phenomena. Here we study the linear growth of whistler eigenmodes excited by a finite gyrating electron beam, t o facilitate the interpretation of relevant experiments on beam-generated whistler waves in the Large Plasma Device at UCLA. A linear instability analysis for an infinite gyrating beam is first performed. It is shown that whistler waves are excited through a combination of cyclotron resonance, Landau resonance and anomalous cyclotron resonance, consistent with our experimental results. By matching the whistler eigenmodes inside and outside the beam at the boundary, a linear growth rate is obtained for each wave mode and the corresponding mode structure is constructed. These eigenmodes peak near the beam boundary, leak out of the beam region and decay to zero far away from the beam.
Chorus-like whistler-mode waves that are known to play a fundamental role in driving radiation-belt dynamics are excited on the Large Plasma Device by the injection of a helical electron beam into a cold plasma. The mode structure of the excited whis tler wave is identified using a phase-correlation technique showing that the waves are excited through a combination of Landau resonance, cyclotron resonance and anomalous cyclotron resonance. The dominant wave mode excited through cyclotron resonance is quasi-parallel propagating, whereas wave modes excited through Landau resonance and anomalous cyclotron resonance propagate at oblique angles that are close to the resonance cone. An analysis of the linear wave growth rates captures the major observations in the experiment. The results have important implications for the generation process of whistler waves in the Earths inner magnetosphere.
A range of nonlinear wave structures, including Langmuir waves, unipolar electric fields and bipolar electric fields, are often observed in association with whistler-mode chorus waves in the near-Earth space. We demonstrate that the three seemingly d ifferent nonlinear wave structures originate from the same nonlinear electron trapping process by whistler-mode chorus waves. The ratio of the Landau resonant velocity to the electron thermal velocity controls the type of nonlinear wave structures that will be generated.
The electron beam-plasma system is ubiquitous in the space plasma environment. Here, using a Darwin particle-in-cell method, the excitation of electrostatic and whistler instabilities by a gyrating electron beam is studied in support of recent labora tory experiments. It is assumed that the total plasma frequency $omega_{pe}$ is larger than the electron cyclotron frequency $Omega_e$. The fast-growing electrostatic beam-mode waves saturate in a few plasma oscillations by slowing down and relaxing the electron beam parallel to the background magnetic field. Upon their saturation, the finite amplitude electrostatic beam-mode waves can resonate with the tail of the background thermal electrons and accelerate them to the beam parallel velocity. The slower-growing whistler waves are excited in primarily two resonance modes: (a) through Landau resonance due to the inverted slope of the beam electrons in the parallel velocity; (b) through cyclotron resonance by scattering electrons to both lower pitch angles and smaller energies. It is demonstrated that, for a field-aligned beam, the whistler instability can be suppressed by the electrostatic instability due to a faster energy transfer rate between beam electrons and the electrostatic waves. Such a competition of growth between whistler and electrostatic waves depends on the ratio of $omega_{pe}/Omega_e$. In terms of wave propagation, beam-generated electrostatic waves are confined to the beam region whereas beam-generated whistler waves transport energy away from the beam.

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