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Imaging and spectroscopic observations of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the nearest large elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A), were obtained to find more PNe and measure their radial velocities. NTT imaging was obtained in 15 fields in NGC 5128 ove r an area of about 1 square degree with EMMI using [O III] and off-band filters. Newly detected sources, combined with literature PNe, were used as input for VLT FLAMES multi-fibre spectroscopy in MEDUSA mode. Spectra of the 4600-5100A region were analysed and velocities measured based on emission lines of [O III]4959,5007A and often H-beta. The chief results are catalogues of 1118 PN candidates and 1267 spectroscopically confirmed PNe in NGC 5128. The catalogue of PN candidates contains 1060 PNe discovered with EMMI imaging and 58 from literature surveys. The spectroscopic PN catalogue has FLAMES radial velocity and emission line measurements for 1135 PNe, of which 486 are new. Another 132 PN radial velocities are available from the literature. For 629 PNe observed with FLAMES, H-beta was measured in addition to [O III]. Nine targets show double-lined or more complex profiles, and their possible origin is discussed. FLAMES spectra of 48 globular clusters were also targetted: 11 had emission lines detected (two with multiple components), but only 3 are PNe likely to belong to the host globular. The total of 1267 confirmed PNe in NGC 5128 with radial velocity measurements (1135 with small velocity errors) is the largest collection of individual kinematic probes in an early-type galaxy. This PN dataset, as well as the catalogue of PN candidates, are valuable resources for detailed investigation of the stellar population of NGC 5128. [Abridged]
The light element abundance pattern from many planetary nebulae (PNe) covering the upper 4 mag. of the [O III] luminosity function was observed with ESO VLT FORS1 multi-slit. Spectra of 51 PNe over the wavelength range 3500-7500 Angstrom were obtaine d in three fields at 4, 8 and 17 kpc, for a distance of 3.8 Mpc. Emission line ratios are entirely typical of PN such as in the Milky Way. The temperature sensitive [O III]4363A line was weakly detected in 10 PNe, both [O II] and [O III] lines were detected in 30 PNe, and only the bright [O III]5007A line in 7 PN. Cloudy photoionization models were run to match the spectra by a spherical, constant density nebula ionized by a black body central star. He, N, O and Ne abundances with respect to H were determined and, for brighter PNe, S and Ar; central star luminosities and temperatures are also derived. For 40 PNe with Cloudy models, from the upper 2 mag. of the luminosity function, the most reliably estimated element, oxygen, has a mean 12+log(O/H) of 8.52. No obvious radial gradient is apparent in O/H over a range 2-20 kpc. Comparison of the PN abundances with the stellar population, from the spectra of the integrated starlight on the multi-slits and photometric studies, suggests [Fe/H]=-0.4 and [O/Fe]=0.25. The masses of the PN central stars in NGC 5128 from model tracks imply an epoch of formation more recent than for the minority young population from colour-magnitude studies. The PNe progenitors may belong to the young tail of a recent, minor, star formation episode or derive from other evolutionary channels.[Abridged]
Integral field spectroscopy of the LV2 proplyd is presented taken with the VLT/FLAMES Argus array at an angular resolution of 0.31x0.31 arcsec^2 and velocity resolutions down to 2 km/s per pixel. Following subtraction of the local M42 emission, the s pectrum of LV2 is isolated from the surrounding nebula. We measured the heliocentric velocities and widths of a number of lines detected in the intrinsic spectrum of the proplyd, as well as in the adjacent Orion nebula within a 6.6 x 4.2 arcsec^2 FoV. It is found that far-UV to optical collisional lines with critical densities, Ncrit, ranging from 10^3 to 10^9 /cm^3 suffer collisional de-excitation near the rest velocity of the proplyd correlating tightly with their critical densities. Lines of low Ncrit are suppressed the most. The bipolar jet arising from LV2 is spectrally and spatially well-detected in several emission lines. We compute the [O III] electron temperature profile across LV2 in velocity space and measure steep temperature variations associated with the red-shifted lobe of the jet, possibly being due to a shock discontinuity. From the velocity-resolved analysis the ionized gas near the rest frame of LV2 has Te = 9200 +/- 800 K and Ne ~ 10^6 /cm^3, while the red-shifted jet lobe has Te ~ 9000 - 10^4 K and Ne ~ 10^6 - 10^7 /cm^3. The jet flow is highly ionized but contains dense semi-neutral clumps emitting neutral oxygen lines. The abundances of N+, O++, Ne++, Fe++, S+, and S++ are measured for the strong red-shifted jet lobe. Iron in the core of LV2 is depleted by 2.54 dex with respect to solar as a result of sedimentation on dust, whereas the efficient destruction of dust grains in the fast microjet raises its Fe abundance to at least 30 per cent solar. Sulphur does not show evidence of significant depletion on dust, but its abundance both in the core and the jet is only about half solar.
