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Quantum spin liquids are long-range entangled states of matter with emergent gauge fields and fractionalized excitations. While candidate materials, such as the Kitaev honeycomb ruthenate $alpha$-RuCl$_3$, show magnetic order at low temperatures $T$, here we demonstrate numerically a dynamical crossover from magnon-like behavior at low $T$ and frequencies $omega$ to long-lived fractionalized fermionic quasiparticles at higher $T$ and $omega$. This crossover is akin to the presence of spinon continua in quasi-1D spin chains. It is further shown to go hand in hand with persistent typicality down to very low $T$. This aspect, which has also been observed in the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet, is a signature of proximate spin liquidity and emergent gauge degrees of freedom more generally, and can be the basis for the numerical study of many finite-$T$ properties of putative spin liquids.
The Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice predicts a paradigmatic quantum spin liquid (QSL) exhibiting Majorana Fermion excitations. The insight that Kitaev physics might be realized in practice has stimulated investigations of candidate materials, rec ently including alpha-RuCl3. In all the systems studied to date, non-Kitaev interactions induce magnetic order at low temperature. However, in-plane magnetic fields of roughly 8 Tesla suppress the long-range magnetic order in alpha-RuCl3 raising the intriguing possibility of a field-induced QSL exhibiting non-Abelian quasiparticle excitations. Here we present inelastic neutron scattering in alpha-RuCl3 in an applied magnetic field. At a field of 8 Tesla, the spin waves characteristic of the ordered state vanish throughout the Brillouin zone. The remaining single dominant feature of the response is a broad continuum centered at the Gamma point, previously identified as a signature of fractionalized excitations. This provides compelling evidence that a field-induced QSL state has been achieved.
Conventionally ordered magnets possess bosonic elementary excitations, called magnons. By contrast, no magnetic insulators in more than one dimension are known whose excitations are not bosons but fermions. Theoretically, some quantum spin liquids (Q SLs) -- new topological phases which can occur when quantum fluctuations preclude an ordered state -- are known to exhibit Majorana fermions as quasiparticles arising from fractionalization of spins. Alas, despite much searching, their experimental observation remains elusive. Here, we show that fermionic excitations are remarkably directly evident in experimental Raman scattering data across a broad energy and temperature range in the two-dimensional material $alpha$-RuCl$_3$. This shows the importance of magnetic materials as hosts of Majorana fermions. In turn, this first systematic evaluation of the dynamics of a QSL at finite temperature emphasizes the role of excited states for detecting such exotic properties associated with otherwise hard-to-identify topological QSLs.
Motivated by recent synthesis of the hyper-honeycomb material $beta$-$mathrm{Li_2 Ir O_3}$, we study the dynamical structure factor (DSF) of the corresponding 3D Kitaev quantum spin-liquid (QSL), whose fractionalised degrees of freedom are Majorana f ermions and emergent flux-loops. Properties of this 3D model are known to differ in important ways from those of its 2D counterpart -- it has finite-temperature phase transition, as well as distinct features in Raman response. We show, however, that the qualitative behaviour of the DSF is broadly dimension-independent. Characteristics of the 3D DSF include a response gap even in the gapless QSL phase and an energy dependence deriving from the Majorana fermion density of states. Since the majority of the response is from states containing a single Majorana excitation, our results suggest inelastic neutron scattering as the spectroscopy of choice to illuminate the physics of Majorana fermions in Kitaev QSLs.
We present the theory of dynamical spin-response for the Kitaev honeycomb model, obtaining exact results for the structure factor (SF) in gapped and gapless, Abelian and non-Abelian quantum spin-liquid (QSL) phases. We also describe the advances in m ethodology necessary to compute these results. The structure factor shows signatures of spin-fractionalization into emergent quasiparticles -- Majorana fermions and fluxes of $Z_2$ gauge field. In addition to a broad continuum from spin-fractionalization, we find sharp ($delta$-function) features in the response. These arise in two distinct ways: from excited states containing only (static) fluxes and no (mobile) fermions; and from excited states in which fermions are bound to fluxes. The SF is markedly different in Abelian and non-Abelian QSLs, and bound fermion-flux composites appear only in the non-Abelian phase.

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