Planetary nebulae expand on time scales of 10^3-10^4 yr. For nearby objects, their expansion can be detected within years to decades. The pattern of expansion probes the internal velocity field and provides clues to the nebula ejection mechanism. In the case of non-symmetric nebulae, and bipolar nebulae in particular, it can also provide information on the development of the morphology. We have measured the expansion proper motions in NGC 6302 from two epochs of HST imaging, separated by 9.43 years. This is used to determine the expansion age and the structure of the velocity field. We use HST images in the [N II] 6583{AA} filter from HST WF/PC2 and WFC3. The proper motions were obtained for a set of 200 individual tiles within 90 of the central star. The velocity field shows a characteristic linear increase of velocity with radial distance (a so-called Hubble flow). It agrees well with a previous determination by Meaburn et al. (2008), made in a lobe further from the star, which was based on a much longer time span. The pattern of proper motion vectors is mostly radial and the origin is close to the position of the central star directly detected by Szyszka et al. (2009). The results show that the lobes of NGC 6302 were ejected during a brief event 2250 pm 35yr ago. In the inner regions there is evidence for a subsequent acceleration of the gas by an additional 9.2 km/s, possibly related to the onset of ionization. The dense and massive molecular torus was ejected over 5000yr, ending about 2900yr ago. The lobes were ejected after a short interlude (the jet lag) of sim 600 yr during a brief event. The torus and lobes orig- inate from separate mass-loss events with different physical processes. The delay between the cessation of equatorial mass loss and the ejection of the lobes provides an important constraint for explaining the final mass-loss stages of the progenitor stellar system.
409 - A. Monreal-Ibero 2010
ABRIDGED: A detailed 2D study of the central region of NGC5253 has been performed to characterize the stellar and ionized gas structure as well as the extinction distribution, physical properties and kinematics of the ionized gas in the central ~210p c x 130pc. We utilized optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data obtained with FLAMES. A detailed extinction map for the ionized gas in NGC5253 shows that the largest extinction is associated with the prominent Giant HII region. There is an offset of ~0.5 between the peak of the optical continuum and the extinction peak in agreement with findings in the infrared. We found that stars suffer less extinction than gas by a factor of 0.33. The [SII]l6717/[SII]l6731 map shows an electron density (N_e) gradient declining from the peak of emission in Ha (790cm^-3) outwards, while the argon line ratio traces areas with $N_e~4200 - 6200cm^(-3). The area polluted with extra nitrogen, as deduced from the excess [NII]/Ha, extends up to distances of 3.3 (~60pc) from the maximum pollution, which is offset by ~1.5 from the peak of continuum emission. Wolf-Rayet features are distributed in an irregular pattern over a larger area (~100pc x 100pc) and associated with young stellar clusters. We measured He^+ abundances over most of the field of view and values of He^++/H^+<~0.0005 in localized areas which do not coincide, in general, with the areas presenting W-R emission or extra nitrogen. The line profiles are complex. Up to three emission components were needed to reproduce them. One of them, associated with the giant HII region, presents supersonic widths and [NII] and [SII] emission lines shifted up to 40km/s with respect to Ha. Similarly, one of the narrow components presents offsets in the [NII] line of <~20km/s. This is the first time that maps with such velocity offsets for a starburst galaxy have been presented.
125 - C. Szyszka 2009
NGC 6302 is one of the highest ionization planetary nebulae known and shows emission from species with ionization potential >300eV. The temperature of the central star must be >200,000K to photoionize the nebula, and has been suggested to be up to ~ 400,000K. On account of the dense dust and molecular disc, the central star has not convincingly been directly imaged until now. NGC 6302 was imaged in six narrow band filters by Wide Field Camera 3 on HST as part of the Servicing Mission 4 Early Release Observations. The central star is directly detected for the first time, and is situated at the nebula centre on the foreground side of the tilted equatorial disc. The magnitudes of the central star have been reliably measured in two filters(F469N and F673N). Assuming a hot black body, the reddening has been measured from the (4688-6766AA) colour and a value of c=3.1, A_v=6.6 mag determined. A G-K main sequence binary companion can be excluded. The position of the star on the HR diagram suggests a fairly massive PN central star of about 0.64,M_sun close to the white dwarf cooling track. A fit to the evolutionary tracks for (T,L,t)=(200,000K, 2000L_sun, 2200yr), where t is the nebular age, is obtained; however the luminosity and temperature remain uncertain. The model tracks predict that the star is rapidly evolving, and fading at a rate of almost 1 % per year. Future observations could test this prediction.
451 - Y. G. Tsamis 2008
(Abridged) Results from the first dedicated study of Galactic PNe by means of optical integral field spectroscopy with the VLT FLAMES Argus IFU are presented. Three typical Galactic-disk PNe have been mapped with the 11.5x7.2 Argus array: two dimensi onal spectral maps of NGC 5882, 6153 and 7009 with 297 spatial pixels per target were obtained at sub-arcsec resolutions and 297 spectra per target were obtained in the 396.4-507.8 nm range. Spatially resolved maps of emission lines and of nebular physical properties were produced. The abundances of helium and of doubly ionized carbon and oxygen were derived from optical recombination lines (ORLs), while those of O^2+ were also derived from the collisionally excited lines (CELs). The abundance discrepancy problem was investigated by mapping the ratio of ORL/CEL abundances for O^2+ (the abundance discrepancy factor; ADF) across the face of the PNe. The ADF varies between targets and also with position within the targets attaining values of ~40 in the case of NGC 6153. Correlations of the ADF with geometric distance from the nucleus, as well as with [O III] electron temperature, plasma ionization state and other physical properties are established. Very small values of the temperature fluctuation parameter in the plane of the sky are found in all cases. It is argued that these results provide further evidence for the existence in typical PNe of a distinct nebular component consisting of hydrogen-deficient plasma. The zones containing this posited component appear as undulations in the C II and C II ORL abundance diagnostics of about 2 spatial pixels across; any associated structures should have physical sizes of less than ~1000 astronomical units. We propose that circumstellar disks, Abell 30-type knots, or Helix-type cometary globules may be involved.

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